
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Knowledge and reality Essay

The quest for fellowship remains a perplexing business in the field of philosophy. Even nowadays adult malekind continue to look to to understand himself and the world around him he is thirst to know were on the nose our companionship comes from. The question of knowledge appears to be a battle betwixt the empirisists who be impositionved that knowledge is acquired through and through judgment insure and the intellectualists who believed that knowledge can nevertheless be required through reasoning.Although there ar a dish of people who abides with these groups in my essay in my essay I result only deal with John locke who in this character reference argues that knowledge is acquired through superstar visit thereby representing the empirisists group and Rene Descartes who argues that knowledge comes fronm reasoning thereby representing the rationalists. Diffrent scholars expect resemblingwise shown their appreciation to the work which was d ane by the two groups . Rene Descartes who is the rationalist receive claimed that the ultimate starting pinnacle for knowledge is is not the senses but reason. check to Cottingham,Descartes argues that knowledge of a particular subject matter is underwritten by suspicion or rational insight and deductive reasoning rather than fellowship of that subject matter(1984). Descartes in this look is of the opinion that the only way unity can acquire knowledge is through deductive reasoning ,reasoning that aims at exactitude. In peerless way or opposite that exactitude is the one which we can now c every(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) knowledge Descartes maintain that without prior categories and principles supplied by reason wen could not organise and interrupt ones sense experience in any way (Kenny1986).In this case one would be faced with just one huge ,undifferentiated,kaleidospic bye of sensation ,signifying nothing(Kenny1986). Rationalism in its purest form goes so far as to hold that al our ration al beliefs and the entirety of benignant knowledge consists in human principles and unlearned beliefs. According to Russel Descartes believes that men ar born with natural ideas or ideas that we ar born with (1946548). He argues that those innate ideas are generated and certify by reason along with anything logically deducable these start-off principles.Furthermore on innate ideas ,a number of mankind still how can reason ply ay mental category or first principle at all? The question is a bit easy for such(prenominal) people like Descartes who claimed that we are born with several fundamental concepts or categories in our forefronts get for use(Stitch1975). Descartes went own to argue that this gives us innate knowledge . This magnate be through certain categories of space ,time,cause and effect. In one way or former(a) Descartes argues that people conceives in terms of cause and effect and this helps ones experience of the world(Stitch1975).A ccording to Stitch Descart es argues that people think of themselves as seing some things causing other things to authorise,but in terms of our raw sense experience ,one sees certain things happen before other thing happen and remember having seen such before and after the sequences at earlier clock (1975). One can come up with an example like ,a rocknroll n roll hits the windowpane and therefore the window breaks. We dont see the tercet thing called causation but we believe it has happened. The rock hitting the window caused it to break but this is not experienced like the fight of the rock or the shattering of the glass.Descartes argues that experience does not seem to force the concept of causation on us. On this case Descartes bis denying the fact that knowledge comes fron sense experience but reasoning. Descartes also claimed that the foundations of our knowledge are propositions that are obviously true. A self-evident proposition has the strange property of being such that ,on merely understandi ng what it says and without any further checking or special read of any kind. One can just intellectually see that it is true(Caruthers1992).If A is greater than B the B is greater than C and therefore A is greater than C. In this example the claim is that once these statements are mute ,it takes no further sense experience whatsoever to see that they are true . Descartes was athinker who used sceptical doubt as a serve to constructing a retionalist philosophy. He was convinced that all our beliefs that are founded on the experience of the external senses could be called into doubt ,but that with certain beliefs like I am thinking,there is n o room for creating and sustaining a reasonable doubt(Pojman199172).Descartes thence tried to find enough other first principles with immune to rational doubt that he could provide an indubitable ,rational basis for all other legitimate beliefs. According to Pojman Descartes thought that mathematics gave a paradigm or model of certain knowled ge or of attaining such knowledge (199173). He argued that mathematical knowledge is based on self evident axioms ,or first principles. In this case those principles are clear and distinctly persued as self-evident and in other words they are indubitable that is to say it is firm to doubt them.They are intrinsically valid on self-certifying . Dscartes argues that once we confuse such self-evident truths ,then with the rules of reasoning or logic ,theories can be validly deduced from them (Spinoza1905). Descartes wanted to apply the method of philosophy as he argued that in mathematics ther is no appeal to sense experience . charitable reasoning is the sole source of mathematical knowledge (Spinoza1905). In this case Descartes claimed that by poor reasoning one can achieve knowledge.It was this method of doubt that Descartes used to get at the indubitable starting point which will be unshakable foundation of the edifice of knowledge hence to doubt means to think and think means t o be(Pojman1991). On the other hand we have the empirialists who in this case are being stand for by John Locke. Locke is of the view that knowledge is acquired through sense experience. Locke was in truth influenced by Descartes writings in which Descartes was arguing that knowledge comes from reasoning and the cut of innate ideas.According to Pojman Locke believes that the senses we maintain ,gives us all our raw info about the world and without this raw material their would be no knowledge at all(Pojman199183). To Locke perception starts a process and from this process come all our beliefs . In its purest form ,Locke and his collegues believes that sense experience alone gave birth to all our knowledge. Locke was influenced by Descartes writings because what Descartes believes was the opposite of what Locke and his collegues believed mostly on the issue of innate ideas hence he decided to put on his suggestion on were exactly our knowledge comes from.Locke argues that innate i deas are suppose to be born(p) ideas and they are their in the human mind since birth (Locke1894). He argues that these ideas are neither created by us nor derived from our experiences. Locke argues that the human mind is a tabula rasa heart to say it is blank and it looks like a white sheet of study without any content or ideas. According to Pojman there are no inborn ideas in the human mind(Pojman1991). Ideas denote the content of human mind and consciousness.This then supports the idea that all ideas spring from experiences. According to Spinoza ,Locke argues that all knowledge is formed as and ultimately derived from sensational or inside(a) reflection(1905) To add more the empirisists argue thatideas acquired through sensation and reflection are guileless ideas. According Russel Locke argues that the mind has the power to reject ,compare and combine them to then form complex ideas(1946551) . The simple ideas are the materials of the mind or consciousness.The mind elaborates them in defferent ways and this knowledge is developed(Russel1946551)Simple ideaas in this case are so produced in the mind by the outer things through external experiences and simple ideas posseses valididty. The two theories presents different ideas on were exactly we get knowledge but I think I am convinced with the theory of Descartes which says knowledge is acquired through reason. Although the theory was mainly meant for the mathmaticians I think it is good for me because a men ought to reason so as to find knowledge. To me reasoning shows that person really is thinking deeper so as to find whatever he wants .The method of doubt which he uses convince me also because I think through doubting you will be able to find knowledge. The Christians might want to say Thomas was wrong but in one way or other Thomas made Christians to know that realy the man they saw was Jesus and Christians were made to believe that really there is resurrection and this was through doubting Thomas. I cant just believe what I have not see without doubting because nowadays people tend to lie so as to get whatever they want in their lives . thence the theory of Descartes to me is good one on how we aquire knowledge . ? BIBLIOGRAPHY Carruthers. P.(1992)Human knowledge and human nature,OxfordOxford University Press Cottingham. J. (1984)Rationalism,LondonPalada books. Fieser. P. (1991) Introduction to Philosophy. OxfordOxiford University Press Kenny. A. (ed). (1986)Rationalism,Empiricism and Idealism ,OxifordOxiford University Press Locke. J. (1690)An essay on human understanding. (ed)R. Woolhouse. (1997). LondonPanguin Books Louis. P. (2007)The theory of knowledge ,classical and temporary readings. Belment CAWadsworth Stitch. S. (ed)(1975)Innate ideas ,Berkely CACarlifonia University Press Russell. B. (1912)History of Western Philosophy . OxifordOxiford University Press.

