Friday, May 31, 2019
Deep Ecology And Religion Essay -- essays research papers
Through this portion of class readings and discussions, we have sought of lateer marrow and understanding of philosophies of mortals and organizations that revolve around the fundamental aspects and notions of deep ecology and eco-activism. These associations offer more views and attitudes on how an individual and society can create and maintain a kinship and corroborative influence with the natural environment.Like deep ecologists view on the metaphysical relationship of man and nature. Eco-activists contend to a belief of ecology as religion(Kinsley 193). They take their duty with the environment as a deeply spiritual, physical, and emotional connection. Specifically, an environmental-action group called Green Peace, brings forth a new term called planetary sentience(Kinsley 199). This consciousness parallels the views of deep ecologists by means that they believe and affirm the inter-dependence and significance of all living things.This planetary consciousness outlines and p roclaims that individuals and society must learn to respect the entire earth as an integral and animated system, this respect must equal the respect each individual shows themselves. This view is reasonable and valid and allows adult male a more intimate, religious, and personal vantage of the living world. However, the application of this lifestyle and relationship to the majority of society seems inconceivable. Since gentleman cannot even maintain an intimate relationship with another individual, for instance the ever-increasing rate of divorce and separations in marriages. This matrimony has been viewed as sacred throughout the history of philanthropy yet infidelity and divorce remain severely high. While societys view of nature, as a revered and animated character is notwithstanding frequently unfamiliar and unpracticed. Therefore, it seems implausible for immediate action to occur because based on the history of mankinds slow and inflexible ability to turn their behavior and conduct. Max Oelschlaeger claimed in The Sacred Earth that the modern person has lost sight of the sacredness of creation(539). This accurate statement can be furthered that mankind has lost touch with the sacredness in all relationships, most importantly with themselves. Therefore, in order to change an individuals perceptions on the natural world they must first reanalyze and reconstruct their image and beh... ...eservation.The eco-activist group, Earth First, is an organization that tries to grasp the worlds attention through radical actions to save the environment. Their beliefs are extended from deep ecologist thought believing that every non-human entity deserves the same rights and respect as domain. This organization bequeath give society a jaded notion on how to maintain the environment through their violent actions and protests. Their code claims that they will abide by any and all means to resist the destruction of the natural world (Kinsley 200). Their acts will definitely be noticed by society through media but I feel many will close their eyes to the fundamental mentation Earth First is trying to represent because of their radical and malicious acts. Though this organization is acting for the higher good of the environment, they are putting other humans in danger, which is not a justifiable or principled achievement. Therefore, in order to reconstruct an individuals view to a more positive and respectful relationship with environment we must teach and act non-violently, unlike the organization Earth First, and apply the principles of bio-regionalism, Green Peace, and deep ecology.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Marxism and Economic Theory :: Economy Economic Papers
Marxism and Economic Theory Human relationships gain always been dynamic. Change and suitabilityhave gone hand in hand with the passage of time for human society.Systems have been developed to regulate, direct and control theresources of this society. The systems are referred to asgovernments and the resources as the humanity or inhabitants and forces of production. A government must be dynamic in its nature reflecting the change in society. At times these systems have resisted the necessity to adapt with its components (Society) creating a deficit between the system and those it regulates. As the deficits develop, they cause instability, and could lead to revolution.1 Theories have been developed to explain the systemic phenomenon calledrevolution. This paper allow discuss triad modern theories and apply them to the English revolution of 1640. The first theory, developed by Carl Marx (Marxism), will address the economice volution in English society. This theory will emphasize and explain how the shift from a feudal/mercantile system to capitalism affected English society. The second, called the Resource Mobilization Theory (RMT) developed by Charles Tilly, will explain how the English organizations (the Crown and the Parliament) effectively obtained, amassed and managed resources. Samuel Huntingtons, Institutional Theory, will argue that the existing government at that time was unable to unified the demands and personnel that the socio-economicchanges created. Marxism was formulated in the 19th century. Carl Marx and his associate Frederick Engels observed the socio-economic changes that were transpiring in Britain. England was the dominant world powerand had the largest industrialized economy during the 1800s. The development of the grind and the institution of the assemblyline created a large demand for workers.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Modern Political Thoery and Liberalism Essay -- Political Science Argu
Modern Political Thoery and Liberalism The subject given for this paper was to assess the alienation from self-aggrandizingism found in forward-looking and contemporary political surmise. To be honest, I dont see a correlation with alienating liberalism and modern political thought through the time line of political theory in the 18th and19th century and through the 20th century. So, for this paper, I will prove the opposite. I will show, in my opinion, how the rise of liberalism has unbroken alive modern and contemporary political thought and action. I will begin with what I know of the beginning of liberal ideas and move through time showing how these liberal movements have been the land for major changes in countries and that liberalism, in my opinion, has not been alienated. The French Revolution marks the beginning of liberalism where the community lashed out against French society. This is where status was de jure stratified by birth. In consequence, French citizens persi stently negotiated with one another and with the crown for better and more human rights. This is the marking of citizens wanting natural rights and walloping out against a political organization/government in order to achieve this. Websters Dictionary defines Liberal as a political school of thought based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties.(Webster) I cogitate that the rebel of citizens in the French Revolution fits perfectly into this definition and marks the basis for the subject of political thought.During the and after Industrial Revolution, due to liberalism, the social social organisation of society changed considerably. Before the Revolution most deal lived in small villages, works either as farmers or craftsmen. With industrialization everything changed. The new enclosure natural law had left many poor farmers bankrupt and unemployed and mach ines capable of huge outputs made small hand weavers redundant. As a result, there were many people who were forced to work at the new factories. This required them to move to towns and cities so that they could be close to their new jobs. It also meant that they made less money for working longer hours. Add to this the higher living expenses due to urbanization and one can easily see that many families resources would be extremely ... ...ere many outcries for womens rights through liberalism and this was the basis of Political thought in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This is another example of how liberalism was kept alive in modern Political Thought.There are many feats in liberalism that lead the topic of Modern Political Thought The effect of liberal thought and ideals such as anti-welfare, anti-government regulation of business, anti-minimum wage, anti-income tax, pro-free trade, etc, is the basis for modern Political Thought which leads the way in conversatio n and essays about Modern Political Thought through liberalism.In this paper I have shown a timeline of modern liberal thinking which translates into Modern Political Theory and thought. I have shown how, in my opinion, the rise of liberalism has kept alive modern and contemporary political thought and action. I began with the French Revolution and showed the timeline of liberal movements and liberal thought which in turn a basis for political thinking was. All of which shows the opposite of the Alienation form liberalism mound in modern and contemporary theory and thinking.Works Citedhttp//
Inclusion or Exclusion in The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible
Much of The Crucible by Arthur Miller was about being expound of a group. What is it to belong to a group? Is it really that simple when someone says, "Either youre with us or youre not"? Yes, it is that simple. Belonging and exclusion in either situation are two sides of the corresponding coin - you cant have one without the other. In any organization or group, people are bound unneurotic by a community of interest, purpose or function and if you do not believe in these same things, then you are not a part of that group. In an organization or group, you have to ask your egotism, "What is it to be a part of this particular group, what does it take to belong?" It takes following the rules of the group, agreeing with their purpose, obeying their authorities and the big businessman to go the length for their cause. In The Crucible, if the characters did not abide as part of the group, the Christian Church, then the consequences were fatal. The Crucible told of what is was to be a scapegoat in their golf-club and what it took to defend themselves from becoming that scapegoat. To remind people in an organization why they belong takes continued focus on a common goal or common belief. By having one main function, a group is generally more effective than if everyone has different ideas and outlooks on specific topics. However, to keep everyone on the same page, the members of a group need to accurately know where they stand in reference to their goal. One carriage to do this is through social facilitation. This is the concern of self image through the presence of other people. Its a concept that allows members to know the acceptable opinions of the group. Someone who agrees to the ideas set out from the organization. "Group polarization is the concept of changing personal opinions to extremities after a group discussion.(Johnson 13)" This concept eliminates members who arent sure what they think of the groups p urpose. They decide that either they agree completely or they disagree completely. Either way it means they decide if they are in or out after the group discussion. A common goal is one way to distinguish and shed light on the devoted members from the questionable individuals in a group. High cohesiveness is an effective tool in the success and effectiveness of an organization. However, in order for ... ... truth, denying her involvement as a witch, but be hung anyway for "lying" under oath. On the other hand, an innocent victim could lie and confess her involvement as a witch, accuse another witch instead and be let "off the hook". However, if the innocent victim lied and confess, but wasnt willing to turn in another witch, she would be hung anyway. (Starkey, 17) This created quite an ironic situation coming from a Christian based community of purity and holiness. Exclusion is about scapegoating and denying the tru th or reality to oneself. A scapegoat is a person made to bear the blame for others, an escape from dealing with ones responsibility. The scapegoat lets one rationalize bad situations and unsighted oneself from the reality of that situation. No one saw the reality in Salem and no one even tried. They were all too caught up in exhausting to find someone else to blame for their fears and problems. However, organizations tend to do that too. They create an opposition or enemy so they can use it later to their own advantage, make themselves seem more powerful. So the question goes back to, "Are you in? Or are you out?"
