Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Riyadh City Council, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Riyadh City Council, - Essay Example For instance, they have experienced problems with improving the methods for keeping up with rapid changes such as civilizational shifts or new lifestyles among community members (Al-Nuaim 2001). To consider services for health, safety, and security, housing plans, and preservation of the environment and historical sites has become a challenge for Riyadh’s local administrators. Moreover, most often, the public’s opinion on the policies implemented by the City Council as well as on the implementation of projects and activities, and the performance of the governing body, has created difficulties for mayors and the rest of the administration in developing their community (Al Riyadh 2004). Because of these, the Riyadh City Council has aimed to boost their performance by focusing on the capability of their workforce, enhancing their projects by being consistent with the community’s needs, and providing their administration with the necessary procedural and managerial s pecialisations. One weak point that the local city councils in Riyadh has demonstrated is that they are not very capable of integrating various departments for planning and implementation, hence, reducing their likelihood for accomplishing main goals. The Royal Decree No. 5 in Riyadh has mandated the division of municipalities and villages along with the regulations and functions that go with them. Although municipalities have been given administrative and financial autonomy with which authorities and obligations are extended, regional decentralization has not been fully achieved through the administrations’ actual performance. Moreover, mayors and deputy directors lack the proper guidance and follow-up measures in securing the coordination of administrative practices and activities, and maintaining a good level of performance and usage of performance management approaches. The current study, thus, aims to answer the question: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the perf ormance management system of Riyadh City Council? In relation, it aims to address the following objective: 1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses with regards to the performance management system in the Riyadh City Council. 2. Provide recommendations on the areas that need further improvement in the performance management system of the Riyadh City Council. Review of Related Literature Introduction The local and municipal government of Riyadh has aimed to improve and develop their local community by reaching out to the public as well as understanding and finding solutions to various problems. This ability occurs by allowing the local administration to interact with the community which brings about the effective involvement of citizens in relevant activities, thereby increasing the likelihood for national participation in the development process. In order to allow such circumstances to occur, there is a need to look into how the Riyadh City Council sets their standards for performan ce management as well as the actions that they take to generate favorable outcomes. Performance Management: An Overview The important need for implementing an effective and well-organized performance management system has significantly increased over the years. This has occurred due to the fact that performance management can not only enhance performance but the quality of a company as well (Lawson, Stratton, and Hatch 2003). Without the necessary regarding the implementation of systems for performance management, organizations can experience inefficiency and decreased productivity, thus the need to further look into the components of successful performance management. The concept of performance management can be applied on the performance of either the organization as a whole or the individual
Monday, October 28, 2019
Bru Tripura Vision Essay Example for Free
Bru Tripura Vision Essay According to the legends one of the Tripuri prince was expatriated by the king, who along with his followers migrated to the Mayani Thalang area of Lushai hills and founded a state over there. He proclaim as king of the state and the descendant of the exiled Tripuri prince ruled over the state for generations. In due course of time there was no heir to succeed the throne, which lead to anarchy in the kingdom. Owing to some internal feud and vendetta four chief of the sub tribes, namely Twikluha, Yongsika, Paisika, Tuibruha and their entourage left their hearth and home and migrated through Chittagong to the state of Tripura centuries ago. These Reang chiefs could not climb up the Dombur hill peak for two consecutive times and succeeded in third times. Mahendra Manikya was at the throne of Tripura kingdom. After reaching to the capital, these chiefs tried to persuade the ministers and other bureaucrats to give them permission to meet the king and submit their memorandum but was not successful in doing so. By then they have exhausted whatever food and edible they had brought with them and suffered a lot. They were very sad and disheartened by this. They were determined to send the message of their arrival to the king anyhow. In order to send information to the king they broke the dam of the river Gumti where worship was going on at that time. This was a serious crime and all of them were brought before the king. The king ordered them capital punishment. Somehow this news came to Queen Gunoboti. The chiefs prayed in front of the queen who after persuading the king motivated to forgive these chiefs of their crime, who letter forgave them. Since then the Reangs became very obedient and loyal to the queen and throne of Tripura. It is said that the ueen Gunoboti fed these chiefs with her breast milk in a big pan of brass, which is still intact with Ktordofa, which was gifted by the queen. The queen gifted many other valuable things, which were carefully preserved by Reangs till date. Historical Population figures In 1971 the Riang were the second largest of the scheduled tribes in Tripura. There were 64,722 people counted in the Riang tribe in Tripura that year. In 1961 the Riang had numbered 56,597 and in 19 51 they had numbered 8,471. [1] According to the 2001 census, there were 165,103 Reang in Tripura. Meska and Molsoi groups The Reang clans are divided into two groups: 1. Meska, 2. Molsoi. The Meska Group The Meska group is divided into seven sub groups or dopha, these are as follows: 1. Meska :- Meskameans the lemon tree in in kau bru language. 2. Msa :- Msa means tiger in Kau bru. It is said that the fore-father of this dopha was brought up by a tigress in his child hood like the Romulus and Ramous of ancient Rome. 3. Chorkhi :- Chorkhi means Spinning wheel in Kau bru, it is said that one Reang chief was speaking obscene about his daughter-in-law, when his friends started spinning the spinning wheel to musk the obscene of the chiefs. So the descendant are named after the chorkhi. 4. Raikchaoh :- Rai means cane in Kaubru, kchaoh means red in Kaubru; it is said that the fore-father of this dofa used to wear cane made red colour armlet. 5. wairem :- wai means tie, rem means mix/hybrid in Reanglanguage. It is said that they are descendant of Reang man and Kuki woman. 6. Tauma yakcho :- Tauma means hen, yakcho means toeless; the toes of the fore-fathers of this dopha resembled to that of hen. 7. Tuimuiyaphaoh :- Tuimayaphaoh means tortoise in Reang dialect, the fore-father of this dopha were suffering from white patches like the tortoise chest. The Molsoi Group The Molsoi group is sub-divided into six groups, which are as follows: 1. Molsoi :- Molsoi is the derivative of msoi which means msoi in Kaubru. Their fore-fathers first settled in the deer dominated green valley. Since they were called in that name. 2. Apeto :- Apeto is a type of fish in Kaubru. The fore-fathers belly was big like the belly of Apet fish. 3. Nouhkham :- Nouh means house, kham means burnt in Kaubru; once the fore-father of this dophas house were burnt to ashes since then they were termed in this name. 4. Chongpreng :- Chongpreng is a type of musical instrument, it is said that the fore-father of this dopha used to survive by playing this musical instrument as they were suffering from gungri disease. 5. Yaohstam :- Yaohstam means ring of finger, it is said that the fore-father of this dopha used to used to wear ring and used to display proudly to others. This dopha has been in extinct at present. 6. Reang kachko :- Kachko means chief in Kokborok, the fore-father of this dopha were chiefs of Reang. Ktor Dopha In the above thirteen dophas or sub-groups of the Reangs there are 26 chiefs or heads, who are designated as Kotor Dopha. Kotor means head and dopha means clan or group. The chiefs are divided into two categories: * Rai, and * Kaskau. Rai and his subordinates chiefs * Rai :- Rai means Raja or chief of the sub group is bestowed as Rai. * Chapiya Khan :- Crown Rai. * Chapiya :- Crown Chapiya Khan. * Dor kalim :- He is the priest of Rai. * Doloi :- Helper of Rai. * Bandari :- Store keeper of Rai. * Kanda :- Servant and holder of umbrella of Rai. * Doya Hajari:- Drum player. * Muriya :- Trumpet player. * Dugria :- Helper in of priest. * Dauwa :- Arranger of puja, or worshiping. Siakrak :- distributor of prasad, that is the sacrificial animal meat. Kaskau and his sub ordinate chiefs * Kaskau :- The chief minister of the sub-group is bestowed as Kaskau. * Yaksung :- He is the assistant of chief minister. * Hajra :- Servant of Kaskau. * Kangreng :- Umbrella holder of Kaskau. * Kormo : Servant of Yaksung. * Khan Galim: Umbrella holder of Yaksung. * Khandol :- The collector of food and other required articles. P eople of Kotor Dopha are exempted from paying taxes to the king. Occupation, culture and custom The Reangs are primarily an agriculturist tribe. In the past they mostly used to practise the Huk or Jhum cultivation, like most other Tripuri tribes. But now shifted to modern agricultural practice. Most of the educated are employed in government job and many are occupying very high post in administration. Some have also started doing business also. Marriage system The Reang is an endogamous tribe and had very little contact with the Bengali or other sub-tribe of Tripuri. But since the beginning of nineteen century there has been some inter tribe marriages and inter-caste wedding among them. The marriage system is similar to other Tripuri tribe of Tripura. There is no dowry system but the bride-groom has to spend to father-in-laws house for two years before marriage is performed. There are two types of marriages;but nowadays the system to spend to father-in-laws house is no mandatory. Haloksai, and Haloksam. Parallel cousin marriage is prevalent but declining. Cross cousin marriage among the Reang is accidental. Child marriage is not allowed, widow marriage is permitted. Widows are prohibited to wear ornaments before one year is passed after the death of husbands. Widow and widower are forbidden to participate any entertaining and enjoying programme or activity or attending such activity within one year of death of their spouses. Remarriage of widow and widower are allowed after one year of death of the spouse. Monogamy is the present day practice of the society. Marriage is arranged through the matchmaker Andra, who goes to the prospective brides parent for negotiation. Then the brides party is invited to finalise the marriage in Kokswmgma, while pork, fowl, rice, rice beer are served. Marriage is settled to the satisfaction of both the party. The Okchai performs the wedding ceremony on the nuptial day fixed. The Reang widower is not permitted to get marry to an unmarried virgin girl. The Reang marriage bond is very strong and Reang men cannot divorce without the consent of wife. If any Reang is alleged for extramarital relationship and found to be true then they are dealt with strict punishment and heavy penalty is imposed upon. Dress and ornaments The traditional dress of the Reang is simple and plain like other Tripuri people. Traditionally the men wear a hand woven loin cloth and a piece of cloth as a wrapper for upper portion. The women wear a long cloth called Rnai, a wraparound; from the waist to down to the knees. A Rsa, covering the