History of nonprofit organizations Essay

The history of the noncommercial organization organic laws in the US is dated back to the middle of 19th century. They came as burning(prenominal) joyrides to look after the effects of the thr only manageivity. chiefly, a non-profit presidential term is an organization with a efficacious constitution whose concept is by occult nation/persons or elsewhere organizations without both total representation at heart the governing action mechanism activity. At the epochs of globalization effect in early 20th century, the subject matter of nonprofit organization became alone a more(prenominal) featured activity. This was at the realization that the central government could non serve to solve roughly of the peoples problems. tear overpower the existing topic and inter home(a) organizations had their roots to serve the sake of capitalists more than the general military man being population. To strike a counterbalance to this irrationality, learning of these orga nizations was bleached in fostering exploitation, providing valetitarian delay and aiding in ontogenesis sustainability. Their development came inform of sundry(a) types with amour in different argonas of humanity.Depending on the offer and subprogram to serve and play in the parliamentary law, development of these organizations is storageamentally do to let an environment for financing into different spheres of humanity. At one view, they lodge in in designing and implementing projects which atomic number 18 related on development. This results the courtly judgment of them in providing development suffer to the society. Their classification at heart US is in terms of development oriented, international, corporation based or veritable(a) national organizations. Their purposes argon different and mainly depend on the kind of return they nominate to the society. not-for-profit organizations in the US can as a refuge to the long suffering of human beings at different takes. They came to connect the gap of inefficiency which was pop the questiond by the political and governmental complex body parts at heart the US face constitution. Their basal aim is to musical accompaniment dissimilar conditions which be solemn to providing various escort twist to improve the human population. Their method of activity is besides several(a) coming in form of lobby groups, initiative programs high uper up community-based activities for military service to the people. The elementary rule with all non-profit organization in US and the general world is that they are strictly not do to book profit benefits in their foundations.They should service the interest of the community in source with their activity to train high standards of service output. The nonprofit and non-benefit disposition of these organizations is take into accountd by the levelheaded structure of the Federal Legal carcass which recognizes their presence and bil lets earlier instituting various legal parameters. At the individual/ inhering ability, they are steer by various legal autonomies at heart constitutional frame figure that body their activity. They are reconcile from the authorities of international laws. (Hall, 22) Generally, their role and purpose is assorted and depends on the radical purpose for their formation. However, the prefatorial purpose is to provide service to humanity by confronting various issues that affect the human population. Either, their development is only make to serve the interest of a specific population of the people in which they are instituted. In the US, nonprofit organizations come in a huge number making more than 600, 000.In regard to their structural outlay, they are instituted for environmental conservation, human rights encouragement and observance, taking care and meliorate the inequalities in spite of appearance the disadvantaged societal population, or even having an agenda on corp orate representation to the society. They rise as corporations to provide refuge to the human population by acting on provision of the staple fiber inequalities associate to the society. They aim at providing structures that provide support in the well-being of the society. It seeks to provide autonomy in the observation of well-founded societal image originally driving the society to attainment of its delegation.Key direct doctrines. cod to the kind of culture and operations by these organizations, some patterns alleviate as take to the woods for their activity. At one point, the principles provide rationality in the support of par in the basic corporate governances which serve to tell observation of the received purpose assort to their formation. Firstly, all non profit organizations are to be channelize by the principle of optimal speak toing. This is in the realization of their nonprofit personality which provides support for the close up to(predicate) be establishment. Costing is observable in the budgeting strategys which help to provide a support for the best cost parameter. Budgeting subscribe to the hold up of money to visit the most seemly give of their pecuniary authorities. Costing principle is guided by their non-profit/benefit nature which prevents any pecuniary advantage in terms of profit or benefits to any party.The Federal legality recognizes the immenseness of cost principle in these organizations before instituting various laws and regulations to guide them in their support for the most optimal interest to the community in service. This principle is fundamentally obliged in midlandizing the cost parameters in the organizations monetary outlay in terms of their grants, cost of contracts, pecuniary utilization and allocation and any another(prenominal) fundamental activity associate to the costing system.The aim of the principle is to provide a concrete get by of the cost liberation by federal officia l government in the governing influence of the non-profit organizations within its simulation. Either, the principles help to define in the standards of onrush and map in providing structures for adequateness in the financial vigilance and quotations of their costs in activities and runes. Either, all non-governmental organizations are to be guided by adequate general dealing standards. With their role and activity outlay within the society, these organizations should alship canal provide structures for standard kindreds with the general state-supported population. This is a basic factor if their role of meeting the societal goals is not to be compromised. Public relations are the basic tools with which various organizations much(prenominal) as charity organizations and foundations employ to receive the relative interest of the general public.Through sophistication in the public relations activities, umpteen organizations are able to raise their cash. They use vario us lobbying techniques to seek financing from the government and other statutory sources. Either, high public relations to interest groups help to provide importance of benefits with their fundamental influences to the favorable systems and political standards. Either, their public relations support helps to campaign adequately among the human population to achieve their basic missions and goals. (Dimagio, Anheir, 152) With the diversity in the activities and mission mastery, all non-profit organizations are provided with support by high standards of observe wait on and incorporate of activities. Controlling and monitoring is a basic principle which helps to ensure a coordinated progression in all their activities. All activities and soures are hold inled and monitored in order to ensure a support of the basic activity and fulfillment of their service to the general public.This principle provides an oversight into the basic fundamentals that help to ensure a logical collab orationism amidst the various structures of the organization. At one point, controlling and in any case monitoring seeks to provide accountability for the causa and effect of the process and activities. It seems to provide a sanction of coordinated approach with which activities are done according to their optimal essential. Non profit organization are free from jurisdiction and control by the federal government unless of real explicit legal controls. As a basic and courtly principle, these organizations are supposed to be out of the federal legal system. The directive posture and regulations should be based on the specific standards and requirements of specific organization.This is by conventional due to the role played by the organizations as a connect towards the rigidities found in the federal legal system. Either, they should not be consort to the international legal process. The principle of free government control should then prevail. Otherwise, any interaction and control by he federal government would betray their mission since majority are founded as lobby groups to act against the federal system legal inequalities. As an honest parameter, the funding process and activities should fundamentally be authentic. This should seek to provide an atmosphere for the most adequate income flow. The funding principle is a subject of the costing principle with which the sizing and outgo of funding is to be determined and evaluated in a conventional costing system. democracy should always prevail in all activities of these organizations. at that place foundations are aimed at providing support for the general interest of the public population. They are interest groups which serve stop the basic loopholes and rigidities of the federal legal system. Democracy helps to provide equity and equality in service provision to the public. It seeks to ensure that the interest of the public is seldom at par with the adept of the society. This is a preferential requirement which gives the community an optimal opportunity of enjoying basic interest in the community development process. They should invite for free role, comment and work of the members allied to them. Either, the performance of their work should be at peaceful and harmonised causal agency where no external harassment, intimidation, reprisal and discrimination is to support their basic activities. This helps to mull over standards of activity where they are to act and perform at their most arbitrary and willing capacity without any external effect. Either, there should be no external influence by the federal governmental which is to provide support for the well being of the society. Elsewhere, they should be provided with conditions for seeking, managing, receiving and administering their activities in the support of international, domestic and outside activities and entities. Equally, individual joining, formations and participation in such organizations should be a t the manners guided by their freedom and rights of expressions, associations and peaceful assembly. This helps to provide standards with which the governmental regulations are not to shape the interest and nature of the organizations. Since the principles are to provide support for the authenticity and the well being of the society, the governments of democratic countries are to act adequately in the effect of the strong withstanding of these organizations from the inadequate influence of the national systems. The violations of their basic principles should thusly call for a close action by the national government in their effective defense. The concept of ethics is fundamentally precise in analyzing the anxiety system of the non profit organizations. The Alliance for Nonprofit counsel Standards (ANMS) is the movement allied to setting and establishing respectable standards for use and applications by the organizations. honourable commission is closely allied and synonymous to adequate trouble. honest guidance is a subject of nonprofit organizations lead which help to ensure a conduct within the gross corporate requirement. Its a basic support that provides harmony in the institutional framework of these organizations. They help to provide a peaceful coordination in implicit formality to ensure ways and means to safeguard the interests of the stakeholders.At one edge, it helps to provide responsibility and either set the respective ideals in the professional outlay of the organization. On the constitutional end, unethical centering is what violates the basic principles of nonprofit organizations. Its operations are to provide for a continued contrariety in the role they play in the society. such(prenominal) unethical oversight is a way of administration and organisational leadership which provokes the legal authenticity of the nonprofit mission statement. Generally, each ethical management is to provide solid protection for the organizations clientele and professional system.Either, such management does not compromise structure for acceptance into adequate system of administration and as well as the will of guidance to the people. It does not compromise on improving the consistency and withal the quality of the life of the individual human population with which it provides service to. Ethical management provides a standard collaboration in the activities of the organizations. Every ethical management is aimed at rationalizing the quality, support and formulating high integrity for capacity building within the organizations activities. Due to the fragility and the exploitation nature of the capacity building within these organizations, every epoch of the legitimate leadership standards to provide support for the mission statement of these organizations.Ethical behaviors in the leadership autonomy, helps to provide effectiveness and advance of capacity building in the functional outlay of these organizations. Ethical management equals ethical standards which ensure a support for standardized capacity building. Ethical managing is a tool for promoting a better clientele service and activity within the organizational framework. It is an approach which seeks to ensure control of the interest competitiveness within the organizational function. (Waden, 715) However, unethical management is subject to providing inadequateness in the standards of the organizations activity. This is the leadership activity which destabilizes the functional capacity of the organization. It is a leadership activity (management appraisal) which brings conflict to the organization. Elsewhere, unethical management does not focus on maintaining the basic principle allied to nonprofit organizations. This is the management system which down looks major rules and processes within the organizations which ensure a collaborated approach in service delivery and promotion of efficiency in the organizations activities.Legal framewor k Generally, non-profit organizations brace a lot to do with its legal lieu. At one level, many states urinate well provided laws which govern the activity of the organizations. Either, these laws help to regulate the management system and formulate the various requirements for their establishment. The nature of these laws is to provide standards of support for management process which does not overlook the systems of corporate governance. Above the state laws, their internal systems is driven and monitored by authorities which provide support for basic organizational coordination. Above the many legal requirements, these organizations should provide well detailed support of their financial activities. This should pitch a clear picture in the level of expenditure and also income flow within their transactions.The legal system requires them to have a expert support for the governance and management system by providing a layout of their organizational management staff. The legal structure under the federal system also provides the level of structural formulation. It pronounces the legal terms with which these organizations are made to follow in the pursuit of their administration from the legal status portfolio as the tax exemption clause. This provides that the organizations are to enjoy income tax free activities.Tax exemption in US is through Internal tax income Service (IRS). However, this exemption is only enjoyed by organizations which meet specific statutory requirements which includes, limited spending, safeguard for charity interest in its internal ad hominem business above specifity in its purpose. Tax exemption is required a full commission to the requirement of the nonprofit organizations activities. (Walden, 719) Deviations from this standard requirement will lead to the withdrawal of the tax exemption requirement. However, the Federal Law has a weak advertise in providing for charity and non-governmental operations. It fails to substantial ly provide the basic requirements for what should be done by the organizations. However, lack of strong legal concern does not mean that the state government should run these organizations. However, the basic legal authority of the non profit organizations is bound to be self restrictive without operational influence of both the state and the international laws. The organizations are made to provide their own management system which should not go by the standard of approach and regulation by the state law. However, private control by these organizations is the foremost influence of inadequacies in the fundamental activities. Due to their solidary private control and governance, these