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Rate of Chemical Reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid :: Papers
Rate of Chemical Reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Aim - ====== I plan to investigate the encumbrance of temperature, to see if it increases or decreases the rate of reaction between atomic number 12 and hydrochloric social disease. Prediction - ============= I predict that as the temperature of the hydrochloric acid increases, the quicker the rate of reaction impart be. This is due to the molecules in the hydrochloric acid gaining energy from the heat. Consequently, the molecules have increased kinetic energy, which ordain produce to a greater extent activation energy. The particles will have more prospering collisions resulting in a faster reaction rate. No heat Heat present Lines of reaction IMAGE Mg turnings Beaker IMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGE Hcl IMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGE The above diagram show that when there is more heat present there are more lines of reaction than if there was less heat. This is due to the number of successful collisions being far greater when the hydrochloric acid is heated. I predict also that if I did a graph showing the volume of gas against time it would look like the following. IMAGE From the above graph you flush toilet see that when the Time Increases the volume of gas being produced goes up, then it levels off. It levels off because the volume of hydrogen gas being produced is slowing down because all the magnesium and hydrochloric acid is being used up. Fair test ========= In order to keep my experiment as fair as possible I will have to make legitimate I keep the following factors the same - Volume of acid (25cm3) Mass of Magnesium (0.1g) I will make sure the gas syringe is connected correctly and securely to the side arm conical, so no hydrogen gas can escape. I will turn out the syringe at 0 fo r each run. Also I would make sure to put the bung on quickly, to prevent the hydrogen gas escaping.
Rate of Chemical Reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid :: Papers
Rate of Chemical Reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Aim - ====== I plan to investigate the progeny of temperature, to see if it increases or decreases the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acidic. Prediction - ============= I predict that as the temperature of the hydrochloric acid increases, the quicker the rate of reaction provide be. This is due to the molecules in the hydrochloric acid gaining energy from the heat. Consequently, the molecules have increased kinetic energy, which provide produce more activation energy. The particles will have more palmy collisions resulting in a faster reaction rate. No heat Heat present Lines of reaction IMAGE Mg turnings Beaker IMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGE Hcl IMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGEIMAGE The above diagram show that when there is more heat p resent there are more lines of reaction than if there was less heat. This is due to the number of successful collisions being far greater when the hydrochloric acid is heated. I predict also that if I did a graph showing the volume of gas against time it would look like the following. IMAGE From the above graph you jackpot see that when the Time Increases the volume of gas being produced goes up, then it levels off. It levels off because the volume of hydrogen gas being produced is slowing down because all the magnesium and hydrochloric acid is being used up. Fair test ========= In order to keep my experiment as fair as possible I will have to make for sure I keep the following factors the same - Volume of acid (25cm3) Mass of Magnesium (0.1g) I will make sure the gas syringe is connected correctly and securely to the side arm conical, so no hydrogen gas can escape. I will jump out the syringe at 0 for each run. Also I would make sure to pu t the bung on quickly, to prevent the hydrogen gas escaping.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Power of Women in the Epic of Gilgamesh
Anthony Sales Ierfino The Power of Women Imagine a woman so beautiful she had the power to tame wild beasts with one look at her voluptuous body. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgameshs temple priestess has the power to do just that, she tames Enkidu. Ishtar, when denied by Gilgamesh, threatens to let the dead go up and eat the breathing (10). In this epic, women represent great power, wisdom and finally temptation and evil. In the epic, the woman symbolizes different things.One of these is how woman use the power of love (sex) and temptation to let on a certain goal or task. When the trappers son tells his return of Enkidu, his first and immediate instinct is to send for Gilgameshs temple priestess, Shamhat, so she weed seduce him and have her take off her robe and expose her sex (3). Upon seeing Shamhats voluptuous body, Enkidu loses all his wild and animalistic instincts. He then makes love to her for six days and seven nights, as she was not restrained, but took his energy (4). Having had sex with the harlot, Enkidu is humanized and in human activity is rejected by the animals he grew up with. Shamhat not only proves that sex and temptation are powerful tools (or weapons), but that the woman is even more powerful because she holds such powers (sex and temptation). Not only ar women powerful, but in the Epic, they are portrayed as evil. Ishtar, goddess of love and war, is portrayed as a selfish and uses her power of seduction for evil.Princess Ishtar asks Gilgamesh to marry her, telling Gilgamesh Be you my husband, and I go forth be your wife (8). Gilgamesh replies by not only insulting the princess but by recounting her past lovers and how she has loved them only to turn on them, You loved the colorful little Sheperd Tammuz bird and then hit him, breaking his wing, so now he stands in the forest crying My elongation (9). He then, ends his reply by saying she loves him now, but she will only turn on him.Ishtar, embarrassed and deeply angered, goes up to the heavens going to her acquire Anu asking for him to let her unleash the Bull of Heaven so he go down and kill Gilgamesh. When Anu simply states that Gilgamesh did nothing wrong, Ishtar threatens that if she does not bring out what she wants she will knock down the Gates of the Netherworldand will let the dead go up to eat the living (10). Despite a warning from her father that no crops will grow for 7 years Ishtar is undeterred. This shows how, Ishtar, is selfish uses her power of seduction on Gilgamesh.But when rejected, she is blinded by her fury and willing to do anything to get revenge even if it means the deaths of innocent men. It is clear that women are portrayed in a certain way in the Epic of Gilgamesh. This is due to the panorama they held the social hierarchy of the day. They were portrayed as beings with the power of seduction whether they had good intentions or evil intentions were completely up to them. This is why they were treated as true objects that must be controlled by man.The temple priestess, for example, held much power, she was the representative of God on earth, not only this but it is she who ensures there will be a good crop, whether or not the king will be successful in battle. In this instance the Temple Preistess, Shamhat, sent by Gilgamesh to tame and get rid of the threat that is Enkidu. Secondly how Ishtar, after attempts to seduce Gilgamesh and fails, blinded by rage and selfishness, wreaks havoc on the innocent people of Uruk as she attempts to get revenge on Gilgamesh.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Are We Free to Make Our Own Choices in Life?
1st essay Are we free to make our own choices in life? Although it sounds likeable to make one and only(a)s own decision freely, it is actually an impractable goal as the society has exerted significant influence and restrictions on individuals and has shaped ones value of w wear they should do and what they should not do. In todays society, plurality are more(prenominal) free to make our own choices than we were before, but it is true that we canno indulge our interests at the cost of transgressing the basic rules of the society.The first example is rough the choice of curriculum. Nowadays, we are much less limited when choosing extracurriculum activities and collegial groups than people were before however, in that location are basic disciplines which must not be leave out such as Mathematicis, English Literature, Physics and Chemistry. These disciplines are compulsory beca engage they result greatly assist your future career and well-being, while choosing to ignore these compelling courses will undoubtedly result in a great obstable since you are not equipped with some of the some basic skills.Furthermore, you will be less promising to enroll in an outstanding university or college, which can be attributed to your choice of not taking these basic disciplines. Actually, all(prenominal)one is provided with a concrete and immutable schedule for routine couses whcih will not be altered by any individual student withour a reasonable application and cogent explanation. From this example, we can see that there are courses that we hove to necessitate to study. In other words, we cannot make a choice totally freely on which courses to take. Another example is rough filial responsibility.Turning to Chinese society, it is a written law that every grown-up should look after his or her parents if economically permitted. One of my neighbour is a vile women, always shouting against her parents and intercommunicate her parents for money. I usually herar au gument with her parents on economic issues. In position, she does not shoulder the responsibility of a daughter to take care of her elderly parents instead, she throws herself in the cyberspace, not willing to take on a job to act as a daughter. She may not be punished by law however, every family in our community has ac subsistledged her notorious reputation and malicious behaviour.As she decides not to take care of her parents, she has broken the basic law of the societyconscience. Her case indicates that people who make choices regardless of the rules of society will be injurious to not only the people around them but also themselves. In conclusion, we are more or less limited by the rules of society when making decisions. However, as far as I am concerned, these rules should bot by regarded as obstacles, but should kind of be considered as contribution to the stability and harmony of the hole society. 2nd EssayWhat must we do to truly understand ourselves? As an old saying goe s, It is always being difficult for people to judge themselves evenhandedly. And I agree that legion(predicate) people do not direct general idea what he or she is like in others eyes. Therefore, from my perspective, to communicate with other people, discuss some common topics, or even argue about something can not only foster people have truly understandings of others but also themselves. Two characters, Elizabeth and Mr Darcy in the Pride and Prejudice, a far-reaching novel, can serve as an example.Their first interaction was on a ball where Mr Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth, who regarded him as a person with rude and pride personality ever since. After that, another officer, Wickhams accusations enhanced Elizabeths prejudice about Darcy. Both of them, Elizabeth and Darcy, have the idea that the other is proud while have no idea about their own personalities. Nevertheless, as time goes by, Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth and expresses his feelings to her. He is astou nded by her prejudice about him.He sends Elizabeth a letter telling everything happened betwixt him and Wickham. thought their communication, they learnt each others personality, realized the damage they have made in both of their hearts and finally became couples. Darcys pride of status is founded on social prejudice while Elizabeths initial prejudice against him is rooted in pride of her own perception. But their true communications afterwards made both of them correct their ideas about each others characteristic as well as their own personalities. Another example is in the film of Titanic.Rose was a girl with notable social status and she would be married with a business man, Carl. Though she did not love him, and was tired about the sybaritic life of upper classes, she lived against her own heart. When saved by Jack, and had conversations with him about their distinct life, Rose realized hat she did not want to be a upper class anymore. She finally ac knowledged her love with Jack and decided to live with him forever. Jacks discretions prevented Rose from jumping into the oceanic and also encourages Rose to be brave and act in accordance with her heart.Communication is the very way that made Rose to change and understands herself as a woman. I agree that the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances and insist that communicate helps people to recognize themselves. 3rd essay Is censorship sometimes justifiable? Human rights include freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Based on this definition, many people believe that censorship is a flagrant invasion on human beings rights, and thus it should not be tolerated. However, I believe that censorship can be warrant.Through a discussion of censorship of history textbooks in lacquer, censorship against racism in Singapore and move ratings, this essay seeks to show the benefits of censorship to the community. The censorship of Japans war crimes in Japans history text books shows us that censorship is requirement to preserve national pride. In all history textbooks used in Japan, atrocious war crimes such as their cruelties in World War II, most notably the placementised raping and pillage of Japanese soldiers in the rape of Nanking, China, are only briefly mentioned as parts of the wars, all the grotesque details prohibited.Though China accuses Japan of distorting history, this is necessary to maintain the national pride in Japanese students, especially for those younger students whose opinions and impressions of the country are ease in the shaping. Therefore, the censorship can be justified if it is used wisely for the good of the nation. Censorship is also justified in Singapore to ensure social cohesion and racial harmony. In a multi-racial country like Singapore, a caustic racist remark can trigger conflict that threatens the social cohesion that took Singapore decades to cultivate.As such, the Media Development Authority (MDA) prohibits the use of derogatory phraseology or insensitive remarks against any races in any form of media, be it printed media like newspapers or the new media- the Internet. This ensures the mutual respect amid different races, and thus protects social cohesion in a fragile society like Singapore. Therefore, in cases like this, censorship should be justified. The movie ratings system is the most common type of censorship, and it is reasonable as it protects the minds of the young against violence and sexually explicit materials shown in movies.Massive research done on movies containing violence, foul language and sexually explicit materials has shown that exposure to such materials at a young age can lead to psychological instability for viewers and make them more prone to committing juvenile delinquency. As such, the movies are often rated from Parental Guidance to NC17, M18 and in some countries R21, to protect viewers from viewing dangerous materials unsuitable for their age. The movie ratings system thus is a necessary form of censorship to bar the young from being exposed to harmful materials through movies.Overall, censorship is justified in many cases, as it seeks to maintain social stability, racial harmony and to protect the young minds from dangerous materials in movies. However, once misused, censorship can violate human rights principles of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Due to the complexity of censorship, the government needs to be prudent in using censorship to the best interest of the society. quaternary Essay What two options are the most difficult to choose between? The most difficult choice is neither between life and death nor between love and freedom, but between truth and lie.Although I have to admit that it really takes a lot of courage to decide to die when one still have chance to live and it is harder to give up ones beloved to pursue the mental world of freedom, it is the choice of insisting on the truth that takes the greates t bravery. Louis Pasteur is such an example who bravely challenged the majoritys opinion in order to hold the truth. Before him, people commonly believed that life comes directly from the lifeless matter. This conjecture is called spontaneous theory which was synthesized by Aristotle, the unshakable authority at that time.Hence, people from common ones to experts all deeply believed in this theory. However, Pasteur threw doubt on this commonly believed theory after conducting a series of experiments. Seeing is believing. What was shown in the experiments definitely disproved Aristotles old theory. Here came the choice. He could publish the result of his stripping to insist on the truth or put up the old wrong theory to lie to his heart. If he chose the first one, there would be lots of critics waiting for him. No one will exactly know what those crazy people will do who championed the spontaneous theory for so many years.His friends even warned him about the quagmire lain on the endless truth chasing path. On the contrast, if he chose the latter one, he will suffer from the torture of consciousness instead of the one from others. Finally, he decided to choose the first choice. Pasteur publicized his discovery in 1864 and brought a controversy immediately. Countless people found fault with Pasteurs experiments but soon people gradually were persuaded by the fact of the experiments. Because of this choice, Pasteur became one of the founders of the microbiology.Unlike to choose death or freedom, people never know what they will get after holding the truth. Perhaps one can earn famous during his or her life time, like Louis Pasteur, or he or she can be punished to die without understanding from other people. For instance, Giordano Bruno donated his life to pursue the truth. While at his contemporary, he was considered as a heretic because his belief of Copernican model offended the authority of the Catholic Church. In the end he was burned at the stake by civil authorities in 1600.Still lucky, his idea was understood by several people and recorded in text form so that his descendants could recover his opinion and memorize him forever. And those people who had no supporters for their persistence or did not record their opinion would be forgotten by generations. In conclusion, either pursuing truth or giving in to lie needs plenty of bravery to chose. However, we have to make decision between them. This was because he was the gold medalist. 5th essay Do we need knowledge of the medieval to fully understand the present? People live in the present. They plan for and disturbance about the future.The knowledge of the past gives us all the demands that press in from living in the present and anticipating what is yet to come, why bother with what has been? Knowledge of the past gives us all the desirable and available branches of knowledge. It is why we insist to learn knowledge of past such as history. I agree with what Rosamond MacKitterick t old us. He give tongue to that a sense of the past is an essential past of our identity . The past is in many respects a foreign country, but on the effrontery that travel broadens the mind, this is all the more reason to go there.Any subject of study needs justification Most widely accepted subjectsand history is certainly one of themattract some people who simply like the information and modes of thought involved. I know that you may have more doubtful about why to bother need to know what the purpose is. In a society that quite correctly expects education to serve useful purposes, History is in fact very useful, actually indispensable, but the products of historical study are less tangible, sometimes less immediate, than those that stem from some other disciplines.In the past history has been justified for reasons we would no longer accept. For instance, one of the reasons history holds its place in current education is because earlier leaders believed that a knowledge of certa in historical facts helped furcate the educated from the uneducated the person who could reel off the date of the. Knowledge of historical facts has been used as a screening device in many societies, from China to the United States, and the habit is still with us to some extent.Unfortunately, this use can encourage mindless memorizationa real but not very appealing aspect of the discipline. History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and because it harbors beauty. There are many ways to discuss the real functions of the subjectas there are many different historical talents and many different paths to historical meaning. All definitions of historys utility, however, rely on two fundamental facts. We could borrow knowledge of the past to understand the present situation better in any field.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Morality and God Essay
Morality only exists if we remember in divinity fudge therefore if God doesnt exist there is no object lessonity. There drive home been so many evil make believes committed in the name of God that it is difficult to maintain that a belief in God equates to morality. There be situations that find every solar day where decisions ar made based off of merciful rightfields that contradict the word of God. Morality comes from within, it is an understanding of right versus wrongfulness and the ability to lead what is right. Knowing all this a belief in God is non a requirement for a someone to be moral. (Mosser, 2011) We are taught that morals are basically the oddment between right and wrong.A babe may be taught that stealing is wrong because it hurts the store owner and can ruin the childs reputation. Or the child may be told that if they steal they will be punished because God is always watching. The child has learned the fundamental difference between right and wrong, even if the reasoning is different. This will allow the child to make moral decisions when they grow up whether it is based off of human ruth or fear of God. If we accept that the child understands right from wrong regardless of their reason, we accept that God is not a requirement to be a moral mortal.If a psyche observes an act of violence or torture, they are virtuously required to stop it. In biblical times these acts were not only received but encouraged by the bible. Today, a person would not ignore these things simply because they did not believe in God. There are human rights that we believe each person is entitled to and someone with good morals would help out another person in need because it is the right thing to do. If it turned out that God does not exist, violence and torture would not suddenly become acceptable. (Mosser, 2011) Mass acceptance of a belief does not make it right. antediluvian patriarch religions that believed in numerous gods have been pushed aside as fairy tales, for the more widely accepted belief in a single God. During their time those gods were prayed to precisely as fervently as todays God. What was accepted as true back then is now known as a fable, and the laws of the day have been wiped away and replaced with our modern laws. These laws were put in to place to punish people who do wrong to others. They have become the moral balance. If you do wrong you will be punished, if you continue to do what is right you will live unmolested and enjoy your freedoms.God is not a requirement for someone to act chastely, because there are earthly punishments for crimes. There is no right or wrong without God because He peg downs what is right and wrong. Moral standards cannot be enforced without God to ensure that we are punished or rewarded for our acts. Someone who does not believe in God may change their morals to whatever suits them at the time. We have been given guidelines by God on what is morally acceptable, and informed of the punishment that comes with being immoral. When an individual does not believe in God they cannot be a moral person, because they have no moral standards.(Millard, A. 2000) The Ten Commandments give us a basic understanding of what is right and wrong. These Commandments along with various scriptures from the bible determine which acts are moral and which are immoral. An individual who witnesses a crime but does not believe in God can simply decide that they are not responsible for stopping the crime. This may lead one to believe that if a non-believer does something right that they have morals. This is not the case, because they could just as easily do wrong and their conscience would have been just as clear.They have no moral compass to tell them that this act is leading them astray from God. (Riskin, S. 2007) If one does not believe in God they cannot know right from wrong and cannot do what is right because they do not have the understanding. The lack of a belief in God me ans that rules do not have to be followed. If you do not fear the wrath of God, there is nothing to stop you from committing immoral acts, or any crimes for that matter. Any situation can be overlooked because there is no fear of punishment without a fear of God.Only a person with a firm belief in God can be considered moral because they fear His punishment and desire his reward. God is the only person commodious enough to enforce moral standards, without his guidance there can be no binding morals. Moral standards come from God and without Him a person cannot be moral. When we talk in absolutes we ignore possibilities that exist outside of our beliefs. There are many examples of individuals that believed in God who acted immorally, as well as examples of people who do not believe in God acting with good morals. Their beliefs do not determine their morality, their acts do.If we are to base morality solely on a belief in God then which believer do we follow? Do we follow the believe r who commits crimes, or only the believer who is an upstanding part of society? Adolf Hitler was raised as a Catholic, and in his adult life spoke of his religious beliefs. He wanted to create a pure Germany, through and through a religion known as positive Christianity. Positive Christianity removed the Judaic elements from the standard Christianity doctrine and replaced them with Nazi philosophy. More than six million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust in the ideal of positive Christianity.Bill Gates is noted as saying he does not know if there is a God or not, yet he donates billions of dollars to Charity every year. The foundation he formed with his wife to address extreme poverty and poor wellness in third world countries has brought attention and relief to millions of people across the globe. These acts were not done in the hopes that they would be rewarded, but instead to help the human condition. A general concern about the welfare of our neighbors is not excl usive to God. Not every action is based solely off of a persons morals.There are many reasons people decide to do things and we cannot judge a persons moral standing off of a single action. We do not look at Adolf Hitler and say that he is a great moral figure because he believed in God. On the analogous note we do not look at Bill Gates, a non-believer and say that he is immoral. We look at their actions over time and determine whether or not they acted morally. We know that killing millions of innocent people is immoral just as we know that helping sick and injured people is moral. Which God you believe in determines what you consider to be moral.Muslims agree that polygamy is acceptable. Protestants and the Jewish believe divorce is acceptable if certain conditions are met. Catholics are strictly against both polygamy and divorce. Which God is morally right? All of these groups worship the same God, so perhaps it is the translation of the word of God that is in question. When we look at this we begin to have a better understanding that Gods contradictory words could bring the thought of what is moral crumbling down. There are many controversial moral endorsements in the bible that are accepted today.There are also commands given that are ignored because they are no longer socially accepted as truth. Exodus 2013 says we must not kill. However, Leviticus 2013 tells us that if a man lies with another man he must be put to death. There are many debates and arguments over whether homosexuality is moral, but we overlook the second part of the scripture because it is no longer held as a valid punishment. The times have changed and we cannot murder or we will go to jail. Leviticus 1919 says it is a sin to wear clothes made from 2 different types of material.You will be hard pressed to find anyone backing up this claim today. (King James volume) Many religious people have elect scripture from the bible to suit their lifestyles over the years, but ignore things th at are no longer socially accepted as immoral. They hold others to strict standards on matters that they do not agree on and use verses from the bible to support their viewpoint. If everyone used the internal right versus wrong approach to morality there would be less confusion on which standards we held each other to.It is unfair to condemn someone for something using half of a statement from the bible, and then ignore the sojourn of the statement because it does not agree with current beliefs. Our faith, lessons from our parents or even witnessing other peoples actions are different reasons to decide what we believe is moral. All troika have flaws that can lead to differing views on the same subject. However, at the end of the day there are certain things that everyone accepts as morally right, or morally wrong. These are situations where it does not matter how you learned it, you just know it.Biblical teachings tell us that certain things are acceptable, while others are punish able by death. But in the legal society of America acting on the acceptable things will land you in prison, and the immoral sins are inalienable rights. all day decisions are made across the world without having to consider if we will be punished by a higher being. These things prove that a person does not have to believe in God to act morally. A moral person is someone who not only understands the difference between right and wrong, but also does what is right.The lack of God in someones life doesnt make a person immoral just as the presence of God does not make someone moral. Morality is not proven by a belief in God. References King James Bible Millard, A. (2000). How reliable is exodus? Biblical Archaeology Review, 26(4), 50-57. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/214908737? accountid=32521 Mosser, K. (2011). Logic an introduction. San Diego Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Riskin, S. (2007). Ten commandments audience? Washington Jewish Week. Retrieved from http//sear ch. proquest. com/docview/220857354? accountid=32521.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Five Pillars of Islam Essay
What are the central beliefs of Islam, and how are they reflected in the Five Pillars (McInerney, 2003)? Which of the Five Pillars do you feel would be easiest to fulfill, and which would be the most challenging (McInerney, 2003)? Monotheism is star of the main central beliefs of Islam. This is the belief that there is only one immortal and that God is Allah. The Islams believe that their purpose for humanity is to only serve their God Allah and to construct a moral lifestyle. The louvre pillars are considered obligatory for all Muslims to line.The five pillars can be found within the Quran which is Islams holy book. The initiatory pillar is the shahadah. The Shahadah is the accepting that Muhammad is Gods messenger. Islamic culture believes that the prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islams faith. The second pillar is the daily prayers. In order to do this a Muslim must be in a state of ritual purity. One must prayer at least five propagation within a day. Muslims believe that doing so will bring them closer to God and they will be able to learn more about him. The terce pillar is the fasting during Ramadan.Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is the Islamic month for fasting. Muslims have to avoid any type of drinking, eating and sexual relations from dawn until sunset. This is done in order for Muslims to learn about patience, humanity, and spirituality. The fourth pillar is called alms giving which is the giving of 2. 5 percent of ones one-year earnings to the poor and needy. Lastly, the fifth pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is a core practice and must be carried out at least once in a Muslims lifetime.The fourth pillar which consists of giving 2. percent of ones annual pay to the poor and needy would be one of the easiest pillars for me to follow. I withdraw everyone should do this. Im a Christian and every Sunday that I go to church I always give to the needy whether its five dollars or two dollars that I have on me at the time. My religion believes that by giving we will receive blessings from our God. The pillar that would be difficult for me to follow would have to be pillar number three which is fasting. This would be difficult for me because I always have to be drinking water. I am in like manner anemic and if I dont eat after a while I tend to black out.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Personal Development Essay
MODUL Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings (L2) (3) (M)1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own image My duties and responsibilities as a carer are to provide high quality care for residents while complying with the companys policies and procedures, any legislations and standards relevant to care give so the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs of individuals I look after are met and provide safe environment for all people working or advance to care setting to be prepared to work within a team at all times be flexible, adaptable to build and go for relationship with residents and support them with theirActivities of Daily Living (such as assisting with personal care, meaningful and purposeful daily and social activities, helping them to make informed choices) and so watch over and improve their independence, individuality and mobility to attend mandatory training, meetings to keep up to date with new legislation, employers policies, procedures to maintain confidentiality to work in person centred way, to reduce secernment by Equality and Inclusion to record any obligatory information in clear and professional way/language.1.2 Identify standards that influence the way the map is carried disclose* Codes of practise for font Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and for Employers of Social Workers * National Occupational Standards regarding quality of care, qualification of carers * National Minimum Standards for example National Minimum Standards for Care Homes for Older People * Internal policies and procedures,* Legislation (Health and golosh at Work Act including COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations which cave in to use, storage, dispose such substances, RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations require to report any work related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences, Manual H andling Operation Regulations, Fire Safety Regulations)1.3 Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of workNot to criticise others, always be cognizant that everybody is different and so respect what they say, feel, want even though I do not agree with it, be and act as professional at all times. Listen to them actively. Try to avoid conflicts. 2.1 Explain why reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice Reflecting on our own practices, actions we took in providing care, in interaction with colleagues, visitors or other professionals is an integral part in ones personal development.The reasons why it is are as follows looking tail at what we did, how we reacted in certain situations (with positive results as well as difficult ones) helps us to examine why we practice the way we do, if it is in even out way or we can do it better or we need to change it also helps us to identify the areas o f our own practice that needs to be further improved, developed. Its a good tool for addressing our strengths and weaknesses and based on this knowledge it helps to develop new areas of learning, find different ways of how we perform our work and so to become more effective and professional support worker.3.1 Identify sources of support for own learning and development* Internal and external trainings* Team meetings* Supervisions and appraisals* talk with and observations of experienced colleagues* Online research, thematic literature3.2 Describe the process for agreeing a personal development plan and who should be involved In first two weeks in the company I was issued a Personal Development Plan which took me done my first three months here. Its integral part were 8 standards in which was explained how to carry out job effectively at high standards making sure that principles of communications, privacy, personal care, safeguarding etc. are fully understood. The standards includ ed important information, questions and exercises which needed to be puzzle out within 3 month probation period.Another part included inductions to manual handling, food hygiene, fire safety, infection control and other work relevant areas through trainings and watching dvds. Again the timescale was set for probation time. Working in a team, communicating with the clients, staff and supervisor and mentor I was able to understand and gain necessary information to meet my personal development plan objectives. In this process were involved following people home manager, me, head carer, deputy head carer.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Essentialism: Gender Role
Essentialism refers to the belief that people or culture have and underlying and unchanging state. The concept of essentialism in sex states that there atomic number 18 innate differences among a man and a charr and an unchanged idea of what it means to be a man or a woman. Thus men and women are subject to gender role that is their define occupation, behaviour and role in the society. Non essentialism is that difference in men and women behaviour and role is culturally and socially constructed.The clause Scrap that star woman stereotype (Ellie Mae OHagan 2012), deck the essentialist view of women role. That is women have limited option more or less their path. In the article the author illustrate that to be seen as a successful woman, women should subscribe to the gender role laid down by the society. They are less considered if they are non espouse even if they have achieved an independent economic status. In China, they are considered as societal lepers, outsiders of the society. Society do not accept woman to be solely independent financially and emotionally toward men.It is illustrated by the case of that woman who had to fly away from China as it was not accepted that at over 27 years old she was not married. The social system follows the essentialist theory and it rewards women for performing their gender role correctly and punishes them if they choose not to follow conventional gender role. Gender essentialism has been used to advocate and explain the conventional and indispensable role of women. Buss and Schmitt (1993) stated that women are generally more interested in farsighted term relationship than men.That is women have more tendency to seek for marriage than men. The reason given by Buss and Schmitt for women to want a long term mate is to provide them with resources like money or food. It is an essentialist view of woman not able to provide themselves with money and food. However, increasingly women are independent and repugn the conventional idea that men who are breadwinner. That suggests that the roles played by the two genders are constructed by society and can be changed. Another aspect of essentialism is that roles are mapped out by nature.The role of woman is innate(p) and exists outside of cultural and social conditioning, thus by nature women need to carrying, emotional or dependant. Women not responding to that view would be always questioned and depreciated by others. The author of the article suggests that women who are single are due to a flaw opposed to life natural turbulence. So by nature women cannot stay single and it is a break if they stayed unmarried. Those are generalised statement which are asserted and taken for natural and universal.By consequence, as suggested by Marcia (1966), people think that gender roles reflect natural tendencies and do not consider themselves outsides these roles. It influences their conclusiveness, occupation and behaviour. The author herself justifies her singlehood and her view of single woman was influenced by the essentialist view of single women, that they are unhappy and do not have a transactling life. Essentialist norms about natural traits of a woman, states that women would achieve happiness and mirth if the accept the traditional role in relationship.Thus it maintains gender inequity and patriarchy as a universal system. It manifests in terms of stereotypical assumption about role of women in relation to man. There are assumptions about what women are and what women should be. Even if a woman rejects the stereotypes, she is judge by others with references to stereotypes (Steele 1997). The singlehood is considered to be the woman fault and be blame for it. Singlehood in essentialism is considered also as consequence of women bad decisions, behaviour according to normal gender role and a assume decision of women.The feminist essentialism as stated by Irigaray, argues that women condition and role has been defined by a patr iarchal society. According to feminist women are forced by men to play certain roles defined by feminine traits like passive, submissive, emotional or caring. Women are expected to be wife, mother and cannot transgress those expectations. womens liberationist have adopted non-essentialism to challenge society. Non- essentialism argues that culture shapes roles for men and women and that it is transmitted by culture through generation.So societies have pre-existing norms and expectations. According to non- essentialism men and women are socially and culturally grown up to adopt gender specific behaviours. Society maintains and reinforces stereotypes. The articles illustrate also that women do live a fulfilling life whether or not married. Even if researches shows that single woman achieved more in life than single man, society and people still view them as unhappy and faulty. Women like interviewed in the articles are frustrated due to these stereotypes.Society searches reason for th eir singlehood. Single women are considered whether workaholic or careerist. Essentialism associated these characteristic to men but no to women. Essentialism maintains gender stereotyping and inequities. Women are expected employ the nature reason to behave in a certain way. Even if women now work and are independent they still are expected to fulfil their role of wife and mother. Non- essentialism illustrate that gender determined role is not natural but socially constructed. Reference list Ellie Mae OHagan. 012. Scrap that single woman stereotype. The Guardian. http//www. guardian. co. uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/27/scrap-single-womanstereotype Buss, D. M. , & Schmitt, D. P. 1993. Sexual strategies theory An evolutionary perspectiveon human mating. Psychological Review, 100, 204-232 Marcia J. E. 1966. Development and validation of ego development status. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology,3, 551-558. Steele, C. M. 1997. A holy terror in the air How stereotype shape intel lectual indentity andperformance. American Psychologist, 52, 613-629.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Analyzing Legal Alien Essay
For many years now people flip juristd one another ground on suitistics and family background. Some judge based on skin color, race, where your family has come from, and how you came about. Legal extraterrestrial being/ Extranjera Legal by Pat Mora gives a precise realistic marrow of how it tolerate feel to be a mexican american and to be seen as a legal alien. To feel not wanted by either side, and to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. viewed by Anglos as maybe exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different,/ viewed by mexicans as alien.This here, is a perfect example of the direction Mora feels about being judged and seen as an alien and her arouse use of diction, metaphors and similes. I think the tone Mora has is one of somebody who feels like an outsider, due to being judge by the people who surround her daily. Moras choice of diction in the first four lines is very interesting and has continued to interest me throughout the poem. Diction is a writer or articulateers choice of words. Moras diction lets you know a lot about the poems meaning and also about the speaker or the vitrine right away.Mora chooses to tell it back and forth, from one side to another, but mainly from twain different points of view. Being seen as an american and also being seen as a mexican. I conceptualize Mora is telling this poem in her own point of view, as if she is the character. Mora starts by off saying bi-lingual, bi-cultural line one. That alone can be interpreted as the speaker or the character is able to speak and understand two languages. It also operator she can participate in both of their cultures as well. Mora follows the first line up by enforcing her meaning with able to slip from hows life? to mestan volviendo loca. ( this means theyre driving me spook in Spanish. )Lines two and three. Moras choice of diction here is interesting because she makes it sound like she lives two tout ensemble separate lifes as if they cou ld not be assorted together. Mora writes able to sit in a paneled office/ drafting memos in smooth english/ able to order in fluent spanish/ at a mexican restaurant Lines five through seven, really show how she lives both sides and experiences them both separately from one another. It also shows that she fits in and seems as if she really isnt different from any of the others.In lines eight through ten Mora uses more of her interesting diction. american but hyphenated/ viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. American but hyphenated highlights the point that although she is part american, she is still different because she is not a full american. There is more than that though, and thats exactly wherefore she is seen differently from both sides. Either way she is more than that so she is seen different and that is Moras overall message. viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. supports that she is viewed as a n outsider from both sides.Mora also uses inferior. Which has a unfaltering meaning to it. Inferior means lower in rank, status, or quality. Mora uses the word exotic which also sends a very clear message of how she is viewed. Exotic means to originate in or characteristic of a distant foreign country, so her choice of words all supports her overall message of what it can feel like to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. Mora even uses a very simple but clear simile. viewed by mexicans as an alien. She states that the mexicans, the other half(a) of her ancestors race, also see her as an alien, as an outsider.Different from them because she has american blood to even though the rest of her blood is do up of that of the same as theirs. She still is not the same in there eyes. They refer to her as an alien because they believe that. (their eyes say, you may speak/ spanish but youre not like me) lines twelve and thirteen, support the fact that all though she is similar, she is not seen like them. Moras choice of diction is interesting here because she is writing what she knows they want to say but wont always will but also what some do imply development different words. There eyes make her feel different like an outcast not wanted by anybody.The way they find hers and judge her so quickly, so harshly. Mora again supports that she is viewed as an outsider, a legal alien by following that up with lines fourteenth and fifteenth. an american to mexicans/ A mexican to americans. These two lines have a strong meaning, and also supports the way she feels, nobody wanted her. She did not belong to either because they judged her based on the other half of her race. the other half of who she is. When in all reality race should not matter, should not affect ones judgement. Somebodys race makes them no better nor no worse than the attached person.Moras next two lines sixteen and seventeen, have a strong meaning and the use of a metaphor. a ha ndy token/ sliding back and forth. She is referring to herself or her character as a hand token, which I would assume is a metaphor that symbolizes that she slides back and forth between what feels like two completely different worlds just trying to fit in. To be seen for who she truly is. between the fringes of both worlds. Mora now very matter of factly states that to her or her character those lives be two different worlds completely. It also supports that she does not mix them together very much.In the next line Mora chooses to show an emotion in a way. I believe Mora chooses to wait so long before putting a real emotion into her character so you and I, as the readers could really understand what it is like to be mexican american and judged constantly and in general. by successful line nineteen. Mora follows up the short but to the point line nineteen, with using very strong diction. by masking the discomfort (line twenty) is a strong phrase alone and already says a lot. Mas king discomfort means that the speaker or character masks how discomfortable being judged can be.How hard it can be to cope with and that says the speaker or the character is very strong, to hide something like that simply by smiling when it has most likely gone on for years. But also a devastating effect. of being pre-judged/ bi-laterally. line twenty. Mora ends her poem with one, very strong meaningful word. Bi-laterally means by both sides. Mora is saying being pre-judged by both sides. Both races that make her up as a whole, pre-judging her before they got the chance to know her. good deal judge one another all the time based off their clothes, and much much more.But to judge somebody due to their race or heritage, things they have no control over, thats not right. Its one thing to judge based on how they project themselves but it is not right to judge based on something out of their control either. I think that Moras choice of diction, metaphors, and similes really support he r feelings of being judged and seen as a legal alien. Legal Alien/Extranjera Legal gives a very realistic and strong message of how it can feel to be viewed as an alien by the people that surround you and argon in your life like the people you work with.Moras character knows how it feels to be not wanted nor accepted by either side, and to be judged on the origins of her ancestors and her race. Mora uses strong diction throughout this poem with her interesting choice of how she uses her words. perhaps exotic, perhaps inferior, definitely different, Her choice of diction has a strong effect on the message itself. Moras use of similes is interesting to because she says viewed by mexicans as alien, she very clearly says they compare her to an alien and that as a very great uphold to.Mora also uses metaphors in her writing in an interesting way, she refers to herself as a handy token/ sliding back and forth, to symbolize how it feels to not be accepted and to be judged. Many people cou ld relate to this poem whether they are judged on their race, on their upbringing, on their clothes, and many more factors. Being pre-judged is a major problem in society today and is all around us constantly. Some are not lucky enough to escape it, but are capable of understanding the bigger picture in the message behind this poem.
Monday, May 20, 2019
What is a research hypothesis
What is a question system? Define directional, nondirectional, and statistical/null hypothesis statements. A research hypothesis is a statement somewhat two uncertains, in strung-out and dependent, and their relationship with an expected outcome based on the research head teacher which, if directional, allow state the expected direction of the relationship amongst the unconditional and dependent variables.If the research hypothesis is nondirectional it allow not state the expected direction within the relationship of the variables besides that a relationship exists. The statistical hypothesis or null hypothesis states there is no relationship between the self-sufficient and dependent variables and failure to reject the null hypothesis will support the research hypothesis. (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2006) Define the following independent variable, dependent variable (note that the dependent variable is of primary interest to the researcher).The independent variable is manipula ted in data-based research studies and assumed to occur naturally in nonexperimental studies to measure or observe the effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is not changed or manipulated and is the variable that is studied by changes in the independent variable. The dependent variable is what the researcher is interested in explaining, intellectual, or predicting. (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2006)Identify the independent and dependent variable in the following statement Women who attend childbirth classes will be less likely to wasting disease pain medication than women who do not attend childbirth classes. The dependent variable is pain medicine, which women would issuance less of if independent variable, childbirth classes, is present. In your own words, explain the interrelationships between a research question, books review, theoretical framework, and hypothesis.The research question must be measurable, show relationship between variables ith a utter populati on, which will guide the literature review. The literature review is focused on research questions, or direct by the research questions, along with the theoretical framework, which also guides the research in what will be c beful or comp ard in the research question, together they all form the hypothesis. The research hypothesis will be guided by the literature review, research question, and theoretical framework to give an answer to the research question that can be validated.Know that the main purpose of literature review is to gain insight and understanding of research that has been done related to a particular area of topic of interest. Define and differentiate between primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are from the person who conducted studies, developed the theory, or prepared the discussion on a concept or topic. They are essential in literature review most are published but some may not be. Secondary sources or used sometimes but should be limited in literature review. They are from someone other than the original author.The work is normally a critique or review of the work and may or may not be published. (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2006) What does it mean if a journal is refereed or peer-reviewed? A refereed journal has external and internal reviewers or editors who are experts in various fields to study or judge the article or manuscript ahead publication which will enhance its credibility. A peer-reviewed article or manuscript is evaluated by fellow specialists of research that has been done to assess its correctness for publication or further development.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Us pivot to asia
The paper strives to present the gradual transformation deep down the global g everyplacenmental scenario where china is perceived as a development situation, piece US as a declining power. The study in some(prenominal) case incorporates the roughly epochal hegemonic theories of forcefulness Transition and Balance of Power. It, furthermore, unfolds the significance of Asia- Pacific and the competition of global powers everywhere the reserves within the South- china Sea. Being chinaware as a nemesis to US, the paper forthers a comparison among US old strategy of containing Soviets blowup and Its latest strategy of containing chinaware.Moreover, it alike presents the implications of US refinancing on such a vulnerable state of Pakistan. Introduction The novel changes in the global politics and economy cook spurred the world powers to do the ut al virtually in furthering their national goals in-order to essay multiple financial gains. The scotch hunger and gree d have become the defining characteristics of todays powerful states as the Inclination of International community of inte counter eternal rests towards Asia-Pacific Is one such example. It has been acknow guideged that the one dominating the Asia-Pacific would as well as be in the position to become a excessive global might.Being Mediterranean Ocean as a concern of the past, Atlantic as merely a topic of the present, the focus of the entire international community has shifted towards the whole new facet I. E. The Asia Pacific . The phenomenal development and growing might of mainland mainland China have not solely disturbed the States but overly Its partner states since a powerful China could only challenge the US global status. Over the last two decades, Washington has remained stuck In Afghanistan and Iraq, thence paving way for China to advance its political influence within the Asia-Pacific. pivot man to Asia, or more specifically US refinancing, demonstrates the realization of the Statesn strategic thinking towards the threat which Beijing poses to Washington not only diplomaticalally but to a fault economically. Aim To study the US strategy of pivot to Asia In its historic and contemporary perspective so as to draw its Implications on Pakistan. Significance of Asia-Pacific The significance of Asia Pacific lies in the geopolitical interests of the key powers of the global politics.The Key players which define the politics of the Pacific include US, Japan, China and several(prenominal) smaller contributional actors. The years following the financial predicament of 2009 have witnessed some crucial political and strategic changes since the expanse has become the centre of attraction driving the global politics. The region finds Its Importance In the economic and political concerns of the major global powers since It Is not only strategically vital but also possesses a symbolic meaning.The one dominating it would determine the political and the financia l future of the world as the South China Sea (CSS) contains an coarse bulk of natural reserves. Its importance could be deduced from the fact that as high as two-thirds of the global sets are creation deployed within the nation thereby, validating the assumption that by 2050 the centre of gravity would unfalteringly shift to the Asia Pacific. Keeping in natural reserves in that scope have become the flashlight.The tussle over the gas, embrocate, fish and the former(a) reserves have provoked the powers, oddly US and China, to adopt a belligerent fortify services posture and to stand eye-to-eye forrader all(prenominal) other(a). The CSS, being bordered by China, Vietnam, Philippines, chinaware, Brunet, Malaysia and Indonesia, elongates to approximately 3,500,000 sq/km and enjoys a bulk of oil and as reserves somewhere underneath the oceans. Furthermore, it is also prodigious to international raptus since about one-third ( approximately 41 ,OHO ships) of the global shippin g passes through it each(prenominal) year.It is also known for its Large Marine Eco body having distinctive features of biography, ecology and oceanography. Being a semi-en belt upd sea, it possesses a large number of Is destroys having strategic, legal, political and financial worth for the regional and international powers. It holds the worlds most desired sea lanes, turn as high as 80% of the total oil imported by he States of chinaware, Japan and South-Korea travels via this regions. The international business and trade routes are also equally important for the system of forces bases as for the political gains.The US forepart in the Asia-Pacific proves the point as almost half of the US Naval forces are deployed along the region darn, the development of Chinese military capabilities within the area demonstrates the aggressive posture of the key players. The detection of the hydrocarbon and the presence of marine resources, on the other hand, have intensify the competiti on towards seizing the natural resources to such an extent that a small tension could even urge on a war in the region.The sea also enjoys the idiosyncratic feature of bio-diversity having more than 1,000 fish, 200 wood pewee and 50 chopped species thereby, contributing its major share in terms of food and revenuer. Moreover, more than of the exports and economies of the bordering States are dependent on the fishery goods. These incentives, thus, spur the key stakeholders to lock their horns with each other. The Core Interests of the study Actors in Asia- pacific Asia-Pacific enjoys a special position not only as being an figure of national prestige, ego and identity but also because of its strategic and geographic worth.The key actors involve US, China and Japan. US Interests The geopolitical and strategic significance of the Asia-Pacific places the United States as the most enthusiastic, keen and all the same most powerful competitor in the region. The regional markets hav e attracted the US by providing exceptional opportunities for trade, business, investment and in a higher place all the possibility to get access to the latest and advanced technology. Keeping in view the recent global recession and American economic slump, the US economic recovery heavily relies on exports and its approach path to the Asian consumer markets.The region is strategically, economically and politically vital for the US since the CSS region is in its rudimentary interests not only to counteract China but also North Korea. The US stakes in the region are not new but dates back to almost two centuries ago starting off with its independence and continues since then. The ultimate defeat of Japan in World War-II introduced America as the only determinant global power, thereby authorizing it to further its leslies and interests throughout the world and especially in Asia-Pacific.With the passage of sentence, its interests grew deeper and stronger dapple pleasing all po ssible Washington reckons that the region holds superseding importance while the progressive future of US more often than not depends on boosting its trade, diplomatic or arm intervention and its presence is vital to guarantee a calm Asia. On strategic grounds, one of the amount bearings of the US, particularly after 9/1 1, is to ensure supreme earnest for its citizens from extremism. For this very purpose, its defended ores are positioned all-across the region to deal with the menace and to curb the terrorists threatening the very reality of the land.Most importantly, it is also eager to balance the power against the possible rising regional hegemony, China, which is both(prenominal) financially and diplomatically capable of defying the only global hegemony. Such a possible scenario has forced US to strengthen its shackles with Korea, Australia, Japan, Thailand and Philippines to undertake the very concerns 1 . Washington seems to be very active since the furthering of US interests within the region generally depends n Beams employd leadership and administration.On political grounds, US have always been a staunch index of democracy. Its democratic commitment has forced the government to get engaged into the domestic issues of smaller regional states corresponding Philippines. United States is also interested to uphold the status-quo through its continuous diplomatic and armed presence and also through adopting diverse two-way approaches to advance its agendum of curbing China and also the prevention of steer proliferation of North-Korea since Washington perceives itself and its consort being threatened by its nuclear capability.China Claims and Interests China, being a maritime, air and land power, is keen to acquire certain islands within the South-China Sea. Keeping in view Chinas mounting dependency on fuel, oil and other natural commodities, it has eyes not only on the CSS region but also has established brotherly ties with the states of Central Asia, center field East and Africa which are rich in mineral and oil resources. Economic boost and internal stability are two core ambitions of China that have led the country to alter the political scenario not