chest, and Rikatouh for covering the whole upper half of the body, wears the upper part of the body. These are woven by the Reang women, which are colourful and very beauty full. But nowadays the educated mass are wearing all the modern dresses like any other part of the world. The Reang women are very fond of personal decoration and take much care for the makeup and hair-do. They love like other Tripuri people, ornaments, flowers, and cosmetics. Silver ornaments especially the necklace of silver coins, the Rangbauk have a pride of place and status. Dance and music It is very much integral part of the Reangs daily life. No other Tripuri people are so fond of dance like them. As a result the Hojagiri folk dance of Riang sub tribe had attained achieved acclaim all over the world. Hozagiri Dance is the most famous dance of the reang community. While the theme of the dance remains almost to be the same as of other tribes, the dance form of the Reang community is quite different from others. The movement of hands or even the upper part of the body is somewhat restricted, whereas the movement beginning from their waist down to their feet creates a wonderful wave. Standing on an earthen pitcher with a bottle on the head and a lighted lamp on it, when the Reang belle dance twisting rhythmically the lower part of the body, the dance bewilders the onlookers. The Reangs also use the musical Instruments like Khamb, Flute made of bamboo and bamboo cymbal. The Reang women prefer to put on black Pachra and Rsa. Reang women put on coins ring, which generally covers their entire upper body. They also put on rings made of coin in their ears. They are fond of fragrant flowers as ornaments to metal things Customs Most of the disputed and differences are settled by the people of Kotor dofa, that is by the Rai and Kasko of respective sub tribe. It is done through the customary law of the Reangs. Whenever a disputes arise in the between the member of the community, a meeting is called by the Rai. All relevant arguments are heard and then justice is done according to the principle of natural justice. Whatever verdict or punishment is pronounced in the judgment it is implemented with firm hand and payments of penalty etc. re made then and there. Religious belief and practices Majority of the Reang in Tripura adhere to Vaishnav Hinduism. They claim Kshatriya status. A growing number of Christians, almost all of them Baptists, exists in both Tripura and Mizoram. In 1943, the Reang were subjected to forcible conversions during the rebellion by Ratanmani Noatia. During the end of 2 0th century, they were again subjected to religious violence in Mizoram by the Baptists. [3] Like other Tripuri people they also believe in many god and goddess. The centre figures are those of fourteen gods and goddess of Tripura. Their important festivals are same those of prevailing in Tripura. These are Ker, Gonga mwtai, Goria, Chitragupra, Hojagiri, Katangi puja, Lampra uathop. The religious observance are community in nature, and each family has to contribute his part of share of payment. It is called as Khain. All the religious festivals are arranged with the prior meeting of chiefs. In such meetings political, social, and religious matters of importance are discussed and decided by the majority of the meeting. The deities of the Reangs are similar those of other Tripuri people. These are: * Sibrai, the supreme deity or Mtai Ktor Tuima, the presiding deity of river, * Mainouhma, the goddess of paddy, * Khuluhma, the goddess of cotton, * Goroia, the god of wealth prosperity well being and war, * Kalaia, brother of Goria, * Sangrongma, the deity of mother earth, * Hathaikchuma, the goddess of hill, * Buraha, the god of jungle, * Thuhnairou, the god of death, * Bonirou, the god of evil spirit, * Nouhsuma, t he goddess of house holds. Worshipping of the deities The worship of different deities are similar to the main-stream Tripuri people. Aokchai, the priest performs all the ceremony along with his helper. The green bamboo pole is used as deity in most on the cases. Different types of life stock like fowl, pig, goat eggs, etc. are offered in the worship. The place of worship is selected out side of the houses. Where the offerings are dedicated in the names of the deities in front of the wathop, green bamboo pole, the symbol of god. But the Rangtouk and Nouhsuma puja is held inside the house only. Two earthen pots are filled with newly grown rice and at top of the pot some oval pebbles collected from huk specially. The pebbles are called the fortune stone. And the pots (Rongtuk) are decorated with the rice powder, vermilion, and garlands. One is named Mainouhgma, the other as Khuluhgma. Rituals on birth of a baby On the birth of baby many pujas are observed. These are Kebengma, Abu suma, Khongkhonok kama, Maitukma etc. for the welfare of the baby. The fowl, prawn, several leaves of trees are needed. When the child grows up special form of worship has to be performed. Bukhuksini the seven-gurdian deities of witches are pleased with sacrifice of a pig, four fowls, and other things beside. Ceremony on death The mortal remains are cremated. The obsequies is done in two stages: Broksakami and Kthuinaimo. Broksakami When a person dies his corpse is first bathed with the Chobtui that is alkali water or soap . After that he is dressed with new clean Rikatouh, head is dressed with another piece of rikatouh like the headgear. In case of woman rnai and rsa. Then a fowl is sacrificed in front of the feet of the corpse. Later on an earthen pot filled with mean and rice placed at the feat of the deceased and it is followed by dance rituals throughout the night. Rice bear is distributed to all the mourners excepting the family members of the deceased. The next morning the body is laid to rest on pyre and cremated usually near a stream. Kthoinaimo It is a ritual connected with the respectful and well wishing offering to the manes. Laotou or the soul deceased remains under the control of the Sisimangi, the son of Buraha , for a year and it is said that Sisimangi is the protector of the soul. On the day of the kathainaimi the widow of the deceased offers dried rice, meat, fish, fruits, and wine in the name of Laotau and Sisimangi, on the smangnouk , then taking the burnt bones or ashes go to the charainok. It is worshiped for over a period of one year or he next hangrai, when it is immersed in any river or in Gomati River at Dumbur,or Ganga, according to the ability of the family. In short the religious culture of the Reang is similar to that of other Tripuri or the Tripuras other cast Hindu . Posted by BRU at 04:37 Email ThisBlogThis! Share to TwitterShare to Facebook No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Followers Blog Archive * ? 2011 (20) * ; December (6) * ; November (12) * ? October (2) * HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF TRIPURA * Demography of Reangs History About Me BRU View my complete profile | | Simple template. Powered by Blogger.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Power Relations Exposed in Truth and Power :: Truth and Power Essays
Power Relations Exposed in Truth and Power In "Truth and Power" Michel Foucault revisits the major theoretical trends and questions of his career. He is a thinker who knows no bounds of subject or field. His ideas stretch from literature to science, from psychology to labor. He deals in a currency that is accepted everywhere: truth and power. Foucault spends much of his career tracing the threads of truth and power as they intertwine with the history of human experience. He especially loves to study asylums and prisons because they are close to an encapsulated power structure. Using techniques culled from psychology, politics, anthropology, sociology, and archaeology, Foucault presents a highly politicized analysis of the flow of power and power relations. "Truth and Power" is an excerpted version of an interview with Alesandro Fontana and Pasquale Pasquino that initially appeared as "Intervista a Miche Foucault" in Microfiseca del Poetere in 1977. The interviewers first ask Foucault to revisit some of his earlier ideas and trace the path of his career. Foucault began looking at asylums, and tried to create his theories with an eye toward French politics of the Left. He soon turned to evaluating other sciences such as biology, political economy, and medicine, and came up with the concept of discontinuity: "It seemed to me that ... the rhythm of transformation doesn't follow the smooth, continuist schemas of development which are normally accepted." The idea of discontinuity became a tag which other critics and thinkers applied to him, much to his dismay. Foucault wanted only to show the susceptibility of the sciences and scientific statements to the pressures of power: At this level it's not so much a matter of knowing what external power imposes itself on science, as of what effects of power circulate among scientific statements, what constitutes, as it were, their internal regime of power, and how and why at certain moments that regime undergoes a global modification. This idea echoes Thomas Kuhn's ideas about paradigm shifts in a science, and even reverberates back to Dryden's statements about every age's "universal genius." Dryden stated that in every generation there is a general inclination of thought that affects all disciplines. Kuhn proliferated the idea that major revolutions in science are due to major paradigm shifts. The discussion then moves to structuralism, where Foucault makes some major statements about the structure of history. Foucault is ardent in asserting, "I don't see who could be more of an anti-structuralist than myself.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Self Discovery in Breakfast of Champions :: Breakfast of Champions Essays
Self Discovery in Breakfast of Champions                              In Brandon Boyd’s Make Yourself he states that â€Å" if [he] hadn’t assembled [himself] than [he] would’ve fallen apart,†implying that if one does not take the time to understand and build his or her own values and morals then one will live in confusion and falter. Throughout Vonnegut’s Breakfast of Champions, Kilgore Trout goes through the process of realizing who he is and then learns to remain true to himself. At first Trout is a pessimist who strives to be heard. Trout then begins to question human ways and while doing so finds a few answers about not only them but him as well.            In the beginning Trout comes off as a pessimistic unknown writer. One of his most popular works, Plague on Wheels was sold for twelve dollars for the pictures alone. Later people would pay only a dollar for it, but this time â€Å"for the words†. Trout is in awe about the way that people work. In Plague on Wheels he expresses the ideas and ways of humans and then refers to them as â€Å" cuckoo†. He cannot understand why people do such ridiculous things such as, â€Å"[agree] with friends to express friendliness†and everyone else follows. He sees that people feel the need to conform for acceptance and this annoys him. In his story he also cites the time of which â€Å"Earthlings discovered tools†, referring to guns. Trout points out that the â€Å"tools†only purpose is â€Å"to make holes in human beings†, this seeming extremely ridiculous to him. Realizing all of this bothers Trout immensely and puts him in a bitter state.            Kilgore Trout proceeds in watching the actions of humans. He realizes that he is no longer innocent, â€Å" his head is no longer just sheltered ideas.†Trout sees things for what they are and knows that he has deal with that. He must learn to form his own opinions and ideas. When Trout actually looks back and realizes how sheltered people are at the beginning of life it â€Å"scares the bejesus†out of him. He realizes that when we are so protected that it leaves us extremely vulnerable. Trout begins to question certain human ideas, one being the â€Å"creator of the universe.†Trout takes interest in trying to figure out who in fact is the creator.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Martin Guerre