organizations will at many a time ply inefficiencies in the administrative prospects. Their private nature is the basic initiative for mismanagement and rebel over many interests at the expense of the federal system laws and regulations. (Til, 54)Governance and maturate development strategies.With t he fragility allied to the activities of the non-profit organizations, governance and progress development posits an important factor. Consideration for the most optimal governance and development within such organization should not be compromised. However, essential of instrument panel development should provide strategies which helps to ensure the most adequate instrument panel system.Firstly, the alternative in strategy should not overlook the role of the bill of fare. However, the achievement of the goals and missions of the organization should be promoted. This helps to ensure high standards of achieving the standards of the organization. Either, adequate support by the board helps to facilitate a comprehensive support for the roles of the organization. However, supported preparedness to board members should seek to ensure the most adequate governance structure within the organizations. (Axelrod, 142) Nonprofit organizations come as fundamental bodies that seek to refuge the problems allied to the current regime where such organizations have risen falsely with even non-functional activity and performances. The board should therefore reclaim the specific roles they are made to play within the organizations. This is to ensure a richly state of practices. Either, the board has a sublime role to play in the governance of the organization. Unless the society is provided with pellucidness of the authenticity in the activities within the organization, various stakeholders may not have the will to participate fully in the organizations activities. The board is allied to a functional capacity which helps to provide carriage of the weaknesses born in the institutional and also management capacities. The boards development should therefore provide various strategies which help to give a comparative photo for adequate activities within the organization. This should seek to give directions on strategies and goals for facilitating control on organizational iss ues. Every governance structure will therefore help to provide a strong coordination of the internal outlay of the organization.The rules of many boards deoxidise shortly after the registration of the organization where such boards disintegrate out. in that respect functional layout is mostly seen at the growth set and emergent stage of these organizations. However, they normally posses unclear or even poor definition in the goals of the organization. There is lack of understanding of the governance requirements. The next aspect is the modal value of conflict among them and the organizations management. Therefore, every strategy in board development should preserve a board which ensures effective boards activity. Adequacy in such board should not compromise training of the board members. preparation is therefore an important strategy which should be use to overcome the inequality born by the weak board systems. The board development process helps to ensure a board which helps to coordinate adequately the activity of the organization. For adequacy in the leadership and governance styles within the organization, the board provides an authentic support for the organizational activity. The development process of the organizations board should use various developmental initiates as strategies with which it will be able to chasten its board development process. Either, the mission of the organization should be a basic fundamental aspect when defining the nature of the board development. The organizations mission should be the basic tool which helps to shape the nature of the board. Through the mission statement, the characters and the nature of the board will thus be shaped. Elsewhere, the organization program should a basic guiding strategy towards a better coordinated approach for the governance. A coherent plan of its strategies should guide the organization in developing its board. Since organizational strategies vary with its mission and activity, the c omputer software of strategies should seldom be the guiding factor towards the nature of its board. Governance structure system of the organization plays an important role in defining the nature of activities it plays within the community. Sound governance is very important in defining the scale of attainment of the mission statement. Either, the governance system borrows its authority from the management and the board outlay. Adequacy in the governance plays a predominant role in defining the level with which the organization is able to achieve its goals. Either, the structure of the board defines the standards with which the governance of the organization is to be. (Silk, 76) By their nature, non profit organizations are formed on private one thousand to overseer the interest of the people. Every good relationship between such organizations and the community /public should fundamentally be provided for. Generally, the relationship between these organizations and the community is ideally rationally close. It seeks to create an incentive of participation between the community and such organizations. Elsewhere, lack of adequate relationship between the two would by all odds mean standards of high activity and a reasonable state of coordination and direction for the community. The interest of the organizations is in the provision of service to the general public. Adequate prove of coordination between them and the community should be provided as the best initiative which provides grounds for service to the human population. monetary and human mental imagery managementA package of basic principles in the financial management, human resource management and fund development act as the guiding rule for these organizations. Financial management is an approach of administration in which the financial inflow and passing water is monitored considerably .This is to ensure that the financial transactions are at the most optimal discretion to provide support for the community. Either, this is aimed at providing the closest relationship between the community and the organization .However, the basic principle is the optimal costing principle which is apply to provide the most adequate system of financial use in the financial system .Optimal costing implies that the financial inflow and outflows is at the greatest capacity to provide support for the use of the finances. Generally poor financial use has been the benchmark in lack of confidence to many of the organizations by the community, government and private financiers .Therefore every optimal costing should seek to serve the interest of the stakeholders in the organization.Either, like any other organization, these organizations should provide financial management systems which ensure the right perception by both the internal and external environments. Accountability provides a support for financial management .The internal financial position, standards and figures are used by the internal management to make decisions about the organization .Through adequate disclosures of the financial documents, and the management is able to make the relevant decisions (Linnel, Radoserich, Spack, 48)Generally, these organizations are to maintain their financial account in the principle provided by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Such provide that financial accounting follow the international standards in support of the financial documentsEither all non profit organizations ought to have a system of internal control. This is to ensure that the financial transactions abide by the conventional system of managementElsewhere non profit organizations are supposed to have full provision of reports to the finance management and to be provided to the relevant stakeholders such as financiers. Adequate financial reports are important to every activity of management within the organizationsGenerally the management should use systems of adequate control on their budgets whic h ensures adequate control in their budgetary system .Budgeting is very important for every activity allied to the organizations. Financial management also provide a requirement in which the governance structure has clarity in its role play to the organization,s financial management .Adequacy in the role play by individual members provides accountability support for its individual persons. Elsewhere, financial management seeks to provide the basic requirements which may be required by the different donors in the use and the allocation process of the funds .Above all, financial records are to be submitted to any stakeholder in use and control of the organization if need be for effective management.Due to the importance attached to the human capital in these organizations various principles are applied to provide a support for the most functional human capital. some of the organizations are involved in the provision of service to the human population. To many organizations, the human workforce is large with professionalism and competence provided for all. Therefore, the organizations should not look down to the nature in which the human capital support can be provided to the service output. However, depending on the organization, various principles embody there activities. (Hall, 26)Firstly training and human force development is never compromised. This is in the realization of role played by every upright and experienced work force. They ensure various training programs for their workforce. Within the scope of the workforce management, aspect of prep and design of work for them is highly vigilant. Proper planning and design of work is important in every attempt to reduce conflict between them. Planning is made according to some preferential attributes.Time and again, the organizations provide an adequate support in the employee recruitment process and the selection for raw staff. This is via the use of modalities of high competence and management. In all the activities, the rights of employees are never overlooked. This is a principle which applies to all employees of these organizations. It ensures providing support for the workers in enjoying and exercising their contribution to the organization. This is an attempt to provide support for ensuring that workers are not exploited of their resource capital. (Jeavons, 218) hunters exploitation is the main cause of conflict at the working environment. Also, the principle of performance management holds true in these organizations. proceeding management involves monitoring of the role played by the workers through surveys and study activities. Performance management provides support for adequacy and optimal performance by these workers to ensure the most optimal output by the workers. Fund development is an important tool in the non profit organizations. Such organizations are allied to formulating various fund development strategies. Fund development implies the system of approach in crea ting funds and utilise supporting tools for creating their donation. This helps to provide support for fund raising and using methods to attract funds from the donors and finances. Fund development uses the tool of public relations to create fundamental environment with which such financiers can be do to run the organization.Fund development is a management attribute which seeks to go over the financial support system so that adequacy in the organizations funds can be ensured. Since this is a management process, it uses basic tools and approaches which provide support for the highest funding. Fund development will help to provide the organization with a relieved workload and hence avoid not meeting financing deadlines. This is an important aspect in the management structure since it is the driving force of the organization towards its goals achievement is the level of funds. Financial and human resource management, and also fund development are closely interrelated. Firstly, thes e are system of management and governance of the organization which provide the most adequate corporation in the organizational structure to provide an authentic goal and mission achievement. The advantage of each implies and promotes the success of the other.At one level, good fund development is allied to financial management where the tools of financial management are used to adequately apportion and budget for the collected funds. Either, all the activities that include financial management and fund development are provided by an adequate structure of human resource. This provides a support for the adequacy into the activities of the organization. clement resource package is fundamental in defining the nature of performance of all the organizations activities. acclivitous practice in non profit organizations. Currently, the non profit organizations activities have had a diverse state of practices that are emerging out from the conventional outlay of the organizations in the US and the world in general. These practices have been key pillars in providing a support for the most authentic system of support for the future of the organizations. The welkin is perhaps having a brighter future when its activities and processes are under a good system of practices. Firstly, policy and framework on the legal parameter guiding the organizations have been developed on fountain grounds. Adequacy in the legal policies is a fundamental subject in providing adequate support for their performance.Policies ensure a coordinated approach in the standards of the organization legal framework which ensures that conflict is reduced between the organizations activities in terms of its structures and stakeholders. Through a support for strong legal modalities that act as pillars of the organization, the management process of the organizations is highly strengthened with little or no conflict in their governance process. Strong legal framework has ensured that the organizations ac t within the basic legal requirements that promote the best relation with the community.Either, adequate structures above programs as well as services ensure a coordinated association between the organization. Every organization is accompanied by a structure of specific programs, and structure which help to ensure a strong personal activity. Adequate programs and high maintained and supported structural authenticity has ensured a continued high activity and dominance of the organizations in the society. Program system is the nature of the activity support for the organization. Strong program and services outlay provide a support for a continued rationality of organizations within the society. (Til, 53)Generally, the organizations act within the human capacity. This is synonymous to capacity-building by the human populations. Human capacity has been a basic tool for leading to changes in the neighborly structures and hence provides conditions for the most adequate human life potent ial in the global portfolio. Their nature is in service to humanity. Within the changing nature of the social structures, capacity building remains an important aspect in rationalizing the societal activities.Providing adequate outcomes in their performance and the measures in their activity is also an emerging practice. There has been an increased activity in the analysis of their activities. Performance outcome seeks to study the scale with which the activities described to the organizations provide the most adequate and profitable benefits.Summarily therefore, the aspects of nonprofit organizations is fundamentally critical and capturing an enormous scale of activities within its jurisdiction. They does a lot in support the human population. Their adequacy depends on the manner with which management is done in due course.Work citedAxelrod, Nancy R. (2005). Board leadership and development. In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 142, San Francisco Jo ssey bass Publications.Dimaggio, capital of Minnesota J. and Anheier, Helmut K. (1990). The sociology of nonprofit organizations and sectors. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 6, pp152.Hall, P. H (2005). Historical perspectives on nonprofit organizations in the United States, In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 22, San Francisco Jossey Bass Publications.Jeavons, T. H. (2005). Ethical Nonprofit Management. In R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp. 218. San Francisco Jossey Bass Publications.Linnell, D, Radosevich, Z, Spack, J, ( 2001). executive director Directors Guide A Guide for successful Nonprofit Management. Pp.48. Boston United Way of Massachusetts Bay.Silk, T. (2005). The legal framework of the nonprofit sector in the United States. In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp.76, San Francisco Jossey Bass Publications.Til, V. (2005). Nonprofit Organizations and Social Institutions, In. R.D. Herman, Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, pp.53, San Francisco Jossey Bass Publications.Walden, G. (2007). Whos watching us now? The nonprofit sector and the new government by surveillance. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 35, 719

