Saturday, December 28, 2019
Free Online Computer Courses for Adults
Whether you are new to the computer or just want to brush up on your skills, you can find free computer classes online to meet your needs. Through them, you can work through tutorials, which is a great way to practice computer skills you can use every day at home or at work. Entry-Level Computer Classes There are numerous computer classes designed for beginners; they cover a variety of topics, from email and web browsing to word processing and graphic design. GCFLearnFree: This treasure trove of free classes is designed for all computer owners, whether youre a PC, Mac, or Linux fan. Free classes cover email, internet browsing, and Mac and Windows basics. For more advanced users, there are free classes in social media, cloud storage, image editing, and mobile devices that bring you up to date with the most recent hardware and software.Alison: ALISON ABC IT is a free online information technology course that teaches everyday computing as it relates to work and life. The course focuses on Microsoft Office applications and touch typing. Topics include computer software and hardware, file management, IT safety, email, and word processing. The program takes 15 to 20 hours to complete, and a score of 80% or more in each of the course assessments qualifies you for a self-certification from Alison.Home and Learn: All the free online tutorials at the Home and Learn site are aimed toward complete beginnersâ€â€you dont need any experi ence to get started. Tutorials cover Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 10, and several courses cover dealing with spyware. Their Beginners Guide to Going Wireless addresses all the basics, including routers, necessary supplies, and safety.Free-ed: Free-ed offers a comprehensive collection of free e-books, courses, and tutorials. Subjects include computer programming, operating systems, database operations, and web scripting, and as well as more advanced topics like design, networking, communications, game design, animation, and virtual reality.Meganga: Meganga provides free basic computer training for beginners and seniors. The video tutorials cover computer basics, Windows, troubleshooting, Word, Outlook, and other topics. Intermediate and Advanced Computer Classes Once youve mastered the basics, you may wish to explore more advanced computer applications, including program design, data analysis, and cybersecurity. FutureLearn: This site offers hundreds of free online courses from top universities and other organizations. These classes last up to several weeks each and are suitable for intermediate and advanced computer users. Topics include robotics, social media, digital accessibility, managing your identity, searching and researching, and cybersecurity.Coursera: Coursera also features a long list of free courses from universities, as well as renowned institutions like IBM. Computer and technology subjects range from coding languages to data science and machine learning.
Friday, December 20, 2019
How Social Media Has Changed My Role As A Nursing Student...
In this assessment I will explore and examine; what it means to be a health professional in a global environment. Furthermore, I will demonstrate a range of literacies that inform health care and practice. I will also briefly describe how I currently use and engage with social media and technology as well as how my use of social media will change my role as a nursing student and future health care professional. I will be discussing guidelines and code of conducts created by various corporations. I will then finally conclude my findings by discussing my discoveries and understanding of the use of social media. In this assignment I will be examining secondary sources such as books, articles, peer reviewed journals, and textbooks. In this society, people are becoming too dependent on technology. I believe technology is a very important communication method for health care professionals. The downfall of technology is the fact that it is always upgrading or changing, meaning there is cons tant alterations within medical units. It has become clear that technology is fluctuating how the health professionals communicate to one another and associate with their clients (Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Jes Hess, Time Reichling, Lin Wan Volker Wulf, 2013, p. 1). Being a health care professional means as an individual and by the rules of the Stripling Model of inquiry, your expectations are to provide purpose and meaning to everyday life and care, performing by both ethic andShow MoreRelatedAssessment Of Reflective Report On The Health Of A University Nursing Student And A Future Registered Nurse1260 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper will outline what it means to be a health professional in a global environment and to demonstrate health care practise. 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Telecommuting, storing of information in virtual storage areas called â€Å"clouds,†and the ever-present sharing of ideas and information and transactions between people and companies have changed the way futures are built and professionsRead MoreHealth and Social Care Essay14559 Words  | 59 PagesR/602/2954 Understand Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings Workbook for Employment Rights and Responsibilities The Workbook Purpose – The purpose of the workbook is to support you the learner in gathering and recording evidence towards your LAO Level 2 Award in Employment Rights and Responsibilities in Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings. Content – ThisRead More‚Äà ºa Contemporary View on Health Care System in Bangladesh.‚Äà ¹14806 Words  | 60 PagesContemporary view on Health Care System in Bangladesh’’ is the outcome of Internship Program which is a precondition for acquiring MBA Degree. Only curriculum activities are not enough for handling the real business environment, so it is necessary to get the better knowledge about the real scenario. The report is a requirement of the internship program for my MBA Degree. Conduction of Internship/ Dissertation started on 20th December 2009 and ended on 12th February 2010. My internship supervisorRead More Lifespan reflective paper6038 Words  | 25 Pagespaper is to present a comparison of my knowledge and understanding of lifespan development at the outset of course PSY 7210 Lifespan Development and at the courses’ end. In this paper I will explore lifespan development by identifying and discussing the stages of de velopment, theoretical perspectives and research related to lifespan development. I will conclude with discussing how my knowledge and understanding of lifespan development can be applied within my specialization of Industrial-Organizational
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibilty Broader View or Narrow View
Question: Discuss about theCorporate Social Responsibilty Broader View or Narrow View. Answer: Introduction Corporate social responsibility is the management concept according to which the companies are required to incorporate the environmental and the social concerns in to the operations of the business. Basically CSR is a business approach that helps in contributing towards the sustainable development by delivering, environmental, social and economical benefits to all the stakeholders. There are many definitions and practices of the corporate social responsibility(E., 2009). According to the various empirical researches that have been conducted in the past few decades it has been observed that the corporate social responsibility provides a good pay off for both the stakeholders and the company. There are number of reasons for which the companies require the corporate social responsibility. So the requirement of the corporate social responsibility in all the phases needs the companies to have a ethical obligation towards the various stakeholders(Alder, 2008). There has been a great influence of the organizations regarding their responsibility towards the corporate social responsibilities due to which the companies have started thinking beyond earning more and more of profits(M., 2008). According to the World Business Council For Sustainable Development CSR has been defined as a commitment by the business according to which they are required for maintaining morality, ethical environment for contributing towards the economic development so that there can be the improvement in the quality of the life of the families and workplace along with the improvement on the quality of life of the community and the society(Adams, 2001). According to the International Finance Corporation or IFC, the CSR has been defined as a business commitment for the economic development and this definition resonate with the definition of world business council of sustainable development through stating the fact that it is the responsibility of the business to work with the employees, local communities, families and the society in such a manner that everything is done for the benefit for the business on long term basis(Bartlett, 2003). The Corporate social responsibility gained much of popularity in the 1960s and after that CSR has been considered as a important part of the company and with the passage of years there have been lots of responsibilities comprised within its definitions that includes moral and legal responsibilities. There are basically two distinct views of corporate social responsibility that are the narrow view and the broad view of corporate social responsibility. The Broad and Narrow View of Corporate Social Responsibility One of the most disputed issues during this time in the companies is the corporate social responsibility. There are two extreme view of corporate social responsibility in the business, that is the narrow view and the broad view(Bowie, 2002). If we look from one angle that is the classical view, it is seen that according to the classical view, it is said that the business organizations are the economic organizations that have the sole motive of earning more and more profit and there is only one responsibility that they have towards the society and it is that they shall provide the goods and services that are necessary to the society in the exchange of providing the maximum profits to their shareholders. This classical view was very much supported by Noble prize winner and economist Milton Friedman. According to him it is the sole responsibility of the business and the company to carry out the operations of the business in such a manner that its satisfy the interests of the shareholder s and these interests of the shareholders coincides with the maximum profits of the company(Chun, 2005). While on the other hand there is social economic view about CSR according to which it is said all the business companies are the part of the society and therefore it has the responsibility towards the society in which it operates, there responsibility cannot be restricted to the maximization of the profits(Collins, 2005). The various supporters of the view said that after looking in to the financial aspect of the business organizations, the companies will be automatically benefited if they are responsible towards the society(Amao, 2011). There have been a great scrutiny of both the view of the corporate social responsibility and both the views have been argued extensively as this arena is becoming something very essential for the society as a whole. As the passage of time the narrow view of the corporate social responsibility is getting fade and the socio economic view or the broader view of the corporate social responsibility is getting much momentum(Crane, 2007). On the international front as well there are many business houses who are adopting the corporate social responsibility along with the economic interests. As explained in the above discussion the narrow view suggests that then main objective of the business is earning and maximizing profits. There are many scholars who support different views and argue on the narrow and the broad view of the CSR. As for example it has been stated by Levitt that there are basically two responsibilities of the business(Urip, 2010). One responsibility is the compliance with the basic standards of the business however the second is the profit maximization. According to Friedman it has been argued that the business should concentrate on the profit maximization and not the social well being of the company. It is further argued by the business that the business corporations are the artificial persons and hence they have artificial responsibilities. Business are the artificial organizations and have the main responsibility is on the proprietors and the executives who are the main people liable for the same(K., 2008). It is further stated by the narrow view of the corporate social responsibility that it is the responsibility of the company for making money; hence the companies have the responsibilities and goals for making the money. It is also stated by Friedman that there are certain amount of social responsibilities for the various executives for making money and maximizing the profits. The social responsibilities of the company include spending the money of the shareholders for the general interests for the way of tax owners like the tax community causes(S., 2014). Further, it is argued by Friedman that the main responsibility of the business organization is indulging itself in the various activities that helps in increasing the profits and that include the various profit maximization schemes that should be according to various laws that shall be made by the business in an free and open competitive market without deceptions and fraudulences(S. S. , 2007). When there is no use of force than the profit maximization cannot be considered wrong. However there are various instances in the business of the force due to which the markets and the businesses get wrong impression. On the contrary the broader view of the corporate social responsibility states that other than gaining the objective of the profit maximization there are other various responsibilities of the business towards the society and the community where the businesses operate and address the negative consequences of the business on the community and the society(S. H. , 2009). There are different rules related to the corporate social responsibility for the companies and they depend on various factors. The distribution of the profit that is earned by the company needs to be decided in an exclusive manner. For this various values are imposed through the analyses of the various factors that might affect the profits of the company. For this various strategy plans are prepared from time to time so that better benefits could be provided to the society and the clients of the company. In this sense the broad view relates to the various market trends whose regulations are not dependent on the federal a uthorities. The change that needs to be implemented in the business always keeps on revolving around the various trends that are positive in nature. In the broader view of the CSR the social trends through which the society and the community could be benefited are considered are important for providing various benefits to the system. So, here it becomes imperative for the leaders to develop the various stages that are important for the implementation of the different changes that are important for the business. While, on the other hand in the narrow view, the various benefits are associated with the particular aspects or the organization only. These are the most important factors that the companies often consider. If the company does not take proper steps in regards to this than it might be possible that the company may not be able to reap the expected benefits that are associated. For this proper measures are taken so that the negative impacts can be lowered in the various decisions of the organization. Accepting the Broader View There are number of supporters for both the broader and the narrow views of the corporate social responsibility. However, there are more benefits in the favor of the broader view due to the association of the various reasons associated with this view. There are various arguments that are presented from time to time to support the narrow view of the corporate social responsibility. The first argument that is based in the favor of this view is the Adam Smiths invisible hand argument. According to this argument it is the responsibility of the organizations for the promotion of the self interests and during the stage the organizations would be guided by the invisible hand for doing the social good. On the other hand if the companies are forced to follow the CSR then they might not be able to meet the needs that are of materialistic nature(L, 2009). However, it becomes worth noting that this view is very old and it does not exists in the real times. In the present times the corporations are more powerful as compared to the government. The second argument supporting the narrow view is that it is the responsibility of the government for the regulation of activities of the organizations and looking that they are ethically correct. It is very important here to be mentioned that the government alone cannot regulate the ethically correct and unethical behaviors of the organizations(P., 2009). Further, it is quite of impossible for the government to predict the probable behaviors of the companies. The third argument here is that the organizations alone cannot be trusted for the good or the well being of the society or the community as the companies does not have probable expertise and knowledge. Also there are many organizations who are of private nature and are also capable of looking in to the well being of the community and the society. Another argument is that there are many corporate executives those who do not possess the social and the moral capabilities for taking the decisions for the social welfare of the society. It is worth noting that there is no person who is born perfect with all the capabilities. People are able to learn along with their responsibilities and work. The company shall never lack behin d in case of the corporate social responsibility. Finally, it has also been argued that if people are given the responsibility of corporate social responsibility than they would convert the society in to materialistic and commercial place. If we move towards the broader view, we would observe that number of contentions is there in support of the corporate social responsibility and its adoption as broader view. Firstly, there are many duties of the organizations towards the stakeholders, customers, employees, environment and suppliers. Secondly, there is a very well known saying that there are greater responsibilities along with great powers. Business organizations have number of responsibilities towards the society that are very much influential. Thirdly, the organizations have a universal social contract with the society. According to this contract the society is responsible for making the various rules, regulations and responsibilities under which the organizations are required to operate. Therefore if the society is concentrating on the environment and its sustainability than the organization shall also abide by the various norms created by the society(Crowther D, 2008). CSR and Ethics There is a lot of difference between the narrow and broad view of CSR which can be very well explained through the ethical theory and its application. According to the stakeholders theory there are many individuals who are affected by the actions, policies and procedures of the organization. But there are many stakeholders who have some specific legal rights. As for example, in the case of large organizations there are primary as well as secondary stakeholders. Under these conditions there are no legal rights with the environmental group. I would recommend the broader view of CSR , because if the narrow view will be used than many of the rights of the stakeholders will be ignored. In the past the corporations have normally been criticized for affecting the environment adversely and wasting the natural resources. Recommendations It is required that all the organizations shall abide to the various guidelines for a concrete CSR so that there is a transformation of the large organizations in to productive corporations that can affect the companies in a positive manner. There are many policies laid down by the CSR guidelines according to which the organizations are expected to give away some of their success and wealth to the society so that they could support the society. Secondly, it is very well known fact that the primary source of wealth is the natural environment and it is being abused by the humans. The organizations those who take the CSR seriously would understand there responsibilities towards the society and that they are not here to damage the society. It is recommended that all the organizations shall always remunerate their employees for the work so that the organizations can be successful in the near future. There shall be equal pensions, benefits, plans and salaries given to the employees. There shall be reasonable products and services provided to the employees. Conclusion At last it can be concluded that CSR is the duty of the organizations and that should be performed by the organizations in an effective manner. Generally, there should not be any kind of influence or force on the organizations for performing such duties. But, there are some social media, government, and the advocacy groups that force the organizations to perform the CSR. It is very much evident from the above discussion that an active CSR is very useful for the organization and the society. Hence it is required that the CSR is considered to be the basic values and concepts of the business and by following the path of active CSR the companies could shift away from the exploitations of the society. The CSR concept can further help in making the organizations responsible without the adding of any kind of pressure on the authorities. Bibliography Adams, J. T. (2001). Codes of Ethics as Signals for Ethical Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, , 199-211. Alder, G. S. (2008). mployee Reactions to Internet Monitoring: The Moderating Role of Ethical Orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, , 481-498. Amao, O. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law: Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries. New York: Taylor Francis. Bartlett, D. (2003). Management and Business Ethics: A Critique and Integration of Ethical Decision-Making Models. . British Journal of Management, , 223-235. Bowie, N. (2002). Kantian Approach to business Ethics. . A Companion to Business Ethics, Blackwell, . Chun, R. (2005). Ethical Character and Virtue of Organizations: An Empirical Assessment and Strategic Implications. Journal of Business Ethics, , 269-284. Collins, H. a.-B. (2005). Discriminating Ethics. Human Relations. UK. Crane, A. . (2007). Business Ethics. UK: Oxford University Press. Crowther D, C. N. (2008). The Ashgate research companion to corporate social responsibility. England: Ashgate 2008. E., S. (2009, 10 29). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. Economic Affairs , pp. 5-10. K., D. (2008). Corporate social responsibility, new activism and public relations. Social Responsibility Journal , 104-119. L, Z. (2009). Corporate social responsibility, corporate restructuring and firm's performance. Berlin: Springer Publications. M., A. (2008, 10 5). Social Responsibility Journal . Special issue on Corporate social responsibility in transitional economies , pp. 10-15. P., S. (2009). The business case for corporate social responsibility. Heidelberg:: Physica-Verlag 2009. S., A. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and stock market actors: a comprehensive study. Social Responsibility Journal , 210-225. S., H. (2009). Corporate social responsibility. Detroit,: Greenhaven Press 2009. S., S. (2007). Corporate Social Responsibility and the Fetter of Profitability. . Social Responsibility Journal , 31-39. Urip, S. (2010). CSR Strategies: Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Leadership and Learning for Journal of Management -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Learning for Journal of Management. Answer: A true leader is one who possess the qualities of knowing, showing and going all the way (Maxwell, 2018). For the purpose of being a good leader one must have a clear vision about the goals of an organization. Such leader must know the objectives of the organizations. It can be said that a leader who does not know his goals cannot lead others. Knowing the destination is of primary importance for leading any team (Antonakis Day, 2017). However, due to the change in the market conditions and the change in the policies of the organizations leaders are required to have the ability and skill to adapt to the changes and shift their visions. Adjustments and changes in the visions of leaders do not pose any problems to the leaders as long as the leader knows the way to achieve the visions. Such changes and adjustments in the visions must not occur frequently as it might make a good leader feel distracted and lose confidence. A good and efficient leader must go all the way while demonstrating his leadership skills. In most instances leaders just show the way to their subordinates to achieve the visions he has for the organizations (Shanafelt Noseworthy, 2017). However, the leaders themselves are unwilling to go all the way and provide a demonstration to the subordinates about how to achieve the goals. A good and efficient leader is one sets an example for others to follow. A true leader always shows the right path to his subordinates to follow. A leader must not show the way to his team but also keep the members of the close so they not feel lost and confused about how to reach the goal (Senge, Hamilton Kania, 2015). A good leader shares his vision with the rest of the team and motivates them to achieve the vision shared by them. A good leader as opined by Senge must act like the designer of a ship rather than its captain. The leader must create a common vision for the team. He must determine and formulate policies, structures and strategies and transform business ideas into decisions to be followed by the team. For the purpose of assessing the leadership qualities which include (knowing, showing and going) the importance of organizational learning must be discussed. Organizational learning can be defined can be defined as the body of work which takes into account many disciplines of both social and natural sciences (Shafritz, Ott, Jang, 2015). The disciplines of anthropology, sociology and psychology are important contributors to the process of organizational learning. The process of organizational learning is intricately related to many other major fields such as organizational communication, leading change, individual motivation and accountability, creativity and innovation and management and leadership development (Li, et al., 2014). The phenomenon of organizational learning can be defined by two different schools of thoughts. They are: Cognitive school Behavioral school According to the cognitive school it can be said that organizational learning takes place through mental models, schemas and structures that help us understand situation and events and also allow us to interpret and respond to our environment (O'Donnell King, 2014). However the Behavioral school suggests that the process of organizational learning s done by having a good understanding and gaining insights from experience. Such insights and experience can be gained through observation, experimentation, analysis and examination of the results of the actions undertaken by the business leaders (Sessa London, 2015). It can be said that the need for organizational learning has become necessary now more than ever before as businesses are tend to move from stable to unstable conditions in the global marketplace. Companies have realized the need to rejuvenate themselves and re formulate their policies for ensuring short and long term success as competitions, market conditions, technology, customer demands are evolving. Encouraging a culture of learning is of topmost priority to the leading businesses because organizational learning contributes to creation of competitive advantage by enhancing the organizational effectiveness and performance. After having discussed the meaning and importance of organizational learning, it can be said that organizational learning can be assessed and evaluated by the application of three classical theories (Kolb, 2014). They are: Adaptive and generative learning theory from the cognitive school Experimental earning theory from the cognitive school Assimilation theory from the behavioral school Adaptive and Generative learning theory The theory of adaptive and generative learning had been devised by Peter Senge. It is based on the theory of Kolbs ELT model (Chiva Habib, 2015). The Adaptive and Generative learning theory has identified mental models which involve generalizations, deeply ingrained assumptions or images and pictures that help us to have a good understanding of the world and understanding of how actions are taken. It can be said in accordance with this theory that some of the skills and abilities required by individuals at the organizational level include: building a shared vision, personal mastery team learning and systematic thinking. This theory differentiates between generative and adaptive learning. Adaptive learning can be characterized by paying attention to the foundation of existing knowledge. Existing knowledge is amended with new thinking to achieve an objective. Adaptive learning is particular importance to organizations as organizations seek continuous improvement. The generative learni ng theory however is different from the Adaptive learning theory as it seeks to generate new information from the foundation of existing knowledge. Generative learning becomes useful to an organization when new strategies, product lines and other assets are required urgently (Sessa London, 2015). Generative learning is effective in producing radical ne changes in the organization. Thus it can be said that leaders in an organization can develop their leadership skills by the application of principles as enumerated in the aforementioned theory. Leaders are required to know their vision for the purpose of leading their teams. By the application of principles of this theory, leaders can access the information which is required to make innovative strategies to lead their respective teams. For the purpose of leading their teams leaders are required to formulate strategies for their team members so that they can achieve their shared vision. Formulation of such strategies requires leaders to have in depth knowledge about adaptive and Generative information. