Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Education Systems Essay Example for Free
The Education Systems Essay Pre-school and pre-primary education in Lithuania, in the United Kingdom and in the USA have several things in common.. First, both education systems are available in three countries and also pre-school education is not compulsory. There are public and private pre-schools in three countries. Public pre-schools are those which are run by the government. Private pre-schools are those which are run by private organizations, for which parents have to pay fees. Many private pre-schools have a high reputation and parents send their children there so that they will have advantages later in life. There are nursery schools for children from the age of 1 to 3 years in Lithuania. Children from the age of 3 till 6 attend a kindergarten. The number of children in nursery schools is approximately 10 children and approximately 15 children in a kindergarten, whereas the number of children in the USA and in Great Britain is approximately 2-3 little children or 4-5 bigger children plus nursery-governor’s help. Another difference is about security in pre-school institutions. People who come in a kindergarten or nursery school are not registered. By contrast, people who come in a nursery school or a kindergarten are strictly registered in the USA and in Great Britain. Your driving licence or passport is taken and you get permission to be in a pre-school institution. The kindergartens and nursery schools in Lithuania also differs in their cost compared to cost of these pre-schools institutions in the United Kingdom and in the Usa because it is cheaper to let your children to Lithuanian kindergarten than to American or English kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children under 5 receive pre-school education in Great Britain. Some go to playgroups several times a week and take part in structured play (play with some educational purpose) with other children of the same age. Others go to a nursery school or to the nursery department or kindergarten of a school. Children attend day nurseries until they are 6 months old the same as in Lithuania. Day nurseries take care of children activity, self-expression, security. Nursery-governors take care of children education and upbringing. The emphasis is on group work, creative activity and guided play. Day nurseries are divided into private and community. Fees in the communities are not so big as in the day nurseries. Some of the community nurseries give parents discounts according to their financial position. The working time is very different in day nurseries of Great Britain, for example, local authority pre-schools work until 15 a. m. The other pre-school institutions work from 7 till 19. All kindergartens work all year except public holidays in Great Britain meanwhile not all kindergartens work all year in Lithuania. In the same way, children attend nursery schools, day care or pre-school from an early age in the USA. Children are taught, trained in the nursery schools and in the kindergartens. Nursery-governors play with children. There are some requirements in order that your child would be inducted to kindergarten, for example, it is required children to be toilet trained and your child is not ready for the potty, they may not let him or her attend a kindergarten, but children are not required to be toilet trained in Lithuania. In the USA parents may also have to pay high fees for late pickups and end up having to stay home with their child if the pre-school says she or he is too sick to be there. Another difference is that parents can freely choose which nursery school or kindergarten their child is going to attend in Lithuania, but in the USA all children should go to nursery school or kindergarten according to their living place because there are brought under districts. All children go according to district which he or she belongs to. If parents think that their district’s nursery school or kindergarten is not as good as it should be, parents must change the living place in order that their children could go to a better pre-school institution. Pre-primary education content is similar in three countries. There a wide variety of fun activities – including singing, dancing, arts and crafts, storytelling, free play, and both indoor and outdoor games and projects – designed to teach children different skills. Cildren may also learn some academic basics such as counting and the alphabet. Children in Lithuania start to attend pre-primary institution at the age of 6, but if parents want and their child is grown enough pre-primary institution can be attend at the age of 5, while the majority of children start to attend pre-primary preparation lessons at the age of 2-5 in the United Kingdom. Also the government’s programme which is named â€Å"sureStart†gives the possibility to all children from the age of 3 to 4 to get pre-primary lessons free of charge in a kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children at the age of 6 start to attend a school in the USA. Taking everything into account, I can note that pre-school and pre-primary education has several things in common in The United Kingdom, in the USA, and in the Lithuania, but on the other hand there are a lot of differencies.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay -- use of stem cells in regenerativ
Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself. Differentiation is a cellular process whereby a stem cell will divide into a specialised cell, for example a neuron2. To harness the unique cellular function of a stem cell could mean the cultivation of entirely new organs; saving countless lives and resolving acute organ transplant shortages. (Healey, 2007) Although stem cell research poses a considerable breakthrough in regenerative medicine, it raises serious ethical controversy. A specific type of stem cell used in regenerative research is an embryonic stem (ES) cell; harvested through the destruction of human embryos. (Hurlbut, 2006) This poses a significant ethical dilemma, as ES cells are sourced from pre-implantation embryos leftover from In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). The destruction of embryos is seen by many as an abuse of human life, an exploitation of those that are living, but cannot decide their own fate. (Masters, 2005) Before ES cell research is to make a positive impact on modern medicine and the global scientific co mmunity, this ethical predicament must first be considered. Embryonic stem cell research will allow for an emerging era of medicine, where researches will be capable of providing a cure for many of todays degene... ...velopment, Monash University, Australia Fuchs, E 2008, Stem Cells: Biology, Ethics and Potential for Medicine, L'annuarie du College de France, France Denker, H 2006, Potentiality of Embryonic Stem Cells: An Ethical Problem Even With Alternative Stem Cell Sources, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Scott, C 2008, Stem Cells: new frontiers of ethics, law and policy, Stanford University, United States of America Healey, J 2007, Cloning & Stem Cell Research, Volume 265 edn, The Spinney Press, Sydney, Australia Morgan, S 2006, From Microscopes to Stem Cell Research: discovering regenerative medicine, White-Thomson Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom Dowswell, P 2000, Genetics: the impact on our lives, Hodder & Wayland, London, United Kingdom Maters, C 2005, DNA and your body: what you need to know about biotechnology, UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia
Monday, January 13, 2020
“Barkley Fully Supports NBA`s New Dress Codeâ€Â
This argument is intended to show that Charles Barkley, a major star in the National Basketball Association (NBA), supports the unpopular dress code then-recently established by the league. The writer intends to show that the dress code has support among the players and that there are good reasons to support the code.The writer apparently wants the reader to understand that 1) some basketball players support this new rule, 2) that the manner in which people dress can make a difference in their lives, and 3) that some professional athletes can and do act as role models to their young fans.2. The occasion for the argument is both present and future. The first occasion arises from the ongoing argument that athletes should be role models for their fans, of which the dress code is a part. The second occasion for the argument is future, in that the present change that the author would like to effect would have an effect at a future date. 3. This article argues fact, evaluation, and proposa l. It argues fact by describing the actual dress code and the evidence of the other basketball players’ behavior in response to it.It evaluates that behavior and the probable effect that inappropriate dress might have on teens. Finally, it proposes different behaviors for basketball players as a group. 4. The target audience for this article appears to be basketball fans, particularly teenagers and their parents. 5. This article makes appeals from of logos and ethos. The author argues logically, stating cause and effect in terms of both how basketball players’ examples have an effect on their fans and 2) how an individual dresses affects other people’s perception.In addition, it argues using ethos when the author describes the words and actions of Julius Irving and of Jay Leno. 6. Charles Barkley is making the argument, which the author is reporting. Because Barkley is a basketball player himself, he appears to be reliable and to make a valid argument. 7. The au thor attempts to make himself appear trustworthy by interviewing Charles Barkley for his article. In addition, he provides illustrations of other basketball players, possibly to indicate that he knows–or at least knows of–the players of which he writes.8. Because Barkley was a basketball star and is currently employed as a TNT commentator, his words are already have authority. In addition, the author cites Julius Irving, the tape of the Jay Leno show, and the facts and figures involved in Barkley’s charitable work and business. 9. The arguments made do not define what the â€Å"appropriate†forms of dress might be, either according to the dress code or according to society. Nor does the argument define what it means to dress like a basketball player, as opposed to what it means to dress like other people.In addition, the author does not describe how Charles Barkley himself dresses. 10. There is some attempt to argue the dress code from a racial perspectiv e. However, a better argument that is also touched on is that young fans look up to professional athletes, who should provide good examples for them. The argument attempts to serve the interests of the fans, but professional athletes also gain from it by their increased credibility in the eyes of the public if they dress â€Å"appropriately. †11. The argument is framed by the discussion of the filming of the Jay Leno segment.It is arranged as a story within a story, in which the author discusses a conversation that takes place during the event that he describes in the opening of the article. 12. The language of the article is straightforward and simple and addresses a topic that the audience cares about. It appeals to the audience by making its points in an easy to understand fashion. Work Cited Stewart, Larry. â€Å"Barkley Fully Supports NBA’s New Dress Code. †Name of Textbook, Editor name (ed. ). City of Publication: Publishing House, date. 729-730.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Jake Beidler. Mrs. Voshell. Honors English 10. 5 May 2017.
Jake Beidler Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 5 May 2017 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, more like The Tragedy of Brutus The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is one of the better known, yet lesser understood theater installments by William Shakespeare in the Sixteenth Century. The play was first performed September 21, 1599 in the Globe Theatre in London, England. In the play there are many different and unique characters, some complex, some simple. Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, better known as Brutus, is one of the characters in the play and the protagonist of the play. Brutus is introduced fairly early in the play, Act I, Scene II to be specific. Brutus is one of the characters on the more complex side. Shakespeare developed the character of†¦show more content†¦Brutus aids the conspirators in the assassination of Julius Caesar because he believes it is for the good of Rome. In the end he realizes that the other conspirators had killed Caesar for a dishonorable reason and he has been tricked into killing one of his lifelong friends. T he decision created a butterfly effect on Rome and ultimately Brutus’ life. This is Brutus’ catastrophe; Caesar’s death. Brutus is one of the more complex character in Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Shakespeare added a lot of complexity to Brutus through dialogue, monologue, and soliloquy. Shakespeare created opposing desires in Brutus and created both hesitation and doubt. His major back-and-forth conflict is him trying to give himself an honorable reason for killing Caesar. He is manipulated by Cassius and the other conspirators into assassinating Caesar, a life-long friend of Brutus. â€Å"The ultimate factor in persuading Brutus to join the conspiracy is his belief, a belief based on the the letters cast in at his window or conspicuously left for him in public places†(Shalvi 71). When Caesar was attacked by the conspirators, it had been Brutus’ blade and betrayal that had finally killed him. During the beginning and the end of the play, Brutus struggled to accept that killing Caesar was not what he wanted to do. In his head, Brutus is content that he killed Caesar for the good of Rome. In a speech to Romans after Caesar’s death he says, â€Å"Not that I loved Caesar less, but
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