The book â€Å"Martin Guerre†written by Natalie Zemon Davis' is about a French peasant of the 16th century, who was at the core of an eminent case of masquerade. Natalie Zemon Davis is a historian and an American feminist of early contemporary France. Her major interests are in cultural and social history particularly of those formerly disregarded by the historians. In her book she discusses about the peasant life because according to her the most striking think about peasant life in sixteenth century, France was that marriage was primarily an economic and business relationship. It seemed to be used simply to unite familial lands and provide continuity in the family. Even though most, if not the entire, would presume the lives of peasants are unimportant in the superior system of things, the admired tale of Martin Guerre gives details of workers or peasants creating important, life-altering verdicts founded on egotism. The individual existance of the peasants does make a distinction. The author Natalie Zemon Davis narrates the story of peasants take care of themselves and seldom do they permit others to get in the way with their own aims, ambitions and objectives. She tries to fill in the fissure of the narrative with her personal view and opinion; even though, her judgment at times opposes the contemporaries of the tale. Numerous sources utilized by Natalie Davis are reasonably sound; but, several other sources elevate queries of their own genuineness and deep feeling. The novelist also takes a cavernous look into the lives of the peasants to investigate what coerces them and what so fervently fuels their idiosyncratic desires. The book details the life of the peasants in not only one specific place, but also details the customs of numerous places such as Hendaye, Artigat, and the court at Rieux in a contrast/compare style. It builds a world of stairs where those on the lowest rung are always looking somewhere higher up, yet they are always able to keep a taut rein on their lives. The characters of this tale are brought to a startling realism and gives details of every possible thought and action that could have led them down the path that they chose, and even speculates on alternatives to the choice they made. The author shows the life of the real Martin Guerre as full of regret and disgust at things gone wrong. His wife, Bertrande de Rols, is expressed as a manipulator that is always weighing her options and scheming to rise ahead. Subsequently, there is Arnaud du Tilh; without his appearance, no story would have likely taken place because it took a man of his shrewdness and his love of vice to create such a fantastical plot. Despite the fact that Arnaud was â€Å"the man for whom [Bertrande] felt†¦a great and joyous passion†(Davis 1983), she couldn't stay contentedly with him. She was a very strong catholic who could not accept â€Å"the shadow of sin and danger which accompanied [Arnaud]†(Davis 1983), even though he made her happier than Martin ever could or would have. In an era where women were indeed oppressed in a male-dominated society, it is understandable that a woman like Bertrande would have feelings of anger towards her oppressors. It is certain that she feels anger and a kind of hatred towards Arnaud, saying that â€Å"[she] has not demanded his death, but now [she] must demand it†(Davis 1983). It is possible that Arnaud is ‘copping the brunt' of all of her hardships that came about after Martin left her. A person might think that Bertrand’s triumph would at last bestow her liberty and trustworthiness. On the contrary, she is given the opposed â€Å"harsh, solitary justice†. No one in actual fact cares that she was true, and no one tries to stop her at the time she goes away. If ethical impartiality had been attained, she (Bertrande) would not have been in the place where she ended up. Frances and Joseph Geis elucidate comprehensively the traditions of family and matrimony during the 16th century. In the middle Ages, the majority of the peasants did not have proper matrimonial vows performed in church. As an alternative, they promise (or vow) to each other to reside as ordinary and bylaw wife and husband. Ceremony was not compulsory because peasants did not possess land; they worked on the property of the aristocracy as occupant cultivators or farmers. Matrimonial customs transformed in the 16th  century due to the peasant's capability to possess property, due to which parents persevered on having further control over their progeny’s matrimonial options. â€Å"Love may do much, but money more.†This was a popular proverb among peasants in 16th century France. This quote characterizes peasant life in all aspects and the same has been described in the book. Though the world offered much to its citizens, the peasants always wanted more; they wanted more money, which would in turn, provide more power. Whatever is beneficial to them, they seek without regards as to the effects it would have on others. In this age of France, trade between villages and towns was bountiful. This emphasis put on business reveals the peasant motto â€Å"but money more†; many believed trading would bring them, greater riches and opportunity. Marriage was a major vessel used by peasants, by which they sought out power and wealth. One such example is the marriage of Bertrande de Rols and Martin Guerre. The Guerre's attempted to use their son, Martin, to make connections with a significant, prominent family in the society of Artigat. They hoped that this new bonding would help them make vital connections to a higher class of peasant. Although it was shunned by most in the Catholic Church and by attorneys consensual marriage was legal and only required the bride and groom to agree on it. It was usually eschewed because it did not give the families any voice in the matter. However, most marriages were arranged by the parents. The main purpose of the marriage was to produce children; love was not a factor. The more children (especially males) a family has, the greater fortune it will likely bring to the family. A childless marriage was grounds for a divorce at this time; without children, a marriage, in essence, has no purpose. Many people simply did not find that their present situation was going well. Many departed themselves from reality by joining the army (this was common due to the current war between France and Spain). Others did not take such a drastic step; they simply picked up everything they owned and moved to a new village to start a new life in hopes of better fortune. Around this time, as ideas moved about rather swiftly due to peasant migration, Protestantism arose to challenge the authority of Catholicism. Peasants broke into church buildings and smashed images of the saints and other artwork. Protestantism found its fuel in its central doctrines: such as scripture being open to individual interpretation. Peasants saw these doctrines as loopholes and alternatives to the harsh, Catholic teachings. The courts, at this time, were attempting to instill the public with more conservative decisions that would favor marriage to divorce and put an emphasis on the familial unit, especially the children; this they did in hopes of ending decisions based solely on self-interest. There are scenarios where execution is used as a form of punishment for adultery. Davis accentuates the generalities of medieval life in France and also provides particularities, such as the property of Pansette staying within his family instead of going to the king, as was the custom. A desire to attain one's own interests so eagerly is proven repeatedly by Davis as though she is obviously attempting to lead us in that direction by her outlook on this part of the past. BIBLIOGRAPHY Davis, Natalie, The Return of Martin Guerre, Harvard University Press, 1983, ISBN, 0 14 00,7593 3 Original Literary Source Lewis, Janet. Retour de Martin Guerre, Le  Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Hemmingways Heroic Code
In many of Hemmingway’s novels, the main character of the story follows a set of rules or guidelines for conduct known as a heroic â€Å"code.†In this code, the following principal ideals are present, honor, courage, and endurance in a life filled with stress, misfortune, and pain. The hero’s world is often violent and disorderly, and this world of gets the best of the character in the end. In following the â€Å"code†the hero finds fulfillment and helps prove his manhood and self worth. These heroes are involved in a constant battle with not only themselves or another physical being but fate itself, which proves to overcome all eventually. In both of Hemmingway’s novels, â€Å"Old Man and the Sea†and â€Å"A Farewell to Arms,†the heroic figure of the story shows though fighting and overcoming a supreme ordeal in the end both face certain tragedy. Hemmingway’s â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea†is a story about an old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, who goes through the most difficult struggle of and for his life. In his small village, Santiago is the center of banter and pity among the other fisherman. Eighty-four days had past and he had not caught a fish but continued the extremely hard work of packing up and going out in the morning, spending the day on the water with limited food and drink then coming home packing up all his gear with nothing to show for it. The work involved in being a fisherman in this village is a lot for a young man let alone old Santiago. Also there were no rods or reels, each fish taken is caught on a hook at the end of a line, which rests in your hands. He had a young friend, Manolin, who was sent by his parents to work with other fishermen because of the old mans lack of success. One day Santiago planned to sail into deeper water hoping for better chances of catching a prized fish. Ea rly on he catches a small tuna and uses a fresh cut piece of flesh to bate one of his hooks. Now, deeper in the s... Free Essays on Hemmingway's Heroic Code Free Essays on Hemmingway's Heroic Code In many of Hemmingway’s novels, the main character of the story follows a set of rules or guidelines for conduct known as a heroic â€Å"code.†In this code, the following principal ideals are present, honor, courage, and endurance in a life filled with stress, misfortune, and pain. The hero’s world is often violent and disorderly, and this world of gets the best of the character in the end. In following the â€Å"code†the hero finds fulfillment and helps prove his manhood and self worth. These heroes are involved in a constant battle with not only themselves or another physical being but fate itself, which proves to overcome all eventually. In both of Hemmingway’s novels, â€Å"Old Man and the Sea†and â€Å"A Farewell to Arms,†the heroic figure of the story shows though fighting and overcoming a supreme ordeal in the end both face certain tragedy. Hemmingway’s â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea†is a story about an old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, who goes through the most difficult struggle of and for his life. In his small village, Santiago is the center of banter and pity among the other fisherman. Eighty-four days had past and he had not caught a fish but continued the extremely hard work of packing up and going out in the morning, spending the day on the water with limited food and drink then coming home packing up all his gear with nothing to show for it. The work involved in being a fisherman in this village is a lot for a young man let alone old Santiago. Also there were no rods or reels, each fish taken is caught on a hook at the end of a line, which rests in your hands. He had a young friend, Manolin, who was sent by his parents to work with other fishermen because of the old mans lack of success. One day Santiago planned to sail into deeper water hoping for better chances of catching a prized fish. Ea rly on he catches a small tuna and uses a fresh cut piece of flesh to bate one of his hooks. Now, deeper in the s...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free sample - We at McDonalds. translation missing