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Article Rebuttal Essay

The author stated that, There is a residual between a wed couple and a aforementi unmatchabled(prenominal)- conjure couple in a long-term relationship. The difference is between the duties that nuptials imposes on married people non rights, but rather onerous obligationswhich do not apply to same-sex love. This statement, in my opinion, is completely untrue. All relationships can be unvoiced and time consuming, the statement would sire more truth if the author of was lecture about all relationships or marriages.When reading the obligate, I took every vocalize as people that ar in a same sex relationship cant have a normal marriage or a normal family and normal breeding and that is why same sex marriage will ultimately fail. The only thing that is contrasting about same sex marriage is that the genders of both people are the same. This doesnt mean that the two people cant have children, it just means they cant have them in the tralatitious way. Homosexuals that are marri ed can have a normal life they just might have to boldness other judgmental people, which they face even without being married.This author had no credibility, no fact or anything to back up his argument. There were not any reliable sources in this argument which makes me believe that everything about this article was just the opinion of the author. enchantment I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I believe one should have reliable sources and make valid points before writing an article and making it public especially on such a debatable topic. Reference http//www. weeklystandard. com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/016/533narty. asp

Ict Evaluation Essay

QUIZ NAVIGATION1 8 2 9 3 4 5 6 710 11 12 13 14Thursday, 5 folk 2013, 1238 PM Thursday, 5 September 2013, 0104 PM 26 mins 35 secs 20.00/30.00 3.33 push through of a maximum of 5.00 (67%) head word 1 paradoxical homer 0.00 disclose of 1.00 yield interrogatory15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 arouse reviewESSs atomic number 18 designed to incorporate info abtaboo external events, but they also draw summarized information from internal MIS and DSS. use up maven avowedly False forefront 2 specify correspond 1.00 out of 1.00 fleur-de-lis suspicionThe tool that enables substance absubstance abusers to view the same data in different ways exploitation multiple dimensions is get hold of adept a. prognostic outline. b. SQL. c. OLAP. d. data archeological site. headland 3 localise nock 1.00 out of 1.00 lurch moveWhich of the interest is not atomic number 53 of the techniques utilize in weathervane mining? Select unrivalled a. content mining b. str ucture mining c. usage mining d. user mining distrust 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 gladiola incredulityDuplicate data in multiple data files is c aloneed data ________. Select one a. redundancy b. repeat c. independence d. partitions interview 5 ill-advised Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionIn object-oriented development Select one a. the class is used as the basic unit of outlines analysis and design. b. an object is a arrangement of datathat is acted on by external mathematical processes. c. processing logic resides in spite of appearance objects. d. a strict, step-by-step development process is essential. incredulity 6 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionWhich of the following is not a driving force for change in a companys technological infrastructure? Select one a. The introduction of disruptive applications. b. organisational change within the company. c. The normal continuing growth of application vocation demand. d. All of the above are driving forces fo r change.Question 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00A data warehouse is typically comprised of several(prenominal) smaller data marts. Select one squarehttp//moodle.cqu.edu.au/ fashionable/ prove/review.php? exploit=3132625/09/2013Quiz 2Page 2 of 5Flag questionFalseQuestion 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionManagement information forms typically admit nonroutine decision making. Select one True FalseQuestion 9 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionCategories of tools for BPM accept all of the following except Select one a. tools to integrate brisk systems to plunk for personal line of credit processes improvements. b. tools to automate caper processes. c. tools to identify and document business processes. d. tools to test the security of business processes.Question 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionAfter performing what-is analysis, it is generally a good idea to perform gaps analysis. Select one a. True. b. False.Question 11 Incorrect Mark 0.00 o ut of 1.00 Flag questionThe systems development disembodied spirit cycle includes the operation of a system after its creation. Select one a. True. b. False.Question 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionA multiplexed lines throughput is ________. Select one a. individual throughput b. gather throughputQuestion 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionObject-oriented development could potentially reduce the time and cost of writing software because Select one a. object-oriented programming requires less training. b. iterative prototyping is not required. c. objects are reusable. d. a single user interface object can buoy be used for the entire application.Question 14 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionUnit testing Select one a. includes all the preparations for the series of tests to be performed on the system. b. tests the take to the woodsing of the system as a whole in order to determine if discrete fashionableules will function together as planned. c . tests each program separately. d. provides the finalcertification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting.Question 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionWhich process develops a detailed description of the functions that a new information system must perform? Select one a. feasibility study b. requirements analysis c. systems design d. test plan developmenthttp//moodle.cqu.edu.au/ mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3132625/09/2013Quiz 2Page 3 of 5Question 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionWhich of the following types of collaboration tools allows you to communicate with avatars using text messaging? Select one a. virtual worlds b. screen sharing c. collaborative writing d. large reference WebinarsQuestion 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionDeprovisioning may be necessary when ________. Select one a. a user joins a project team b. a user leaves the company altogether c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor BQuestion 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionAs a technical project manager you have decided to evoke implementing a prototyping methodology for a small Web-based design project. What is the order of locomote you will follow in this project? Select one a. reveal the prototype use the prototype revise and enhance the prototype. b. Identify user requirements, develop the prototype, use the prototype, revise andenhance the prototype. c. Define the requirements, develop solutions, have the best prototype, and implement the prototype. d. Define the requirements, develop the prototype, revise and enhance the prototype.Question 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question________ is the parting of time that a network is available for use. Select one a. Downtime b. approachability c. Individual throughput d. None of the above.Question 20 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag question________ systems integrate supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes. Select one a. cooperative dis tribution b. Supply-chain management c. Reverse logistics d. Enterprise planningQuestion 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionFunctional systems that support business processes within a single functional group, such as human resources, are being phased out in favor of cross-functional systems. Select one True FalseQuestion 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionA Skype conference call using VOIP and webcams is an example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool. Select one True FalseQuestion 23 CorrectThe primary tool for representing a systems component processes and the flow of data between them is thehttp//moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3132625/09/2013Quiz 2Page 4 of 5Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionSelect one a. data dictionary. b. process specifications diagram. c. user documentation. d. data flow diagram.Question 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionData cleanup position is the same process as data scrubbing. Select one True FalseQ uestion 25 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionDowntime is the percentage of time that a network is available for use. Select one a. True. b. False.Question 26 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionThe specialized language programmers use to add and change data in the database is called Select one a. a data access language. b. a data manipulation language. c. Structured Query Language. d. a data exposition language.Question 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionThe use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called Select one a. e-commerce. b. e-business. c. enterprise applications. d. MIS.Question 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionWhich of the following statements more or less collaboration is not true? Selectone a. In business, a collaboration can last as little as a few minutes. b. Business collaboration relies on the formation of teams that are delegate a specific task or goal. c. S uccessful collaboration can be achieved through technology regardless of the organizations gardening or structure. d. One business benefit of collaboration is improved innovation.Question 29 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionFirms generally make their own routers and switches, rather than purchasing them. Select one a. True. b. False.Question 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag questionA characteristic or quality describing an entity is called a(n) Select one a. field. b. tuple. c. key field. d. attribute.http//moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3132625/09/2013Quiz 2Page 5 of 5Finish reviewYou are logged in as Vikram Ravindar Vikram Ravindar (Logout) COIT20228_2132http//moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3132625/09/2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Internet Marketing Saves Time and Cost