only within Asia but beyond.China claims its right on almost the entire CSS egging where its claims rests on the historical nine-dash line. The claimed areas include Sparely Islands, Gulf of Trotting, Hanna Islands and Parcel Islands13. The rapidly growing food and oil demands have put China as one of the key stakeholders of Asia-Pacific, thereby making the rest anxious and concerned. Moreover, being the claimant of broad sovereignty over the region, it has drawn a maritime boundary that extends from Taiwan to Philippines, from Malaysia to Brunet while passing along the Shore of Vietnam.Being an uphill power, it has already established its bases possessing a wide- trend array of advanced equipments both in Parcel and Sparely arrears. The international observers v iew Chinas historical claims over sovereignty as exceedingly rigid, invalid and kind of self-indulgent, while China incessantly insists on just now following the path that was pursued by the West since US has its shares in certain islands of North-Pacific and France controlling a couple of(prenominal) areas in South- Pacific. On historical grounds, China reckons that the Hans, Mongols, Munches and Tibetan were Chinese and the areas conquered or ruled by them, thus, rifle to he very land.The historical manipulation has been cashed by the Chinese authorities very expeditiously and has provoked patriotic and nationalistic sentiments throughout the country, thereby complicating the issue and making it an emblem of of the majestic legacy of China but also the state-owned media and textbooks promote such a reality. History holds a very alone(predicate) and significant position within the country which could be witnessed through education, media, myths, folklore and research institu tions and has been driveed to strengthen Chinas territorial reserve and maritime assertiveness.Ever since World War-II has ended, China has actively engaged itself in reshaping and restructuring its borders, refining its territorial integrity by using coercion and historical manipulation, renaming certain islands and imposing its viewpoint on the rest of the stakeholders. The decade of sasss byword several unpleasant clashes amongst China, Vietnam and Philippines while continuous Chinese maritime inspection has led to escalation of tensions and differences. Furthermore, China has been criticized for violating and disrespecting asses justice of sea which the country ratified in 1996.China is keen to pursue at least three core impersonals in South-East Asia and CSS region. First is the regional integration which is central to its strategy of mollificationful break. The siemens incorporates the resource competition and control which is not vital to China but also to other claima nts. The growing population and demands of the Chinese have fiercely contributed in Chinas efforts towards guaranteeing resource pledge. The third includes Chinas ensured grip and augmented security within the entire region which has do the US septic over its military intentions.Japans Role Japan, an Asian power, is highly septic and concerned about Chinas galloping power and, therefore, is keen to contribute in US refinancing strategy. The recital of Sino- Japanese ties is not encouraging since capital of Japan has remained a dominant US ally against communism during dusty-War. The rot of USSR put Us-Japan coalition into a more strong partnership and their friendship has longed for over 60 years. capital of Japan is interested to play a foremost role in US refinancing against China and enjoys a significant position in the eyes of America thinkers.Emerging China and US Apprehensions The turning of US to Asia is based on the hypothesis that its eventual competitor would emerge f rom the States. Ever since then, the policy makers have drawn-out few possible competitors which could become a threat to the US. Amongst the potential regional powers China, Russia, India and Japan took the lead. The policy and defended analysts, then, objectively analyzed their intentions, military and economic goals and deterrence capability against US.Amongst certain defended analysts of early asses, Marshall was the first one to predict Chinas military and economic boost in the upcoming thirty years. The most probable scenario, according to him, was that rising China and revived Russia would become key challengers to US hegemony. The dramatic emergence of China has not only confronted American imperative interests but also is capable to defy the US global preponderance. Considering this picture, India, being Chinas immediate neighbor, has been the most rational choice for the US to incorporate it into a worthy alliance.The Chinas AD (defended, deterrence and development) strata gem has contributed a bunch in its expansion, development and transformation over the past three decades. Its average GAP harvest-festival since 1979 has been measured up to 9. 82%. Being the second largest economic might and third largest commodity exporter, it enjoys a significant position both within and beyond its phenomenal military and economic boost has made a number of world economies dependent on Chinese products and services, thus challenging US economic superiority.The military edge of China over other Asian states allows it to have a diplomatic say-so and coercive capability against its perceived peer competitors. Washington is concerned not only over the Chinas galloping power but also fears its rear denial potential, thereby allowing it to utilize coercion against its neighboring states and gradually shimmy the US dominance from the region. The only choice left for US, therefore, is to deter and dissuade China from expanding its might globally, amongst which Pivot o r refinancing is one such strategy.Chinas rising might spawns intersecting interests, contradictory ideologies and dissenting worldviews. Beijing, not only, is go on its naval capability but also structuring its military on modern grounds which make the other entrants anxious and agitated. Theoretical Framework The US strategy of refinancing remains a hot topic thus, involving the most crucial theories of International Relations (R) including Power Transition possibleness and Balance of Power Theory Power Transition Theory The hegemonic theory of power transition focuses on a rising power that poses challenges to the dominant power.The idea is that the emerging challenger, being disgruntled with the status-quo, starts approaching the potential of the dominant state thereby threatening to transgress it in terms of power. It means that the leading power is facing a decline n its capacity while the rising state takes full emolument of the situation. Moreover, the emerging state is m otivated to topple the prevailing system established by the leading state when it was enjoying its global dominance.Such a situation initiates instability and war becomes fateful for the challenger to hasten the course of power transition. Such a scenario can be witnessed amongst America and China where America is the dominant state facing tremendous challenges and China as the emerging one. Balance of Power The theory highlights the significance of power- haring in an anarchic system where an effort is put forward to avoid whatsoever possible hegemonic.The hegemonic designs of the aggressor are challenged by those states that believe in balance of power in-order to secure sleep and stability. Such a situation can be seen amongst China, US and its allies where China is perceived as possessing hegemonic designs while US and its partner states struggling to balance the power within Asia-Pacific. Pivot to Asia or US Refinancing The future of politics ordain be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the centre of the action26.Hillary Clinton While Afghanistan and Iraq were Bushs focal targets, Asia-Pacific remains a central objective of Barack Beams regime and administration. Though the region has been a tacit target for so long, but was acknowledge in November, 2011 during Beams visit to Australians. He announced the region as US top priority thereby, associating a strategic, deliberate, diplomatic and premeditated stance to it thus, demonstrating that the US would remain there as an influential player for a much longer time.Since then, the high profile authorities and government officials eve openly been voicing their Presidents political ambitions, thus showing the level pivot to Asia but later was renamed to refinancing since the word pivot shows impermanence and rather implies that there has been a sudden shift in American strategic thinking while before that the region was not too important for the country. The enduring interests of United States have engaged it with the region for over two centuries.The non-governmental players including media, traders, and academics e. T. C. Have boosted the regions significance for the country and have been belly engaged in obstructing powerful cocksure and rather productive US-Asian liaison. Since US possesses a notable majority of immigrants, millions of settlers from Asia-Pacific can be found within the country, thereby getting benefited from American capitalist society while remaining attached to their mother homelands. The regimes of both former presidents G. W.Bush and Bill Clinton were largely focused on the crisis situation of Spooks, Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia and later Afghanistan. President Clinton, however, took a few steps towards normalizing the US ties with the other Asian actors including Vietnam, but he was more interested in deterring and also engaging China. At least four core reasons have been provided regarding US turn to Asia-Pacific the first acknowledges the most palpable transition period where the country has to line-up its future strategic and diplomatic priorities while considering the US expiry from Iraq and Afghanistan.Secondly, the recent budgetary cuts call for the urgency to lay before the table the country apex concerns in-order to avoid those policies which could transgress the budget. The hired motive encounters the ascending economic and military significance of Asia- Pacific since the region has been tag as a defining feature of the century ahead, thereby deciding the fate of human kind. The quaternate impetus, which is perhaps the mother of all, underlies the Chinas rising might and its perceived threat to US.Curtailing or countering China is the fundamental objective that has prompt America to adopt such a policy. The US worries about Chinas phenomenal growth both militarily and economical, its anti-denial and anti-access (AH/AD) potential and its growing ties with regional peers. It has be en keenly involved in strengthening its strategic alliances including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Australia, capital of Singapore and Indonesia thus, enclosing China from all angles. The allies are being supported and defended by US forces whenever they shout any danger from China.For example, in 1996, President Clinton sent two action groups aircrafts to Taiwan when it was provoked against a serious Chinese threat. International observers have argued that the Washingtons aggressive posture and continuous presence in the region demonstrates the approaching new era of assertiveness and containment against China. Serious concerns have been raised throughout China in opposition to the refinancing strategy of US. To many defended and political analysts, the strategy is aimed against Beijing to contain its peaceful rise and to trigger insecurity within the region.Washington is interested to strengthen its influence and to maintain its global dominance therefore, it refers the pivot or refinancing approach as a general strategy targeting the entire globe and not specifically China. Towards Refinancing It has been adjudge that the refinancing strategy is actually refinancing the ruder of security in Asia since the policy holds a burden-sharing feature aimed at budgetary cut and being stuck in other global crisis, Washington is persuading its alliances to do the utmost to protect their lands while secure them support in case of any assault from the Chinese side.In fact, refinancing is a deliberate shift from wars of Africa and Middle East to maritime disputes in East-Asia. US have decided to keep itself focused while deploying an enormous amount of its assets and resources in CSS and Asia-Pacific. A lot of American combat ships, destroyers, submarines and raisers can be found while having military bases in almost all allied states. Washington is keen to have its influence in Hawaii and Guam and also to conduct a training program of over 2000 marines in Au stralia, its trustworthy ally.It would not only permit the US to enjoy freedom-of-navigation but would also enable it to counter Chinese (AH/AD) capabilities within the region. However, the budgetary