We at McDonalds. We at McDonaldsIf you are trying to create a mob, you can just shout out and you will have a gathering in no minutes. But that is NOT a group in essence. A group is formed of likeminded individuals who are gathered on a same purpose and work on a systematic synchronization. But to form a group needs a comprehensive method or a system. In the year 1965, Bruce Tuckman gifted us with the model of group development in the typical Dr. Suess style. According to original system proposed by Tuckman, there were four stages to the group development process, as follows: a)     Forming – This is the stage where the group is just forming. Group members are getting introduced and coming to know each other. The shy members are not being favorable and the extravert members are asserting their leadership over the group. At this stage, the group is yet not a group and it still works on the psychology on an individual basis. b)     Storming – But the initial struggle to decide the hierarchy of dominance does not end in the previous stage. It continues on to the second stage known as ‘storming’. In this stage, a natural fight among who the leader will be and who the follower will be is decided, through extensive back and forth social momentum. c)     Norming – Now, let us say the social hierarchy is being set and we have a certain leader for us. This is the perfect time to set the norms, the objectives and policies of the group. This decides the basic structure and ideology of the group. At this stage, it is not about individual power but about establishing the group identity. This is highly susceptible to revert back to the Storming stage and that’s why communication is subtle and implicit most of the time. d)     Performing – Everything is determined at this moment and the group is supposed to head towards action now. With the stable internal structure and preset ideology and purpose, the group is all ready to take the plunge now. Even in McDonalds, we follow these same stages of group development. To start with the introduction, we are a group comprising of six members in our team. We work at the front end, which is catering food to the customers. Sometimes, if we have been contacted on a delivery at a certain place and time, and it is urgent, we take on that job as well. So, our job profile includes the food catering service mainly. In our group, the team members are supposed to be active during the work hours and that is why, we have chosen some young people for the group. The oldest member is twenty-nine years old and the youngest member is around nineteen years old. We are an efficient group of front-end workers and peering closely at the interaction sort of our group, it can be proclaimed that we are at the ‘performing’ stage of group development at this moment. The longest time was taken during the ‘norming’ stage. It was the time when group ideology, or identity, is being decided and instilling the vision and focus of the McDonalds can be somewhat hard to infuse into minds of the young people. They had to understand that McDonalds is not just a burger company servicing people. It is important to understand that McDonalds is a people’s company first of all, and there goes more into the functioning of the company other than just producing burgers. This is basically instilled into every employee working for McDonalds - from the restaurant manager to the door attendant. And this is even more important for the food-catering end to understand and believe in. So, it can be easily said that our group has moved into the ‘performing’ stage and now the most crucial factor is to keep up the motivation and performance going.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Development of M1 Garand - World War II Rifles
Development of M1 Garand - World War II Rifles The M1 Garand was the first semi-automatic rifle to be issued to an entire army. Developed in the 1920s and 1930s, the M1 was designed by John Garand. Firing a .30-06 round, the M1 Garand was the main infantry weapon employed by US forces during World War II and the Korean War. Development The US Army first began its interest in semi-automatic rifles in 1901. This was furthered in 1911, when testing was held using the Bang and Murphy-Manning. Experiments continued during World War I and trials were held in 1916-1918. Development of a semi-automatic rifle began in earnest in 1919, when the US Army concluded that the cartridge for its current service rifle, the Springfield M1903, was far more powerful than needed for typical combat ranges. That same year, the gifted designer John C. Garand was hired at the Springfield Armory. Serving as the chief civilian engineer, Garand began work on a new rifle. His first design, the M1922, was ready for testing in 1924. This possessed a caliber of .30-06 and featured a primer-operated breech. After inconclusive testing against other semi-automatic rifles, Garand improved the design, producing the M1924. Further trials in 1927 produced an indifferent outcome, though Garand did design a .276 caliber, gas-operated model based on the results. In the spring of 1928, the Infantry and Cavalry boards ran trials which resulted in the .30-06 M1924 Garand being dropped in favor of the .276 model. One of two finalists, Garands rifle competed with the T1 Pedersen in the spring of 1931. In addition, a single .30-06 Garand was tested but was withdrawn when its bolt cracked. Easily defeating the Pedersen, the .276 Garand was recommended for production on January 4, 1932. Shortly thereafter, Garand successfully retested the .30-06 model. Upon hearing the results, the Secretary of War and Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur, who did not favor reducing calibers, ordered work to stop on the .276 and that all resources be directed to improving the .30-06 model. On August 3, 1933, Garands rifle was re-designated Semi-Automatic Rifle, Caliber 30, M1. In May of the following year, 75 of the new rifles were issued for testing. Though numerous problems were reported with the new weapon, Garand was able to correct them and the rifle was able to be standardized on January 9, 1936, with the first production model cleared on July 21, 1937. Specifications Cartridge: .30-06 Springfield (7.62 x 63mm), 7.62 x 51mm NATOCapacity: 8-round en bloc clip inserted into an internal magazineMuzzle Velocity: 2750-2800 ft./sec.Effective Range: 500 yds.Rate of Fire: 16-24 rounds/minuteWeight: 9.5 lbs.Length: 43.6 in.Barrel Length: 24 in.Sights: Aperture rear sight, barleycorn-type front sightAction: Gas-operated w/ rotating boltNumber Built: approx. 5.4 millionAccessories: M1905 or M1942 bayonet, grenade launcher Magazine Action While Garand was designing the M1, Army Ordnance demanded that the new rifle possess a fixed, non-protruding magazine. It was their fear that a detachable magazine would be quickly lost by US soldiers in the field and would make the weapon more susceptible to jamming due to dirt and debris. With this requirement in mind, John Pedersen created an en bloc clip system that permitted the ammunition to be loaded into the rifles fixed magazine. Originally the magazine was meant to hold ten .276 rounds, however, when the change was made to .30-06, the capacity was reduced to eight. The M1 utilized a gas-operated action that used expanding gases from a fired cartridge to chamber the next round. When the rifle was fired, the gases acted upon a piston which, in turn, pushed the operating rod. The rod engaged a rotating bolt which turned and moved the next round into place. When the magazine was emptied, the clip would be expelled with a distinctive ping sound and the bolt locked open, ready to receive the next clip. Contrary to popular belief, the M1 could be reloaded before a clip was fully expended. It was also possible to load single cartridges into a partially loaded clip. Operational History When first introduced, the M1 was plagued by production problems which delayed initial deliveries until September 1937. Though Springfield was able to build 100 per day two years later, production was slow due to changes in the rifles barrel and gas cylinder. By January 1941, many of the problems were resolved and production increased to 600 per day. This increase led to the US Army being fully equipped with the M1 by the end of the year. The weapon was also adopted by the US Marine Corps, but with some initial reservations. It was not until midway through World War II that USMC was completely changed over. In the field, the M1 gave American infantry a tremendous firepower advantage over Axis troops who still carried bolt-action rifles such as the Karabiner 98k. With its semi-automatic operation, the M1 allowed US forces to maintain substantially higher rates of fire. In addition, the M1s heavy .30-06 cartridge offered superior penetrating power. The rifle proved so effective that leaders, such as General George S. Patton, praised it as the greatest implement of battle ever devised. Following the war, M1s in the US arsenal were refurbished and later saw action in the Korean War. Replacement The M1 Garand remained the principal service rifle of the US Army until the introduction of the M-14 in 1957. Despite this, it was not until 1965, that the changeover from the M1 was completed. Outside of the US Army, the M1 remained in service with reserve forces into the 1970s. Overseas, surplus M1s were given to nations such as Germany, Italy, and Japan to aid in rebuilding their militaries after World War II. Though retired from combat use, the M1 is still popular with drill teams and civilian collectors.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Rational Choice Theory and Irrational Decisions Essay
Rational Choice Theory and Irrational Decisions - Essay Example The last decades have been characterized by the widely spread opinion, that any political behavior, especially in the area of international relations can be explained on the basis of the rational choice. On the contrary, certain political scientists have also argued as for the relevance and universality of the present theory in terms of international political decisions. The core of the rational choice approach is that 'people always try to maximize their interests', (Ferejohn & Satz, 1996); in regional politics this maximization may be connected with the desire of people to vote for this or that candidate, while at the international level the rational choice depends on what profits each state will gain as a result of this or that political decision. Having its roots in the economic sciences, rational choice theory is usually based on the cost-benefit calculations. Politics as a whole appears to be the area of the irrational choices, which can hardly be explained by the rational choice theories; this is why to prove this assumption we have to look closer at the examples of such cases with their relation to the theory. Ian Shapiro has called the rational choice theory 'a model that pretends to explain everything'. ... f the belief, that rational choice theory was the basis for the explanation of international political processes, has probably taken place during the falling of communist regime across Europe. The prominent political scientists have failed to explain the reasons and the grounds of such collapse. (Snidal, 2002) This was one of the most prominent irrational actions, which took place during the world political history and science. This was also the time, through which the post-behaviorists understood there were other means of explaining international political relations. In relation to the rational choice theory, the question appears as for the assumption, that this theory looks at the participants of the political processes as actors, who have their purpose and goal, and thus act on the rational basis; (Bates, 1997) but what about the Muslim Shahids, who commit suicides in the Middle East looking for some unknown and unreasonable idea If the rational choice is the analysis of costs and benefits of certain political actions, how can this theory explain these actions, which certainly influence the general international situation In this behavior only the one part of this theory is seen - the costs; the benefits are absolutely absent at the first glance, or they are vague and invisible for the analyst. While the subject of the suicide supposes such act to be the means of displaying his (her) political beliefs, such behavior is usually taken as absolutely irrational, leading to no profits and causing international conflicts. The rational choice theory here is proved to be unable of explaining these behaviors and choices through its statements. On the other hand, the actions of Shahids may be taken as rational on the basis of the assumption, that their behavior is not
Friday, October 18, 2019