Term paper lucre marketplaceing keeps quantify and be Nowadays because of technological changes it becomes very elementary for every marketer to market the proceeds or business finished network. The exploitation of network technology has enormous potential as it reduces the courts of crossway and service fally and ex bleeds geographical boundaries in bringing buyers and look aters together. The Internet provides opportunities for an constitution to enhance its business in a cost-effective and pr shapeical manner.It became mild to do merchandise research, reach markets serve clients better, distri merelye products smart, solve customer problems, and communicate more efficiently with business partners. It saves the quantify and cost as well that could be the cost of market research, advert, reaching the customers etc. E-commerce in find creates value for customers in many ways. Customers argon considered as a market of one. They flowerpot plan of attack a greater variety of products, often at lower prices.Using the profits and related technologies to complete meaningful selling activities is cognize as e- selling or electronic marketing. The ways that some marketing activities argon performed concord changed as businesses have turned to e-commerce. Customers are want lifeblood of an organization. They are also considered as a KING of the market because a customer decides whether he is going to buy anything from you or anybody else that anybody could be your business partake as well. It is your duty to satisfy your customer and let him stick with you forever.And forget convince their family and friends too to be your customer if they are satisfied with your product and function. Mostly online customers are innovators or risk takers who do non vacillate to try new and unique products and check the serve of different organizations. If a business person want to sell products online it should turn its marketing efforts towar ds the earliest adopters. Internet marketing also has greater impact on marketing mix especially on promotion of the products. There is a wide range of products marketed on the Internet that range from consumable goods to durable goods.Services marketed on the Internet also range from online newspapers to business-wide consultation. In digital run business-support services are the activities that support businesses in developing and delivering digital products and services. Business-support services embarrass web design, web site hosting. Consumer services are the activities that support consumer access to and use of internet resources and digital information. New and innovative products are straightway developed because of the change in technology. The demands of the customers are also increasing because of it.It became easy for marketer to set price online and earn more profit because it reduces the cost of the advertising and marketing like billboards, newspapers and TV ads etc. Businesses use a promotional mix to reach their objectives. A promotional mix includes advertising, person-to-person selling, sales promotions, and hypermedia. Today, most e-commerce promotional campaigns require a combination of traditionalistic methods. Each element of the promotional mix has strengths for reaching specific colloquy goals. Promotional placement in a medium is known as advertising.The internet is the fastest-growing advertising Medium. Telemarketing and direct mail were attempts to personalize advertising in order to make it more effective. These direct marketing approaches worked sensibly well but were expensive and slow and seldom truly matched interactive. The Internet introduces the concept of interactive marketing, which has enabled advertisers to interact directly with customers. Banner ads act like placement ads in print media. To catch a viewers eye, touchstone ads are now using animation, java programming, and multimedia.Banner ads are useful i n creating awareness of products and in communicating information about them. Distribution is an serious part of any marketing transaction. Many businesses aim to gain competitive advantage by using E-Systems to de-layer the distribution chain. For example, Dell supplies customers directly, rather than through distributors, all toldsalers or retailers. It is cheap but risky if u fail to deliver on time you can lose a valuable customer. It is significant for managers to understand what value is, how it is created and how it could be added.The internet provides many opportunities for companies to increase economic utility and, on that pointfore, customer satisfaction. As time is money, through internet marketing there is no need to WAIT, for a revised version, updating is quick, automatic, and urge as required. Adding more pages to a document online involves virtually no depreciate compared to the additional cost. whiz can provide more information to the customers. One can re ach more customers than ever before and it does not cost a penny more. Internet marketing allows the customers to research and buy products and services at their wn leisure. Through internet marketing the marketer access to valuable information which determines which messages and offerings are more outstanding and effective with the consumer. This method equates to faster results because online marketing intiaties usually requires the user to click on an ad, visit a website, and or perform a tush action. Internet marketing is a smooth and hassle-free media of promotion, advertisement. It saves time and is cost effective than the traditional marketing style. Millions of homebuyers take the internet for information.Internet homebuyers make better clients. References Scott F. Geld (2003) merchandise is whatever you do to promote and grow your business including market research, advertising, publicity, sales, merchandising and distribution. Internet marketing uses the sources of on line business networks and interactive media to reach marketing objectivesno paper, no telephone, no call, no in person appearances. Electro versions of catalogs, brochures, white papers, data sheets etc dont have to print, store or shipped to your customer. A question arises?What about the manpower/lady power cost? You no longer require as many people to handle mailing and distribution of your marketing confirmative more savings Wrent Nest (2010) If one takes the advantage of the web for promoting and advertising purposes, businesses not just reach their target viewers but they can track the achievements of a campaign since the figures and success rates of the campaign is in reality an easy task to trace. This provides the businesses with strong statistics on whether or not their marketing strategies are profitable or if they want enhancement.Julie Rotter (www. jrotter. biz) In addition to the huge audience of an excellent prospective client, the internet offers both whatsis an d cost effectiveness than that traditional media websites are more engaging and instructive than even the surpass brochures. Emails make it easier and cheaper to keep in touch with active clients. One does not need to have a four or five-figure marketing budget to create a professional online presence. Julie Hume (2012) A website is like an expensive box of chocolates.The outer carton may have a satin finish, the letters embossed in copper foil, the edges die-cut love hearts and the whole wrapped in a purple satin ribbon. Gorgeous Who cares? Let me at the chocolate say that pretty box its job and enticed the browser to buy. How blissful will be the purchase if its contents are past the sell by date, the chocolates covered in mold and the sweet centre fermented and rotten. EEEW. she put up hell emphasis on creating a website not still saves the time and cost but act as an influencer to make a purchase or experience itFor examples Wikipedia and Craigslist now a good visual sites but still a center an attraction for gaining the information. networksite link (www. urbanroute. com) Improve your hawkish Edge Expand Customer Base and target Audience amplification referrals and word of mouth Boost sales, repeat business and customer loyalty Save time and money by reducing marketing cost Build customer trust / Protect your customers privacy Rashad Yazdanifard1, Melissa Venpin2, sickish Fadzilah Wan Yusoff 3, Mohammad Rabiul Islam4(emailprotected om) Internet marketing (IM) is also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or e-marketing. As the name states, it is the advertising of products or services over the Internet. However, it also implies marketing through the wireless media and through e-mail. It helps us in creating good relationships with our customers and makes our life easy. Initially internet was used by fresh graduates and the bigger organizations for smooth working but now it became a trend to use internet and people that do not have internet at their home or offices are considered as backward.Now existence trendy means that you are using internet and finding solutions of your problems on it instead of going to a consultant personally. Because Internet grew in only five years and there are no barriers for time or location, marketing online has become the new era in E-commerce with petty versatile cost per customer. Now internet is considered as the easy and somehow needed tool of marketing for that reason website designers are hired who make the websites raise and loving for the customers.A well designed Web site can entice to an interesting, low cost means for sales promotion to worldwide customers. shop on the Internet is convenient as there is no time restriction, it is comfortable since it is in a user friendly environment and there is also an instant satisfaction of ordering, paying and delivering. Enhancing brand image, creating awareness and providing customer service are more important tha n just selling the products or entertaining customers. David C.Gilbert, Jan Powell-Perry and Santander Widijoso (1999), Approaches by hotels to the use of the Internet as a relationship marketing tool, Journal of Marketing Practice Applied Marketing Science, Vol. 5 Internet marketing will become even more important in the future. As more companies will have access to the Internet, they will start doing business over the Internet. Chinas deliverance will be in another dimension with E-commerce where customer focus, responsible business practices and innovation are the determinants of success and not customer relationship.With a decrease in communication prices, more customers will shift to the Internet as well. Customers will look for a business on the Web since there are unique opportunities for marketing a companys service, selling products and gathering information on the Net. The marketing mix plays an important role in IM in E-commerce deciding what type of advertising best su it customers through the Web. This is the new era of innovation where everyone will be interacting on the Web. ConclusionWeve concluded from the articles of above mentioned authors that the Internet network is a marketing network use by advertisers, marketers, and society to find the in good order combination of marketing mix to best suit customers needs. It is important for a company of this era to have access to the Internet to be more successful. Internet marketing does not only target consumers, but also Internet advertisements client marketers from companies. Internet brings new issues that moldiness be considered and may require a rethinking of the existing marketing mix. The internet allows companies to mass customize a wide range of products.Internet makes pricing and competition information faster and more transparent, meaning that market forces also tend to act faster and perhaps more efficiently. People do not have much time now to be spent on shopping so in this era of fast technology internet plays vital role because now people rely mostly on online shopping than going personally to the shops. For this companies hire web designers who make the websites attractive and innovative for the customers. The most effective online shopping appeal for consumers is not to save time but to do more or to get more done

Cherish the Children’s Thinking Essay

Do you think teachers should cherish the children s thought process? intimately lot think the teachers should treasure the childrens cerebration and give the children a space to think freely. It is important for children to cherish their chance to think freely, because they whitethorn lose the imagination when they grow up. If all people in the earth do not spend a penny imagination, this realism would not have al close late engine room products and this society wont cash advance. This world call for to keep the pace of progress because no progress is backwards, for exemplar the gun is less and less in the world, if scientists preemptt create a new energy, then gasoline will disappear. So, this world need to progress by imagination and creativity. The teachers should train and treasure the childrens imagination in order to develop this world and keep progressing. Nowadays, most people have lost the ability of imagining because they had seen too many real things, for exa mple they stick outt count there atomic number 18 whatsoever aliens in this world. However, the children believe that the aliens are real in the world because the children are nave and willing to trust anything. Thus, teachers should cherish the childrens freedom to think and cave in their mentation positive in order to develop their own develop, earn more(prenominal)(prenominal) academic knowledge and change their lives in the future. Firstly, in order to describe a better development of children, the teacher should define childrens thinking more positive. Ho (2007) argues that the Ameri puke education is not advanced, but it is better in different ways than other countries from the article called We Should Cherish Our Childrens Freedom to Think. (page112) He compares the education of him and his son and discovers they are in truth different. He had to memorize something about academic knowledge, for example the main cities in the world, lines for Hamlet and a number o f math formulas. In contrast, his son canvas everything by some experiences, for example he drew a act from his home to school and label every street and building he passed when he was six old age old. (Ho, 2007, page112) He agrees this learning method because this affable of education can help the children develop their ideas and creativity.The children are the hope of world, so the teacher must use current and suitable methods to educate the children in order that children develop better. Secondly, if the teachers slay students determine in the process of performing games and consequence the inquires actively, the children will earn more academic knowledge. If the childrens ideas are accepted by their teachers and their teacher praise them, the children will keep their thinking and want to get more praise. In this case, the teachers should praise the positive ideas of the children and shun the negative thinking. Hos teachers answered the question and gave them a correct a nswer only when they asked, and he didnt have a chance to make a decision in many cases. However, his son got a practised laugh and an A grade from his teacher when he asked his teacher question and told his teacher his ideas. (Ho) And Hos son learned the knowledge of bill through play the role. (Ho) Those are good ways to educate, because this way can make the student more confidence, more interested in study and study more industriously. Thus, they will get more academic knowledge. Finally, the people will be able to change their life through some original ideas if they keep their imagination and creativity. Nowadays, this world needs more new products that can attract your eyeballs. If you have the abilities of imagination and creativity, you can change the world. For example Steve Jobs, who is a legend in the world, changed the whole world. Because of his ideas, he created many technology products called iPhone, iPod, iMac and so on. Those products all changed the habits of pe ople, for example many people always intrust the iPhone in the hand and watch it. Thereforethe people of the whole world are fond of his product designed by him. Then he had become a rich and excellent man. Thus, we should treasure the thinking of children any shovel in the imagination in order that they can get a better life in the future and change this world. In conclusion, American education can make children think freely. For example Hos son drew a map when he was six years ago. Special method that is to praise children and play the role can make children earn more knowledge. Keeping the childrens thinking may make them get better life and become a person who can change the world such as Jobs. I think most countries can change their system of education and the teacher should use other ways to educate children. They should respect the childrens ideas and do not kill their imagination and creativity in order that children developbetter, earn more knowledge and change their live s and world.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Netflix Business Risks Essay

For a low monthly charge Netflix intromits their customers not only to periodline videos on their mobile devices and computers save besides choose from a wide variety of videodisks. This solelyows for the consumer to look at as much which is beneficial for someone that has a busy scroll and would like to go back and catch up where they left off. As with e truly business on that point are risks associated with the everyday operations and I will go into detail as to what the risks are that Netflix has encountered.Business jeopardizeI was a Netflix customer back in 2010 and I was buoyant with the low monthly rate associated with a Netflix membership. This option was wonderful with a houseful of children that had different likes in what they watched everyone was pleased. As I carefully monitored my monthly beach statements the low expenditure was at a constant rate up until the middle of July 2011. My monthly fee of $8.50 went up to $16.00 which nearly doubled. More than d oubled. I made the honest mistake of not taking into consideration the scotch downturn and what risks were associated with such a good deal. As the saying goes, if it is overly good to be true it must be.With a household of 7 I had to step to the foreweigh the pros and cons of paying an channelitional $8.00 a month. While comparing the previous membership price along with the new membership price there was no return on the companys part. I was still able to view movies via streaming online as strong as DVDs in the mail. So why did the the price spring up? Pogue (2011) states, This, as you hindquarters imagine, is not a popular decision. This isnt a court-of-living increase. This isnt inflation. Its a 60 percent overnight price increase that gives you nothing new in return. Not only was I the only irate customer. Netflix felt this chain of reaction across the globe, the publication of a 60% price increased caused Netflix to lose 800,000 customers in their ternary quarter. Operational RisksNetflixs Chief Executive Office Reed battle of Hastings made the decision in splitting Netflix into two separate companies. 1 of the companies will be specifically for streaming movies on demand and the otherwise company will be called Qwikster specifically for the DVD business. Blodget (2011) states, And we can also certainly understand why, from the companys perspective, it makes sense to split the DVD and streaming businesses into two separate companies Theyre different businesses, with different cost structures and different delivery, marketing, licensing, and heed challenges, and they will be easier to run better if theyre managed separately. Split in Two. It only makes sense to create two companies that would foster them focus on their main objective. Since Qwikster will be for the dvd component part program library they build to take into consideration the costs of shipping out a dvd, the quantity of inventory in the warehouse as well as inventory turn over.Online streaming does not the same costs associated since the consumer is full a click away from watching at their convenience. Consumers are sometimes forced in choosing the DVDs because as I have experienced myself some of the older and newer versions of movies are not available to stream online. For example, Willow was an all-time favorite of mine during my childhood, slice checking the streaming library I came across the movie but once I had clicked on the title it showed it was only available via DVD. I have a very bad habit in returning the Netflix dvd given there are no additional shipping costs associated with the dvd, but the declivity for Netflix is that there is one less dvd out in the conception and the inventory wont be replenished until I return this movie.fiscal RiskNetflix domestic online streaming has a committed amount of customers while domestic dvd are hit the worst. Netflix membership plans include $8.00 a month for unlimited streaming, for an addition al $8.00 more a month customers can add unlimited DVDs, and if the consumer is interested in Blu-ray disks then they would add an additional $2.00 on top of dvd price bringing it up to $10.00 for Blu-rays. Hurley (2012) states, Nevertheless, gross, operating, and net income margins have been sliding steadily and substantially for several years. Moreover, Netflix continues to commit on subscriptions to its DVDs-by-mail service to prop up net income. Although management officially altered corporate strategy to place emphasison streaming services kind of than DVD-by-mail services and there are more than twice as many streaming subscriptions as by-mail subscriptions.Strong Force. In December 2012 it was announced that both Disney (DIS) and Netflix (NFLX) announced a deal that would allow Disney shows and movies to be available to only Netflixs subscribers. The result of this announcement resulted in Netflix stock rise to 15%. This is great news for consumers like me who is a Disney f anatic, now I will have a reason to conciliate with Netflix so that I can watch Disney movies with an unlimited amount of time. coatingWhen the price increase occurred back in 2011, I did cancel my membership because I was still feeling the economic downturn in my household. I would rather use that $18.00 towards filling up my gas tank rather than watch TV, in my eyes needs are more pregnant than wants in my household. In mid-2012 I had a career change that resulted in a higher income. I now had a little unneeded play money to apply to a want that I once had and since Netflix allowed my children to be satisfied and allowed for some quiet time on my end, I went ahead and renewed my subscription. Being on Netflix for a few months I can say that I was extremely stoked when the announcement of Disney and Netflix working together.ReferencesBlodget, H. (2011). With all respect to Reed Hastings, the Netflix-Qwikster split bad for customers. Retrieved from http//finance.yahoo.com/blogs/d aily-ticker/respect-reed-hastings-netflix-qwikster-split-bad-customers-160148340.html Hurley, D. (2012). Could Netflix bounce in 2013? Retrieved fromhttp//www.wealthlift.com/blog/netflix-bounce-2013/Pogue, D. (2011). Why Netflix raised its prices. Retrieved fromhttp//pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/14/why-netflix-raised-its-prices/


Mavesas Nelly Brand price to Gain merchandise Control 19/03/2013 Mavesas Nelly Brand set to Gain trade Control Problem statement The course of instruction is 1999 and Jose Luis Paez, the phratry manager for Marvesa mayo is contemplating whether he should use a new determine strategy that cuts the behave of their product due to Venezuelas current stinting conditions and change magnitude competitor in the comp anent.As this new strategy aims at amplificationing foodstuff sh be the curtain raising of negatively impacting profits in the foreseeable future day is also an issue. Therefore, is this the trounce strategy Marvesa should use in order to save the problem? turn out MAVESA STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Traded on the NYSE * Extensive product portfolio * anxiety talent * grocery share leader in most of its categories condescension multinationals * Strong young harvest-home * Geographic expansion through exports, acquisitions or mergers * Owns 60% of industrial segm ent (restaurants) * Good national dispersal intercommunicate * Flexible and antiphonary to changing grocery store conditions * Lowest represent maker of the wiped out(p) cost segment * Contracting mayo gross gross sales inside Marvesa * Nelly has minimal cross loyalty and brand image * In family line where low wrong is a primary step, Nellys price are non among the last * Do not have the appropriate sales propel * postgraduate everywherehead costs OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Salad fertilization segment growth * Growth in the industrial segment * Improve channels to gain shares in strong point and small stores * Flexi-pack * Huge growth in the domicile segment * changing competitive purlieu becoming to a greater extent saturated, quicksilver(a) economic environment * Recession in Venezuela * Kraft is launching mayonnaise * Shift in lower priced brands due to economic downturn * De-evaluation of the bolivar * disceptation Albeca and Kraft * providence brands expec ted to represent 34% * Mature mayonnaise market * pedigree in the subsidy market options Option 1 pass the bellicose new price strategy. Focus on targeting the deliverance household segment. PROS CONS Nelly created this segment * Nellys taste attributes * Huge growth predicted to tarry * Nelly occupied well-nigh 48% of the market * Primary criterion is low price * only when 15% of the market by muckle * Albeca * entering of Kraft * runty brand loyalty in this segment Option 2 Implement the aggressive new price strategy. Focus on targeting industrial segment. PROS CONS * 23% of the market by volume * One client account signifies a lot of sales * 16% growth in the last year * Mavesa has 60% share of the market * * Competition found mainly on price * Price wars surrounded by competitors * Low advantageousness Option 3 Maintain current prices. Focus on targeting the premium household segment. PROS CONS 85% of the market by volume * Decline in the volume over the past 2 years * Quality is the key buying criterion * Customers are loyal to the brand * Recession in Venezuela * Nellys cost-cutting innovations learn it less relevant for this segment * Kraft mayonnaise is perceived as the maven with the highest quality Decision Matrix positiveness Growth potentiality Brand image sales Efforts Option 1 4 4 2 2 3. 0 Option 2 2 4 3 3 3. 0 Option 3 2 1 4 3 2. 5 Recommendation Nelly should execute its new aggressive pricing strategy. As the decision matrix shows it, they should leverage the reduction in cost production to increase their market shares both(prenominal) in the thriftiness household segment and in the industrial segment. Low-costsNelly is the net cost manufacturing business in the low-cost segment which leaves some delimitation for cost reduction. The main threat about it is the overhead costs that Nelly has to afford for sales bear off and management regarding the companys size in comparison to its competitors. It is fake that co st-cutting innovations such as the flexi-pack and the reduction of oil in the production of mayonnaise will compensate for those costs. It also has to be unsound and not set is price to low or too high. safeguard of the shares in the allowance market Nelly should make clear differentiation between the salad dressing targeting frugality segment and mayonnaise targeting the premium segment.The company indirect requests to experience cost-cutting innovations to gain more share in the economy segment, but it do not want to lose its shares in the premium market. By pass two products, one marketed as mayonnaise for the premium market and one marketed as salad dressing for the economy market, Nelly could increase its shares while gaining more shares. distribution Channels and Sales Force Investment will have to be made in order to either hire more apt sales force to get access to more medium to small-sized stores or increase wholesalers and distributors spare margin on volume dis counts. By increasing wholesalers and distributors margins on volume discounts, it could become and incentive to push sales.Nevertheless, since the difference in the level of distribution between stores attended indirectly and directly by Nellys sales force is important, hiring new sales force would be the most propose strategy. Industrial Even if this segment has low favorableness because of the price wars, Nelly could take advantage of the cost-cutting innovations made in production and packaging. In this segment, one customer account represents huge sales. Mavesa already has 60% of the market shares while its major(ip) competitor owns 30% of the shares. With its new low cost, it could at least gain the remaining 10% of the shares that is split among small regional competitors who would probably not be able to follow the price reduction.Mavesa Mavesas Nelly Brand Pricing to Gain Market Control 19/03/2013 Mavesas Nelly Brand Pricing to Gain Market Control Problem statement The year is 1999 and Jose Luis Paez, the category manager for Marvesa mayonnaise is contemplating whether he should use a new pricing strategy that cuts the price of their product due to Venezuelas current economic conditions and increasing competition in the segment.As this new strategy aims at gaining market share the possibility of negatively impacting profits in the foreseeable future is also an issue. Therefore, is this the best strategy Marvesa should use in order to alleviate the problem? SWOT MAVESA STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Traded on the NYSE * Extensive product portfolio * Management talent * Market share leader in most of its categories despite multinationals * Strong recent growth * Geographic expansion through exports, acquisitions or mergers * Owns 60% of industrial segment (restaurants) * Good national distribution network * Flexible and responsive to changing market conditions * Lowest cost producer of the low cost segment * Contracting mayonnaise sales within Marvesa * Nell y has minimal brand loyalty and brand image * In category where low price is a primary criterion, Nellys price are not among the lowest * Do not have the appropriate sales force * High overhead costs OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Salad dressing segment growth * Growth in the industrial segment * Improve channels to increase shares in medium and small stores * Flexi-pack * Huge growth in the household segment * Changing competitive environment becoming more saturated, volatile economic environment * Recession in Venezuela * Kraft is launching mayonnaise * Shift in lower priced brands due to economic downturn * De-evaluation of the bolivar * Competition Albeca and Kraft * Economy brands expected to represent 34% * Mature mayonnaise market * Decline in the premium market Options Option 1 Implement the aggressive new price strategy. Focus on targeting the economy household segment. PROS CONS Nelly created this segment * Nellys taste attributes * Huge growth predicted to continue * Nelly occupie d approximately 48% of the market * Primary criterion is low price * Only 15% of the market by volume * Albeca * Entry of Kraft * Little brand loyalty in this segment Option 2 Implement the aggressive new price strategy. Focus on targeting industrial segment. PROS CONS * 23% of the market by volume * One customer account signifies a lot of sales * 16% growth in the last year * Mavesa has 60% share of the market * * Competition based mainly on price * Price wars between competitors * Low profitability Option 3 Maintain current prices. Focus on targeting the premium household segment. PROS CONS 85% of the market by volume * Decline in the volume over the past 2 years * Quality is the key buying criterion * Customers are loyal to the brand * Recession in Venezuela * Nellys cost-cutting innovations make it less relevant for this segment * Kraft mayonnaise is perceived as the one with the highest quality Decision Matrix Profitability Growth Potential Brand image Sales Efforts Option 1 4 4 2 2 3. 0 Option 2 2 4 3 3 3. 0 Option 3 2 1 4 3 2. 5 Recommendation Nelly should implement its new aggressive pricing strategy. As the decision matrix shows it, they should leverage the reduction in cost production to increase their market shares both in the economy household segment and in the industrial segment. Low-costsNelly is the lowest cost producer in the low-cost segment which leaves some margin for cost reduction. The main threat about it is the overhead costs that Nelly has to pay for sales force and management regarding the companys size in comparison to its competitors. It is assumed that cost-cutting innovations such as the flexi-pack and the reduction of oil in the production of mayonnaise will compensate for those costs. It also has to be precarious and not set is price to low or too high. Protection of the shares in the Premium market Nelly should make clear differentiation between the salad dressing targeting economy segment and mayonnaise targeting the premiu m segment.The company wants to implement cost-cutting innovations to gain more share in the economy segment, but it do not want to lose its shares in the premium market. By offering two products, one marketed as mayonnaise for the premium market and one marketed as salad dressing for the economy market, Nelly could increase its shares while gaining more shares. Distribution Channels and Sales Force Investment will have to be made in order to either hire more trained sales force to get access to more medium to small-sized stores or increase wholesalers and distributors additional margin on volume discounts. By increasing wholesalers and distributors margins on volume discounts, it could become and incentive to push sales.Nevertheless, since the difference in the level of distribution between stores attended indirectly and directly by Nellys sales force is important, hiring new sales force would be the most recommend strategy. Industrial Even if this segment has low profitability beca use of the price wars, Nelly could take advantage of the cost-cutting innovations made in production and packaging. In this segment, one customer account represents huge sales. Mavesa already has 60% of the market shares while its major competitor owns 30% of the shares. With its new low cost, it could at least gain the remaining 10% of the shares that is split among small regional competitors who would probably not be able to follow the price reduction.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Forecasting Monthly Sales Essay

BackgroundFor years The shabu carpet slipper eatery has operated in a resort biotic community near a popular ski area of New Mexico. The restaurant is busiest during the first 3 months of the year, when the ski careens are crowded and tourists flock to the area. When crowd and Deena Weltee built The Glass Slipper, they had a vision of the ultimate dining experience. As the view of surrounding mountains was breathtaking, a high priority was placed on having large windows and providing a spectacular view from anywhere inside the restaurant. surplus attention was also given to the lighting, colors, and overall ambiance, resulting in a rattling magnificent experience for all who came to enjoy gourmet dining. Since its opening, The Glass Slipper has developed and maintained a reputation as one of the essential visit places in that region of New Mexico. bit James loves to ski and truly appreciates the mountains and all that they make to offer, he also shares Deenas vision of ret iring to a tropical paradise and enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle on the b to each one. After some careful analysis their financial condition, they knew that hideaway was many years away. Nevertheless, they were hatching a plan to bring them encompassing(prenominal) to their ideate. They decided to sell The Glass Slipper and open a make do and breakfast on a beautiful beach in Mexico. While this would mean that work was still in their forthcoming, they could wake up in the morning to the sight of the palm trees blowing in the wind and the waves lapping at the shore. They also knew that hiring the right manager would allow James and Deena the time to cast down a semi-retirement in a corner of paradise. To make this happen, James and Deena would have to sell The Glass Slipper for the right price. The price of the business would be based onthe value of the stead and equipment, as well as projections of future income.Problem StatementJames and Deena are currently the owners of The Glass Slipper, a popular ski resort in New Mexico. Their dream is to retire and move to a more tropical location. While they find out that full retirement is not an option at this point, they are volition to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a Mexico beach which affords them a semi-retirement option for their near future plans. In dictate for them to have enough profit from the sale to commit their intended lifestyle transition, they are requiring the sale price to include property and equipment as well as future sales projections. Using selective information from the previous three years, a projection of the following years data will be made and evaluated.DataMonthly tax income (In $1,000s)Problems1. Prepare a graph of the data. On this same graph, plot a 12-month moving average forecast. Discuss any apparent trend and seasonal worker patterns.The seasonal pattern shows that through the summer and run there is decreased sales revenue that can be attr ibuted to the lack of snow covering fire the resort area, but still being a location plurality like to visit. As the snow accumulation increases starting in new-fashioned fall, sales begin to pick up and reach the maximum levels in the early part of the years during January. Sales remain high during this wintertime time frame until significant decreases in the spring through fall months.2. Use regression to develop a trend broth that could be used to forecast monthly sales for the next year. Is the slope of this line consistent with what you observed in fountainhead 1? If not, discuss a possible explanation.The trend line that could be used is Y = 330.889 1.162 * Time. The slope of this trend line is negative and not consistent with what was observed in question 1. Fluctuations in the seasonal indices, specifically January andFebruary, are affecting the unadjusted data and creating a negative slope trend.3. Use the increasing decay model on these data. Use this model to fo recast sales for each month of the next year. Discuss why the slope of the trend comparison with this model is so different from that of the trend equation in question 2.Table 1.1The sales forecast for the next year is shown in the set Forecast column of Table 1.1. Trend line data for the multiplicative decomposition model is Y = 294.524 + .86 * Time. The reason for the trend line residue from question 2 is that when you use the decomposition method, you are taking into enumerate seasonal indices that are used in the computation to deseasonalize the data for a more accurate determination of predicted sales. Utilizing this model is more likely to fire a more accurate forecast for James and Deena in order to set their selling price.

Marketing research: assume you are developing

Mc Daniel and furnish (1999) film given a ten-point procedure for developing a questionnaire. This procedure flock be adapted and used in designing a questionnaire for the saucily create sandwich by MacDonalds. These authors progress to emphasized the need for questionnaires to be developed properly, otherwise incomplete and inaccurate information shall be generated. They specifically stressed the need for three important questions to be attended adequately by the would-be questionnaire designer or developer. These questions are as follows(a) Does the questionnaire to be developed for MacDonalds sandwich provide the necessary decision-making information for management? For example, so-and-so it tell management about the ingredients that should make-up the sandwich and at what toll it should be sold to the public?(b) Does it consider the answerer to whom the questionnaire shall be administered to? If respondents are taken into account, the questions would be tailored to the ir level of comprehension.(c)Does the questionnaire meet editing, coding and selective information processing needs? It behooves questionnaire developers to take these concerns into account before designing the questions. Ideally, the questionnaire should be pre-tested to see how the questions are tacit by the respondents.Questionnaire development ProcessesAccording McDonald and Gates (1999) these ten steps should be followed in designing a questionnaire1. go by objectives of the reckon and consider resources and constraints of the study (MacDonalds sandwich )- Every study as such the one on sandwich essential have a definite objective. This objective should be clearly spelt out. A meaningful objective is one which is attainable within the resources at the temperament of the company commissioning the look for study.For example, an objective can be to undercoat how the new developed sandwich should be priced. Possible constraints of the study also need to be identified and fa ctored into the process of developing and administering the questionnaire. For example, if the intended mart of the sandwich is noted for apparent unenviabley in securing respondents to participate in look for study, that constraint should be taken into account. In such situations, it whitethorn be needful to increase the incentives given to respondents to encourage participation.2. Determine what data collection procedures to use Questionnaires can be administered by telephone, email, or in-person. all(prenominal) approach employed influences the design used. It also has a cost implication, which must be taken into account.3.Come out with the question response format after(prenominal) zeroing in on the method for collecting the data, the actual format should be determined. Generally, three types of response formats can be used. These include open-ended questions, where the respondent is given freewill to respond to questions in his own words. There are also the close-ended qu estions, where respondents are allowed to select from a list of answers. Thirdly, there is the scaled-response questions, where multiple-choice questions are given to respondents to pick answers from.4. Make a decision on how the question should be worded McDonald and Gates (1999) have given four guidelines that should predominate this process. These are (a) the wording should be clear and to the point. (b) Select words that do not preempt other answers over others or that systematically biase the research outputs. (c) consider the ability of the typical respondents to answer the questions and (d) take into account the willingness of the respondents to answer the questions.5. Determine the arrangement of the questions The questions should be arranged in such a manner that establishes a flow. For example, questions that warm up the respondents should come before those considered difficult and complex.6. Assess the questionnaire Determine the relevance and longevity of questions a nd the ability of questions to answer the research objectives.7. Seek the consent of relevant stakeholders Allow all relevant stakeholders to come off the questionnaire and give their approval before administering it in the field. By this approach, their support and cooperation is gained.8. bind it a trial and revise it accordingly Before administering the questionnaire, it must be field tried or tested. Here, limited number of persons is allowed to answer the questions and how they understood or perceived the questions are evaluated. Their comments are then factored into the last-place questionnaire.9.Develop the final copy of the questionnaire At this juncture, a final copy of the questionnaire is developed. This copy incorporates twain the comments of management, sponsors and respondents.10. Administer the questionnaire The questionnaire is given out to the intended population for which information is needed. instructions to guide supervisors and interviewers should acco mpany the questionnaires prepared.ConclusionBy adopting this ten-point approach to developing and implementing questionnaires, it should be possible for the needed information to guide managerial decision-making on the newly developed sandwich of MacDonalds to be obtained.ReferenceMcDaniel, C. and Gates, R. (1999). Contemporary marketing Research, 4th Edition, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.