cuts have imposed restrictions on engaging more troops and weaponry. Amongst the other ambitions of Beams regime lies elongated investment in Asia to line-up the country resources with long-term financial interests. The attraction is the Asian markets which could produce Jobs in the US and could help recover the slumped economy. The key is the regional stability where Washingtons continuous role is required to tackle any aggression.A lot of time is being spent by the US government, armed and naval officials in Asia that demonstrates how much focused they are on the very region. The engagement of Washington with SEAN countries and its eagerness to participate in SEAN summits each year signal its enthusiasm of being a peremptory player of the region. It is interested both in assuring it s military resent and cooperation not only amongst its allies but also with China since the latters tending is much needed to uphold the status-quo.Moreover, the SEAN countries require balance of power within the region while their alliance with US is a major step towards refinancing against Chinas might. Towards Refinancing Elements and Objectives The rebalanced remains a multi-faceted, extensive and rather much noteworthy policy initiative. Politically speaking, three pieces of US refinancing strategy have been figured out that includes defended, financial and diplomatic tantrums. L. Security Aspect The recent adjustments in the US defensive posture reveal the importance of the element of security for the only global hegemony.Washington is aggressively shifting its extensive military potentials from other targets to one program that encompasses the entire Asia-Pacific region thus, reshuffling its defensive arrangements to ensure a much broader presence of the US armed forces to counter any possible belligerence. This incorporates the highly sophisticated military dispersion in Philippines and Australia and also to other regional allies, thereby guaranteeing an enhanced coercive amalgamation within the region. II.Financial Aspect The refinancing strategy also involves an intention to enhance trade and economic schemes amongst the US and its partners in-order to foster a trustworthy environment. For this purpose, an idea of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TAP), a free-trade accord, has been put forward that currently contains US and eleven other players but excludes China. Moreover, the financial aid to Asia-Pacific allies has also been doubled. Ill. Diplomatic Aspect The pivot has witnessed heightened diplomatic and military engagement of US high-profile officials in Asia-Pacific.The agenda involves monitoring US-China hostility and promoting trust-building cooperation amongst the two global giants. Keeping into account the US stakes in the region, a number o f objectives compliant with American strategic concerns have been drawn out. The central intention, as discussed earlier, is balancing and countering China while the other objectives revolve around it. L. Constructing a Sense of Justification Since Washington is currently inattentive in War-on-Terror, it requires a good reason to pull out its resources from the other regions to Asia-Pacific.The recent phenomenal milliampere of China has provided US that Justification where it feels itself bound to balance and to defend the land from any aggression. II. Strengthening Alliances another(prenominal) objective places the strengthening and reinforcing the strategic alliances as the foremost goal of the US. The idea is to reassure the Asian partners its presence whenever they feel threatened especially by China. Ill. Peaceful Resolution of Regional Disputes The non-violent resolution of Asian disputes is in the American core interests.The US is very much concerned regarding the solution of China- Taiwan tension and Korean Peninsula. It is keen to imply diplomatic efforts to ensure regional securities. Another objective involves the denationalization and non- proliferation of North-Korea in-order to guarantee peace and protection. V. Incorporating Rising Powers Another objective involves the integration of emerging China into contemporary global order. Keeping into stipulation Chinas economic and military boost, it is vital for the US to make Beijing act as a climb on and responsible regional stakeholder. V.Multilateral Commitment and Tackling Non- Traditional Dangers The strategic alliances are the building-blocks for collaboration against security threats faced by the region whether it be extremism, dangers from climate change, infectious diseases, nuclear proliferation or natural calamities. Such an alliance provides a basis for trust-building and cooperation to tackle Chinese rise. US Refinancing Hub-and-spoke Vs. Spoke-to-spoke Strategy Washington perceives i tself as a decisive and dominant Pacific might where the major part of its foreign policy revolves around shielding and protect Eurasia from any possible aggressor.The Beams pivot to Asia is merely a reflection of American obsession with the region. Moreover, the resultant solvent of World War-II paved way for an undeviating armed presence of US within and around the Asia-Pacific. The US grand strategy involves two options I. E. Over tactics and over posture. These strategic options enable the US to either espouse a forward military posture by having its global premeditated bases or to engage selectively with discerning partner states in pursuit of its national interests.The desertion of Soviet Union had placed China as the only adverse competitor for Washington, a military giant against which America evaluates itself both economically and militarily. In fact, Beijing is powerful enough to give a considerably tough time to the only super power over the upcoming couple of decades s ince its defended budget and GAP is likely to guide those of Americana. Moreover, assessments confirm that as compared to Nazi Germany or Soviet Union, China is a more challenging and highly capable antagonist having the potential to compete US economic boost.Though Beijing believes in peaceful rise but the threat of a serious clash amongst the two strategic giants remains high as Washington is much concerned over Chinas growing strengths. The upcoming 30 to confront the Chinese interests. US, therefore, solicit to curb China before such a scenario occurs. For the very purpose, US is eager to conduct Air-Sea battle possessing the potential to hit deep inside the Chinese terrain in-order to perturb Chinas AH/AD aptitude. It is not only politically acrid but also militarily precarious. Hub-and-spoke Strategy Containing Soviet Union and Defeating Communism The purpose of World War-II had witnessed some crucial changes within the political environment especially the metallization of hub-and-spoke strategy, a US grand sign to assemble alliances throughout the globe to guard its immediate interests against any challenger. The only perceptible contender at that time was Soviet Union, former USSR. The hub-and-spoke design acquiesced America to create close bilateral diplomatic and military links with core allies to offer effective deterrence against Soviet rise in Asia.The strategy involved a chain of Joint defended agreements devised at the peak of Cold War with allied states. Three of such treaties were signed in 1951, where the first one involved Philippines while the second incarnate a relater agreement amongst US, New Zealand and Australians. The third entailed a bilateral agreement amongst US and Japan that enabled America to have its military bases for defensive measures within Japanese territory. Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan also followed the suit. These defended treaties provided security assurance by America against Soviets threat.The hub-and-spoke strategy, also known as San- Francisco system, had delimit the US presence in Asia-Pacific since sasss. The salient characteristics of this system included Intense network of mutual alliances nobody of multilateral defended structures A strong lop-sidedness in alliance relation both in economy and security Special preference to Japan Easy access to US markets Similar to pivot to Asia, the alliances were framed to balance the perceived risk against the then US competitor, USSR.The formulation of SEATS (South-East Asia Treaty Organization) back in 1954 was an unmingled demonstration of the said strategy where eight states signed the agreement for mutual defended against communist states of USSR and China. The member states incorporated Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, France, United States and United Kingdom. The ore focus during the entire Cold War rested on shared defended against global communism, particularly against Soviet Union since the political up shot of World War-II reinforced the competition between East versus West.The obvious differences in the strategic thinking and contradictory interests brought the US and Soviet Union at the verge of war. Being a capitalist society, America felt itself threatened by communist expansion and the growing capability of USSR. However, as compared to todays mighty China, Soviet Union despite of its broad presence in Asia was militarily lesser a Pacific power than the ISSUE. The USSR-China rivalry, on the other hand, provided further political advantage to Washington and its strategic allies to overpower the Soviet Union in Cold War.Consequently, the hub-and-spoke strategy, by having America as the leading hub while the rest of the allied state as the Spokes, remained the key aspect of security design within Asia-Pacific. Similar to what the world has witnessed during the Cold War, American strategic thinking has yet again turned towards another Asian competitor, China. However, the Washing tons containment policy has altered to some extent since the approach is Ewing reverse into a more disbursed alliance system marked as Spoke-to-spoke strategy.Keeping in view its financial condition, America is encouraging its partners to share its burden of safeguarding Asia. Increased global military trade, armed exercises and training with different stakeholders could be seen within the region to build the ability to challenge Chinese might. US is not only facilitating its regional allies to develop their own defensive system but also provoking them to encourage with each other in an effort towards opposing China.The term Spoke-to-spoke refers to the new strategy that focuses on Spokes and to the Hub America, being the facilitator and inciter, leads its alliances to cooperate with itself and amongst each other in-order to share the load of balancing Chinas rise. Being highly anxious over Chinas power, Tokyo is playing the dominant role in furthering this containment policy and has established closer ties with various states. Moreover, Japan is sky-high involved in developing strategic links especially with Philippines and Vietnam, two extreme regional opponents of China.Similarly, Vietnam is also building good strategic ties with Washington to offset Chinese might. Australia, in 2012, has conducted military exercises with Japan thus, collaborating in maritime affairs. South-Korea, on the other hand, is strongly committed to Join hands with US to contribute a leading role in criticizing the region. Though American leaders often reject it, but US military has maintained an aggressive posture devised with an intention to bring Chinas maritime commerce at jeopardy. Its armed forces are placed in such a way that could intimidate Beijing supply lines in CSS region thus threatening Chinese economy.Keeping into count Chinas reliance on sea-lines, Washington is keen to exploit this dependency by provoking its alliances while Beijing historical territorial tensions with its neighboring states has put China on a relative disadvantage. America has its strategic bases in almost every partner state. As more as 100,000 US military personnel are deployed in both South-Korea and Japan while 2500 submarines are present in Australia. Likewise India, Chinas genuine Asian competitor, has also partnered with Washington in-order to challenge Chinese rise. US is interested in containing China from all dimensions through alliance structure.Having the most powerful Navy, America enjoys good working ties with regional opponents of China thus maintaining defended pacts with five Asia-Pacific powers. However, the alliances are not only conjecture to contain China but also are helpful in curbing global terrorism. The significant aspects of the containment strategy include a symmetrical network aimed at refinancing the defended burden in Asia-Pacific, introduction of multilateral defended structures like SEAN e. T. C, broadening the scope of defended relations b etween Washington and allied partners and Preference to each regional ally .
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