Two paragraphs about me Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two paragraphs about me - Assignment Example I am also interested in scientific documentaries. I watch scientific discoveries to help me to understand show science influences life. My other interests include reading, traveling, and socializing. Science has always been my favorite subject. I have constantly wanted to be an engineer to contribute to evolution of the industrialized world. My major is industrial engineering. This type of engineering deals with improving the efficiency of processes in a system. By perusing this course, I will be able to contribute directly to improving industrial processes. I plan to graduate from the institution and join the manufacturing sector. The food sector will be a good choice because I will be able to increase food security in the country. I will poise my time to ensure that I study and participate in extracurricular activities. I also plan to make lifelong friends and network with people from different fields. I have high expectations and I believe I will learn a lot from the course. I expect to use various resources to learn and understand manufacturing history. I will be able to understand the origin and growth of manufacturing processes from the local and global industries. I expect to learn why manufacturing is vital to the development of the society. I expect to learn how things are made and the way they operate from the class. I will gain technical knowledge from the class concerning machines used in manufacturing. The class provides practical sections that will help me get a firsthand experience of manufacturing processes. I expect to understand various methods of manufacturing; this will enable me to determine the favorable method of production for any good. I am fervent to learn about innovative technologies and their mode of operation. New technologies have come up over the last decade and studying them will be exciting. I expect to learn about metallic and non-metallic material s used in the process of
The Marketplace of The American Revolution Essay
The Marketplace of The American Revolution - Essay Example Thus, to be able to understand the nature of the American Revolution, one has to delve deeper into the actual effects of the revolution, rather than merely concentrating on the manner in which it occurred. This is because; a radical revolution is bound to cause far-reaching social, political, economic and governance changes. It is the levels of change that were registered in these contexts that would quality to term the American Revolution as either radical or otherwise1. To create full understanding of the nature of the revolution, one also needs to delve into the pre-existing conditions and ideologies at the time, and how such conditions compare with the period after the revolution. In so doing, an individual is able to trace the changes that occurred in various aspects, and thus manage to clearly understand the nature of the revolution that occurred, as either radical or otherwise2. Considering the words of Breen, in his book; Marketplace of Revolution, where he observes that â₠¬Å"customary markets had suddenly become dangerously politicized2†, there is no doubt therefore, that the American Revolution was radical. Therefore, this discussion argues that the American Revolution was radical. The revolution was a function of both the colonists and the indigenous Americans, who perceived the rule of Britain as oppressive and demeaning. The dissatisfaction started with the acts of the British government to demand taxes from the Americans, both the indigenous and colonists, which prompted them to perceive the action as an aspect of economic oppression, and thus started to rebel against the payment of such taxes3. The rebellion did not just occur silently, but involved the active mobilization of people to resist the call to pay up such taxes. The active resistance was done without the fear of dangerous repercussions that the colonists could face. They engaged in active resistance, where â€Å"they challenged traditional authority and risked their lives†2. The economic conditions that the British government had established did not favor the colonists, since they could not reap good rewards from the labor that they were applying in their farms. The introduction of economic conditions such as the stamp tax had completely changed the relationship between the Great Britain and the American colonies, prompting a high resistance from the American colonists. In fact, â€Å"No one had planned such a dramatic shift in political perspective†3. The produce of their farms were bought at lower prices, which did not grant them any satisfaction. It is against this background that the colonists engaged in active resistance of the rules and the economic terms that were established by the British government, since, â€Å"white Americans believed that they had in some measures, been wronged by economic practices that paid them less than they thought they deserved for their labor or crops†4. Therefore, the ordinary American colonists p articipated in the revolution through resisting the traditional authorities and the economic terms such as salaries for their labor, and prices for their farm products, which were established by the British government in the colonies. However, it is not all of the American colonists that supported the revolution. There were some â€Å"Loyalists-those who retained their allegiance to the crown†, who perceived the revolution and its aftermath as a loss of liberty6. However, many of such loyalists
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Personal Wildly Important Goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Personal Wildly Important Goal - Essay Example According to the study the team should spend time in discussing the goals. When they talk about them every day, they will have mutual accountabilities towards achieving them. This means that they must be too sure of the goals. This calls for both vertical and horizontal communication among the team members. The team members should be aware of the key measures of success. There is a need for feedback. It is important to let the workers know when they do right. This will be an incentive to the team. However, it is hard to measure how much people are trying. Customer feedback is also important. It gives the organization a sense of evaluating whether it has achieved the goals or not. To achieve set goals and estimated results within the set constraints of time and budget, a manager uses a project. This implies that project management is very crucial in achieving the goals of the firm. All goals should be clearly stated In conclusion, project management is very important in achieving o rganization’s goals. It helps the team to define the most important goals and this result in the achievement of the firm’s strategic plans.
Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith Essay
Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith - Essay Example The city of Sunbelt has a council of five members in its management. The council’s aim is to reduce the budget of the city by bargaining with the unions hard over their salary and fringe benefits. The city management orders the union members i.e.; trash collectors and other public work employees to work for eight hours during the day and not go home even if they finish their work before hand. The department of public works follows a two-tier system in which it protects the salaries, benefits of the currently employed workers but for those who are newly employed, receive a low salary, and they have to pay a high proportion of their health benefit costs. The case does not reflect any problem in the relationship between the management and the union because the management will obviously want to reduce its costs and increase the benefits. For that, it will want to reduce their payment of salary. The already employed workers have an expertise and therefore it is the responsibility of the management to secure their salary and their needs. As for the newly employed workers, they should be given some incentives to work properly. If they are given a low income at the beginning then they will be boosted to work harder in order to get a higher pay. Such a kind of relationship does not differ from the normal relationships between the management and the union. (Klingner, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010) In the given case study, the collective bargaining was a combination of three options. They were: The effective in this process was that of hard bargaining with the PBA. Instead of hard bargaining the other two options of contracting with the country sheriff or with a private security firm could have been adopted by the management. Hard bargaining is considered the best strategy in this situation because it involves: There are different challenges faced during this agreement. The decision was to undertake hard bargaining. It was also mentioned that if hard bargaining was unsuccessful then with the approval of the council, any of the other two options could be pursued.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal Wildly Important Goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Personal Wildly Important Goal - Essay Example According to the study the team should spend time in discussing the goals. When they talk about them every day, they will have mutual accountabilities towards achieving them. This means that they must be too sure of the goals. This calls for both vertical and horizontal communication among the team members. The team members should be aware of the key measures of success. There is a need for feedback. It is important to let the workers know when they do right. This will be an incentive to the team. However, it is hard to measure how much people are trying. Customer feedback is also important. It gives the organization a sense of evaluating whether it has achieved the goals or not. To achieve set goals and estimated results within the set constraints of time and budget, a manager uses a project. This implies that project management is very crucial in achieving the goals of the firm. All goals should be clearly stated In conclusion, project management is very important in achieving o rganization’s goals. It helps the team to define the most important goals and this result in the achievement of the firm’s strategic plans.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Operational Process of Al-Hassan Group of Companies of Oman Essay - 3
The Operational Process of Al-Hassan Group of Companies of Oman - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Al-Hassan Group of Companies is one of the largest corporations in Oman. They operate mainly in the energy sector and are engaged in catering services as well as products to their customer base. The market of Al-Hassan is not only confined to the domestic consumers but they also export products to other Gulf nations. They are also trying to enhance their operations in the European and Asian markets for further increasing the profit generation process and organizational development. The operational process of the business is thus developed in a complex manner which encompasses service as well as product management. The services are majorly dependent on the demand of the local marketplace of Oman whereas the product manufacturing process considers the demand at a multinational level. The manufacturing segment of the company can be segmented mainly to three groups which are Al-Hassan Switchgear Manufacturing Co. LLC (AHSG), Al-Hassan Power Industries LLC (AHP R) and Al Hassan Lighting and Fan Industries LLC. The activities of all three production units are maintained with the help of strict monitoring and performance development processes. Al-Hassan’s operational functions are not responsive or fixed, rather they are adaptive in nature which allows the company to adjust to the changes in demand of the consumers and accordingly develop their supply processes. The regular flux in the operations no doubt reduces the market risks but this also can disrupt the production processes. Also, it was noted that in comparison to the ratio of changes being implemented in the supply chain system, the implementation of change management procedures is limited in Al-Hassan.
Human experience Essay Example for Free
Human experience Essay Star I thought it was a big coincidence that I ended up babysitting for a cancer patient with the same name as mine, Stephanie. Star, as she was fondly called, was a picture of hope when I first met her. I was a student then at a university near the hospital where she was confined. Her mom was a friend of my sister’s and one day, she took me with her to visit Star. That visit marked the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Every day I would visit her and she will be waiting by her window. I would bring her gifts, mostly toys and books I bought from a bookstore beside our school. We would often read the books together or play with her dad. One time, we also decorated her room with paper flowers and dolls. Star shared her dreams with me. She told me she wanted to become a doctor someday and help children like her. She wanted so much to get well that seeing her fighting for her life everyday sent tears to my eyes. But I never showed her my weakness for fear that that will bring her to her end. She taught me in her own little way to remain brave and hopeful despite the trials that come my way. It was in the afternoon of August 7, 2001 that she finally bid us goodbye. She knew it was her time to go back where she belonged, among the little angels of God where there is no pain, no tears, but only joy. That experience in my life made me wonder if God really exists and if He does, how come He didn’t answer my prayers. On the other hand, I knew that it was for the best. I myself didn’t want Star to suffer any longer. I realized God works in mysterious ways and we have to pass by many significant experiences to keep our faith and love for Him strong.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Philippine Environmental Policy
The Philippine Environmental Policy Two of the most general environmental laws are: Presidential Decree No.1151 known as The Philippine Environmental Policy and Presidential Decree 1152 known as The Philippine Environmental Code. Both laws were made during the reign of the late president, Ferdinand Marcos. The Presidential Decree No. 1151 aims to preserve natural sceneries and natural resources without restricting technological and industrial growth of the Philippines. It stated in section one of this given Presidential Decree that the goal of this Policy is to create a community that can develop, and enhance its economy without jeopardizing or sacrificing stability of the natural environment. It is also stated in section two under the same Presidential Decree that the government and other private organization should encourage and promote preservation of historic and cultural aspects of the Filipino heritage. The healths of individuals living within the area of Philippines are also being considered in this Presidential Decree. It is the right of everyone to have a healthy environment; therefore, everyone is also responsible in preserving the countrys environment. In the Presidential Decree No. 1152 or known as The Philippine Environment Code are several sections that set standards, measures and proper management of the countrys natural resources, and other environmental aspects. Under Air Quality Management, Title one of this Presidential Decree are thirteen sections that focuses generally on air quality. Smoke emission can be arguably considered as the number one cause of air pollution and in section four under Air Quality Management, it is stated that there should be a national emission standards that shall be met by every industry and by every single person residing within the country. Noise pollution is also categorized to air pollution because sound waves travels through air; and still under Air Quality Management of the Philippine Environmental, sections four and five tackles the Community Noise Standards and Standards for Noise-Producing Equipment respectively. Both sections are requiring standards to minimize noise levels. There are s everal agencies responsible in enforcing these standards, and these are the National Pollution Control Commission, Land Transportation Commission and other government and non-government agencies concerned. Under this Presidential Decree is Title two which is the Water Quality Management, are the classification of Philippine Waters, where basic information about a certain body of water are taken into consideration for it to be classified; establishment of water quality standards, where the National Pollution Control Commission prescribes guidelines given by the National Environment Protection Council; upgrading of water quality, Clean up operations, and water quality monitoring and surveillance, where government agencies responsible shall monitor water quality in the country. Title three of this decree is the Land Use, the purpose of this title is encouraging conservation of land resources and to prevent imbalance in the environment. In section twenty three of this Presidential Decre e, the national land use scheme includes: scientific land inventory and classification, determination of land uses, adaptability of land, method of identification of areas and exercising control by government agencies over use of land, system of controls and regulations regarding the possible sources of pollution and a periodic revisions and updating of national land use scheme. As the demand for the quantity of a product or service gets higher in every industry, the demand for natural resources also goes up. The required raw materials by indutries are already causing damage to natural areas, and make the scarcity level for natural resources extremely high. The Natural Resources Management and Conservation under Presidential Decree 1152, aims to give the basic management and conservation of the Philippines natural resources. It is in this chapter that the government shall implement a system of preservation and conservation of wildlife resources and aquatic resources within the countrys area; where participation and contribution of citizens are highly encouraged. In addition, the conservation of forest resources is integrated to the system of exploitation, where the system includes regulating the selling of threatened forest resources. It is in this chapter that conservation of other natural resources like, energy sources, surface ground waters, and mineral r esources. It is in the same Presidential Decree where proper waste management is discussed. It is the Title Five or Waste management, and it aims to promote recovery, recycling and re-use of wastes to maintain the stability of the environment. In Section forty three of this Presidential Decree, waste management programs are discussed, these programs implies to all provinces, cities and municipalities. It is the responsibility of the Department of Local Government and Community Development to formulate and set guidelines for the proper waste management in their respective areas. All programs will include: an orderly system, provision that the program will not be a source of pollution of any kind and a provision for revisions to achieve effectively. Proper disposal area of these wastes is also tackled in the title, where the location shall follow the existing zoning land use standards and pollution control regulations. The significance of acquiring knowledge regarding the environmental laws of the Philippines prior to entering the industry is under rated by most of the students. As future members of the hospitality and tourism industry, it is very essential to learn and be equipped with the knowledge of these environmental laws, because natural resources are essential to any industry. Therefore, learning how to preserve and retain these natural resources is crucial to us students. The hospitality and tourism management students are highly affected by these laws to be aware of current environmental concerns, and be knowledgeable on the different rules and regulations that can be applied in the future whether as employees or employers. These laws are important as we plan to create and form our own businesses especially to our industry which greatly relies on the resources available in nature. For Travel and Tourism Management students, these laws are their guide lines in conducting tourism destinatio n plan development, wherein sites and destinations are analyzed and knowing the prohibitions and regulations for the certain area is very imperative. For Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Managements students, the importance of these laws is as important as it is to the Travel and Tourism Management students. These laws provide regulations as to how hotels, restaurant and other similar establishments could promote and apply rightful acts in nurturing the Philippinesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ natural resources. These laws also sets the standard on how the establishment operations would work without harming and creating imbalance in the environment, but rather retaining its value and even enhancing it. The hospitality and tourism nowadays may be referred as one industry and is currently considered as the worlds fastest growing industry. It is a collection of separate industries that can stand on their own but complements each other. It is subdivided into several industries like lodging, transportation, food, recreations and other industries concerned. Like any other industry in this country of Philippines, the hospitality and tourism industry has its fair share of responsibility in protecting and preserving the countrys natural resources; and taking part in the improvement of current environmental concerns while sustaining economic growth. The people in the industry can start their roles in the improvement of the countrys environmental issues by reading and being knowledgeable and educated about the current environmental laws of the Philippines. Transportation, one of the sub-industries under hospitality and tourism, can help in the issue of air pollution through being responsible with the smoke they emit during the business operations. Operators and drivers of public vehicles, and travel agency owned vehicles like tour buses and vans should always check and maintain proper conditioning of their vehicles to avoid excessive emission of smoke or smoke belching. They can also adapt to the current trend of using low fuel consuming vehicles, electric powered vehicles that dont emit smoke and other existing technologies that are dedicated to decrease or extinguish smoke emissions of vehicles. Airlines can also help the fight against air pollution through meeting the standards of the National Pollution Control Commission and Civil Aeronautics Administration regarding the harmful effects of aircraft emissions, sonic booms and noise pollution to the environment. Hoteliers, restaurant owners and other proprietors planning to build and start a business should comply with the rules and regulations of the Department of Environment, and Natural Resources if any tree will be cut upon the construction of the establishment. They should be responsible in planting more trees that would act as replacements for the trees that would be cut. Restaurants or any establishment that offers food should also be aware of what they serve to their guests. By not offering dishes or goods made of threatened or endangered species, they are already helping in protecting the wild life. Through offering and patronizing organic ingredients, food establishments can already protect the lands or soil of an area. This can eventually have an impact or can lessen the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides that can greatly affect the fertility and health of the soil. Proper waste management should also be exercised by hospitality and tourism establishments. Through segregation of wastes or garbage can hugely and positively affect problem in wastes. Food establishments can also decrease the usage of disposable utensils, plates and replace those with reusable things necessary to the business operations. Recycling of garbages is also a good way of waste management. Establishments may use their garbages to create something useful to their operations. Patronizing products that have chemically altered compositions that makes them degradable like the technology used on plastic bags and other plastic products that causes these products decompose faster compared to the average decomposition time of ordinary plastic products. One of the trends nowadays in the tourism scene is the eco-tourism, this focuses on promoting ecological preservation while enjoying the beauty of nature. The emerging market of tourists who patronizes eco-tourism means the industry is using its influence and marketing strategy to promote tourism and preservation of natural resources at the same time. Through eco-tourism, natural resources are being preserved as well with the income generated by this trend.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Tips for Succcessful Essay Writing :: Education
Tips for Succcessful Essay Writing Being able to write a good essay does not come easy to the majority of current English students. The ability to excel in writing is not always something we can easily learn. Talented writers have the capability to reach into their soul and write from the heart. However, everyone does not possess this remarkable gift. Most of us struggle to achieve a level of adequate writing. Writing takes intense time and much thought to develop a well-planned essay. Bringing together all aspects of writing, such as: good descriptions, a proper structure, a good introduction and a clever title will give the audience a clear picture of what makes an essay good. Believe it or not, titles play an important role in the writing process. How many times have you flipped through a magazine and stopped only because you saw a title of an article that interested you. The title announces the topic clearly and as briefly as possible, as in the essay "Unlikely Learning". This essay deals with unlikely situations that you are placed in, because of your high school courses. The title of this essay would be considered a descriptive title. The other type of title is a suggestive title. This type of title is primarily used in an informal writing. The title, "The Value of Honesty", in our eyes, would be an example of a suggestive title. It describes the attitude of the author but not the exact topic. Yes, the essay is about honesty, but it is also about truthfulness. The title of an essay should not be the assignment given, or to restate the thesis, but it should attract the reader and make them want to read on. An introduction, in simple words, glves a background to the topic. It is one of the most important parts of the essay because it keeps the reader's interest of what they are about to read. The introduction will make the readers feel that what the essay is about will be of importance and interest to them. The thesis sentence is stated in the introduction. It is the one sentence that will tell the readers what the whole essay is about. The introduction is not very long but it is clear, precise, and to the point. A good introduction can either begin with a quote or ask questions. It can also contaln opinion words to either agree or dispute the topic of the writing.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Recommendation: Management and Staff Directory
Recommendation Since, the problem at Sundale Club has begun when Ellis hired her close friend Chuck Johnson. Ellis action was bias when Havens reported about Johnson misbehavior, then after Haven was fired. Afterward the whole organization was in turmoil. Therefore the director of Sundale Clube should do something unless the organization will fall. There is several ways which would recover Sundale Club. 1). Restructure of staff directory. Look closely to Sundale Club staff directory, it is look very centralization which help Ellis, who has authority in important decision making on her department.Moreover Watts has lost his fire to run the Sundale Club. Nevertheless as the director Watts should done something to prevent the organization before he retire. Watts should changes the staff directory to, Board of director President VP Athletic VP Marketing VP Finance Manager Marketing Manager Finance Asst. Athletic Since Sundale Club is the largest athletic/social in the city. Centralizatio n structure is not suitable for such large organization. Therefore Watts should change to decentralization; from this structure he can balance the power or authority among the top managers.Even though decentralization structure takes longer time on decision making, but it ensures that the organization will not go to the wrong path or fall into big problem as it was. 2). Hire new mangers or management’s team. As Sundale Club has changed its structure, next step, Sundale Club should recruit new management’s team. Watts might promote Carol and Ellis to the board director and he himself could take the president position as well. As social activities is the main income for the organization.Therefore social department Sundale can place it under marketing department. Sundale have to hire financial and marketing management teams. At athletic department, Sundale may put Pat in the VP athletic, since she has worked here for nine years, and Mercer may take the Haven position. Sun dale should fire Johnson; because since he gets in the organization he makes his colleagues feel uncomfortable and most important is a lot of customers withdraw from being Sundale membership. 3).Rebuild the organization culture and gaining customers trust back. Sound difficult if Sundale have to rebuild its culture, but since Sundale has hire new management team, it’s become easier because new employees or managers do not know the Sundale culture yet. There for it is a good time to rebuild its culture. Moreover Sundale has to gain back its customers trust. Since there was a rumor about Johnson’s homosexual behavior in the organization and it will flow to the city too.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Attitude of the Filipino Essay
I was raised as a simple women and I seldom think of my â€Å"caprechos†even though I’m deprived with so many things. Although I’m earning my own money, I seldom think of my WANTS. That’s why I dont know how to react or feel on this kind of stories. But you know what I think? Some Filipinos who acts as if they’re filty rich have many debts! They show the fruit of their labor, oops! My mistake, the fruit of their â€Å"utang†(debt) You can’t measure sucess with what you have alone, but how many lives you’ve touched. hmm, i don’t think that a success story. for me, it really depends on the attitude formed and not on the nationality. Its sad to know that if someone sees for example a filipino nurse behaving against the norm set in their place, they would take it against most or all of the filipino nurses and stereotype them. every basket has a couple of rotten apples but the sad thing is the basket is known for having 2 rotten apples than having 98 good ones. what id like to read in this thread are the real success stories that they had after all those negativities they’ve encountered. there’s a lot of success stories about filipino nurses. but the recent post was very TRUE.. here’s another story†¦. – my mom is a CNA in chicago and she’s working in a nursing home. Im expecting to hear good values coz filipinos are very much known for good character. my mom was handling a 70 yr. old man and my mom maked sure that she took care of that patient and gave the old man a warm bath. she talked to the patient and asked if he wants to take his dinner. My mom lift the bed side rails and checked if its good enough to put the old man in bed. she endorsed the patient to her co-cna’s and her nurse buddy before taking her break.. job well done. but after 30 minutes during my mom’s break nurses on duty run to the old man’s room and found the patient lying on the floor and screaming for help. my mom maked sure that before her break bedside rails were lift but the filipino nurse didnt took care of the patient (my mom’s buddy and team for that shift) and instead of doing the rounce that nurse and her girlfriend sleep†¦. †¦ The incident was reported to the dna and both of the filipino nurse yelled that they didnt want that to happen.. and refused to talk w/ my mom.. duh..!!.. my mom is a good employee for 25 yrs. i dont know waht happened to the so called TLC is it only for the green bucks or tired of worked.. dont know†¦ i was really sad to hear that some filipino nurses were that arrogant and very iresponsible.
Compare the Ways
To highlight this attention has to be given to the story and roots of youth work in England. One of the first types of youth work provision was the early network of Sunday Schools founded by Robert Raises and Hannah Moore in 1780. Their idea was to morally educate the children and young people of the working classes because at this time less than a third of children of school age actually attended school; hence the young population, especially females, were uneducated (Smith, Bibb).However the working class attempted to create bottom-up forms of education themselves with the formation of the Young Man's Christian Association in 1844 by George Williams. Within the association were the early characteristics of a youth work approach and an emphasis on healthy spiritual well-being especially for city dwelling young males (Smith, AAA; Smith, Bibb).This reflects the morally upright and patriarchal Victorian views of the time along with the recognition of youth as a discipline in its own ri ght (Staunton Rogers, 2004). By the mid nineteenth century the struggles of the working class had been all but lost with the influx of top-down institutions which were mainly church led. Toward the end of the century young sections of the population were identified as needing activities to engage in to improve their leisure time and to maintain social control.It was widely accepted that this leadership would be undertaken by a range of philanthropic institutions and state run establishments. One of the most significant youth organizations of this period was the Scouting movement started by Robert Baden-Powell. To accentuate the importance of state social control and the Liberalism's political agenda school attendance became compulsory up to the age of ten with the introduction of the 1880 and 1902 Education Acts (Smith, AAA).It was also around this time and Britain's early globalization and the changing social and economic conditions that prompted the Politician's and educated membe rs of society to develop country wide youth practice as observers believed that the youth of English nation were experience new and harsh encounters and a lot of this was to do with the newly constructed phase of adolescence, this new breed of child needed discipline , protection and some nurturing(Davies,1967).As Russell and Rugby commented â€Å"some of the challenges were domestic. As the demand for unskilled especially child) labor reduced more and more young people were neither in school nor work†they felt that the young adolescence leisure time was not being fulfilled and the young â€Å"indulge in ‘one main amusement gambling (Russell & Rugby, 1908: 10-11). D The youth of the country were seen as being tested, too, within a new international context who should, who could, take on these emerging responsibilities?Pragmatic and often major compromises with the laissez-fairer principles which had so shaped Victorian Britain had already been made – in order f or example to errant public health and spread elementary education to the whole population. Nonetheless, in this later nineteenth century period and even into the early decades of the twentieth century the state remained, at best, an unwelcome intruder into the personal and social spheres of people's lives. For responding to the newly identified leisure-time needs of young people, a state role was therefore never apparently considered.Self-evidently, these were suitable fields for voluntarily supported clubs' (Berry, 1919: 96) – a task for thinking people who felt something must be done†¦ (Russell and Rugby, 1908: 12); for those who were conscious of what their ‘happier fortune has bestowed on us from our circumstances' (Button, 1985: 14); who were fortunately placed' and therefore felt very strongly that in some way (action) was incumbent on us' (Chill, 1935: 5). By the early decades of the twentieth century the result was a network of local independent boys and g irls clubs across the I-J.From the sass, under the influence of William Smith, military-style brigades for boys and girls also took hold and by the sass were being supplemented and indeed often underpinned by Baden Bowel's Boy Scouts and later the Girl Guides. In due course these sought mutually supportive links by setting up a range of local, regional and national associations and federations. The Boer War highlighted the need for a fitter, healthier generation of young men and this was supported by social research (Staunton Rogers, 2004).In response to these findings the Children Act 1908 was introduced to establish a Juvenile Justice system, specific medical treatment and free school meals specifically for minors. However, despite young people during this period beginning to be recognized in heir own right there was an ulterior political and philanthropic agenda to enforce social control and Christian morals for both girls and boys (Staunton Rogers, 2004). Nevertheless society be gan to change during World War One as young men were conscripted into the horrors of war and returned transformed.Whereas women were no longer perceived as, â€Å"delicate maidens of Victorian sensibilities†but instead began to be recognized as capable individuals with their own identities (Staunton Rogers, 2004: 4). Subsequently it was recognized that state intervention was needed ND powers and funding were given to local authorities to invest in Juvenile Organizing Committees (Smith, AAA). Up until this point it was still normal to talk about work with or among boys and girls (or young men and women or youth).In the late sass we see the growing use of the term ‘youth work'. The first booklet in the UK appeared with it in its title: Methods in Youth Work (Walked et al 1931). Bibliography Davies, B. And Gibson, A. (1967). The social education of the adolescent, London: University of London Press. IPPP. Laudable, J. (1989) ‘Children in history: concepts of nature and society In: Scarce, G. Deed) Children, Parents and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. IPPP-20. Russell, C. E. B. And Rugby, L. M. 1908, Working Lads Clubs, London, MacMillan and Co Ltd. Smith, M. K. (AAA) Youth Work an Introduction. Http://www. Infer. Org/youth's/b-WY. HTML [accessed 08. 11. 12]. Smith, M. K. (Bibb) ‘Hannah More: Sunday schools, education and youth work' The Encyclopedia of Informal Education. Http://www. Infer. Org/thinkers/more. HTML [accessed 9. 11. 12]. Poverty was abundant and with the start of the industrial revolution it was inevitable that children were used as cheap labor (Laudable,1989. Smith, 2002).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Portfolio Diversification and Markowitz Theory Essay
Portfolio Diversification and Markowitz Theory - Essay Example However, there is a claim from Swisher & Kasten (2005) that a post-modern portfolio theory factoring in the role emotions and subjectivities has emerged but the leading journals do not confirm the claim. Gitman & Joehnk (1996, p. 670) attribute to Harry Markowitz, a trained mathematician, the development of the first set of theories â€Å"that form the basis of modern portfolio.†Modern portfolio theory is â€Å"an approach to portfolio management that uses statistical measures to develop a portfolio plan†(Gitman & Joehnk 1996, p. 670). Other than Markovitz, â€Å"several other scholars and investment experts have contributed to the theory in the intervening years†(Gitman & Joehnk 1996, p. 670). Gitman & Joehnk (1996, p. 671) identified that some of the key concepts used by the theory â€Å"are expected returns and standard deviations of returns for both securities and portfolios and the correlations between returns.†Gitman & Joehnk (1996, p. 673) point ed out that at the theoretical level, the optimal portfolio choice is made by an investor at the point of tangency between the investor’s indifference curve and his or her efficient frontier of investment. The efficient frontiers of investments consist of a set of combination of risks and returns deemed most acceptable to the investor. The investor is assumed to accept higher risks provided returns will be higher. This is shown in Figure 1 where the Is are the indifference curves of the investor associated with the investor’s utility. Figure 1. Indifference curves, efficient frontier, and optimal portfolio. Source: Gitman & Joehnk 1996, p.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Japanese Internment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Japanese Internment - Essay Example Yet these innocent people were removed from their homes and placed in relocation centers, many for the duration of the war (Davis 1982:27). In contrast, between 1942 and 1944, 18 Caucasians were tried for spying for Japan; at least ten were convicted in court (Uyeda 1995:66). 1 When the Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, United States suspected that the Japanese were getting ready to launch a full-scale attack on the West Coast of the country. Massive searches were conducted to prevent communication with the Japanese ships. By January 2, "the Joint Immigration Committee of the California Legislature sent a manifesto to California newspapers summing up the historical catalogue of charges against the ethnic Japanese, who, said the manifesto, were totally inassimilable. The manifesto declared that all of Japanese descent were loyal to the Emperor, and attacked Japanese language schools as teaching Japanese racial superiority."2 It was feared that this population might commit acts of espionage or sabotage for the Japanese military. By February, "Earl Warren, at the time Attorney General of California, and U.S. Webb, a former Attorney General, were vigorously seeking to persuade the federal government to remove all ethnic Japanese from the west coas t."2 Hence began the Japanese Internment. Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942 signed the Executive Order 9066 that allowed military commanders to designate military areas called â€Å"exclusion zones" as per their discretion. They had the right to decide who was a citizen and who was not. Eventually about 1/3 area of the country consisted of such zones, including the East and West Coasts. Some of the typical rules that were passed in these camps were: March 2, 1942: General John L. DeWitt issued Public Proclamation No. 1, informing all those of Japanese ancestry that they would, at some later point, be subject to exclusion orders from "Military Area No. 1" (the entire Pacific coast to
Monday, October 7, 2019
Strategy of international business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategy of international business - Essay Example Centralization happens when a company focuses the centralization of authority from the whole towards a particular group, which usually happens to be the top management since top management assumes the decision making authority. On the other hand, decision-making authority in a decentralized organization is passed over to the lower tiers that may be the organization’s branches, subsidiaries, or divisions. Advantages of centralization include uniformity of standards, reduction in the cost of operation, and increased profitability of business while disadvantages of centralization include conflict between the internal organizational culture and external culture, and the need of a very efficient IT-based system. Advantages of decentralization include increased competition whereas the disadvantages of decentralization include increased need of training and customization of employees’ skills. One advantage of centralization is uniformity of standards. Since the company has a centralized system, the product or service generated by the company has the same quality wherever it is made in the world. Another advantage of a centralized organizational structure of an international company is that it reduces the cost of operation in three fundamental ways. Firstly, the company is able to exploit the economies of scale. The international company can benefit from its products’ or services’ special pricing in numerous ways that include but are not limited to bulk pricing, single orders or multiple orders, and volume discounts. Secondly, in a centralized system, an international company escapes the need to duplicate the procedures or efforts to address the needs of branches in different parts of the world. Thirdly, centralization of the system reduces the regulatory costs. In addition to that, centralization promotes a culture of more consistency and accountability
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Business Plan - Essay Example It serves as a â€Å"bridge way†to three continents Europe, Asia and Africa. It boasts of an educated English-speaking population, moderate living costs, good airlines and telecommunication connections (US Department of State. 2007). Cyprus Financial Limited’s objectives are to make an equal and fair profit in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer financial services industry. This goal is to be reached by attaining the numbers presented in the sales forecast and financial plan topics. 1. Selling and Marketing Power – The services company’s products are made attractive in order to maintain a certain percentage of clients. CFL demonstrates a successful approach in converting its reputation into an excellent brand to ensure the conversion of its clients’ knowledge into their intellectual property, thus creating value for its clients. 2. Create multiple opportunities from a single line of expertise – Cyprus Financial Limited is able to leverage from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation opportunities: business development, market development, personal financial planning, corporate management services, and tax and financial consulting. Cyprus is now living in an interesting era: the process of change from the "old economy" to the "global new economy" brings a tremendous development growth of e-commerce, mobility of capital, and liberalization to the region. Since the new global economy brings new economics, new market structures, new industry structures, and new company structures, the profile of customers has also changed. Customers have evolved from "solution demander" to "value demander," and from "clients†to â€Å"business partners†. CFL is a Private Limited Company and shall be headed by a Director, with two full time Account Managers. These account managers will handle all end-to-end processes, from sourcing clients to providing financial consultancy services, and shall report directly to the Director.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Virginia Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Virginia Marketing - Case Study Example This case study is about the Virginia Tourism Corporation which is considered as a creative and dynamic organisation taking the advantage of historical relevance and beauty of the Virginia state. The corporation is also considered as one of the most important organisations in Virginia State and has been continuously involved into the various important innovative techniques of doing business which has capitalized the way tourism business has been done in the country. Due to its romantic appeal, Virginia has remained a hot spot for the tourists and it is because of this reason that Virginia Corporation is engaged into delivering tourism services to the many tourists coming from around the world to visit the aesthetic beauty of the region. As discussed above that the marketing mix is a combination of various marketing tools of strategic nature which when combined produce the results which attempt to support the organisational goals and objectives. Marketing communication techniques are basically the tools which are used by the organisation's different departments i.e. marketing, product development etc to decide upon the various important parameters. For a service oriented organisation, it is very critical that the various elements of marketing communication mix fit together to achieve the maximum results. ... oduct could have on the mindset of the customer may not be achieved through offering a service therefore service oriented organisations have to travel extra mile to reach and delight their customers and deliver value to them through combination of excellent marketing communication techniques. For this purpose, organisations therefore need to be more proactive as well as innovative in their approach to deliver value to the customers. This is achieved through the use of various tools available such as pricing through innovative means, initiating promotional activities which ensure that more and more customers come to use your services, broadening the base of channels used to generate the sales as well as engaging into effective public relation efforts so that all elements when combined deliver value to the organisation's stakeholders as well as the customers. This work will attempt to study and analyse the marketing communication techniques adopted by the organization as its effort to better place itself strategically against the competition and deliver value to both its customers as well as stakeholders besides ensuring that the organisation hold highest ethical values and social responsibility while working in an strongly service oriented industry. Analysis of Virginia Tourism Corporation The case study provided for preparing the analysis of the various marketing communication techniques relate to the Virginia Tourism Corporation. Virginia due to its natural beauty as well as historical context is considered as one of the most popular tourist spots in the country. It is very important to discuss here some of the basic characteristics of the Virginia state before discussing the various marketing communication techniques adopted by the VTC. Before discussing what is
Friday, October 4, 2019
Recruitment and Selection Essay Example for Free
Recruitment and Selection Essay The hiring process can be draining and drown out. Searching for the right candidate to fill the position can be compared to finding a needle in a hay stack. Many employers have an idea/visual of how the replacement of what qualifications the new employee should acquire before the training process take place. With employee selection, assessment and decision making process should be carefully assessed to ensure that there are no laws broken were potential law suits can be filed. This paper will discuss the legal issues that may arise if the above processes are not handled with precaution. Legal Issues With the increase of lawsuits that are being established in the workforce over the past years they have been an increase in the number of lawyers and firms that specialize in employment law. With the economy in the shape that it’s in, more companies are having to law off employers, some that have been there for years. Their selection process is being questions on how they are choosing the employees that are to permanently/temporary laid off. Therefore this is caused an increase in the number of cases the firms are taking in more cases at least 15% more than the previous years. This is because many feel that employers are firing those that can benefit from staying employed and receiving their full benefits, in some cases retirement. To decrease organizations from being forced to participate in lawsuits brought about them, an article stated the best alternative would be to develop a strategy for the company that involved at least three of the following steps: 1) â€Å"Draft good policies and revise them frequently ) Train employees to follow procedures utilizing scenarios that prompt open discussion, development of issue awareness and recognition of employer and employee responsibilities 3) Insist on effective consultation and communication among managers, human resources professionals and legal staff (in other words, the team approach)†(McDowell Leavitt 2011). Discrimination Issues The process of hiring new employees for a position within an organization. With this process, the major legal issue that the employer needs to keep in mind is not to discriminate. Discrimination is a big factor due to the employer has in mind what it takes for a person to perform the duties of a certain position. There are several laws that the organization must keep in their mind when screening employees, such as; the Civil Right Act of 1964, Disability Act, Age Discriminating Act, and many more. Each of the acts and laws prohibits employees to discriminate against employees or new hires based on their race, sex, disability and religion. In today’s time, employees have to have a firm or an attorney working for them to ensure that that they are not breaking the as many With given employees assessments, most employers are given them the assessments to point out their skill sets. But some assessments identify other issues within the employees. Some assessments identifies whether or not people have a mental illness, learning disabilities, or any other illness that may prevent them from performing their job duties. As a result, many those assessments are being said to discriminate against the employee, thus violating their rights. If an employee has a mental health illness the only way a company/organization can terminate them from a position is if that illness will prevent them from performing their job duties. In fact, many executives stated that they are reluctant to hire people with disabilities due to the accommodation’s they may need. But with all the baby boomers retiring they are going to have to look into that area. In 2005, statistics showed that â€Å"21,455,000 (12. 6%) of the 169,765,000 working-age individuals reported one or more disabilities†(Lengnick-Hall, Gaunt, Kulkarni 2008). Executives were also asked is it a main priority to hire people with disability? They responded with the following; â€Å"trying to hire someone with a disability, the main concern is . . . having the skills you would need to be on the air to be able to do those things that would actually apply. I think it would be the perception that people with disabilities don’t have communication skills and wouldn’t be able to problem-solve at a faster pace, wouldn’t be able to independently problem-solve†(ibid). Conclusion With larger organizations, it will be best to have a lawyer working hand and hand with the human resource department to ensure that they don’t discriminate against employees. Since discrimination is the major issues within the workforce. It could cause the company millions and most likely close the doors if they don’t have enough revenue to pay the lawsuit. Discrimination, especially if the executives of the organization are making statements as the ones is the survey, mention that it’s not a main priority because they may not be able to communicate as others do. That’s a perception and basis.
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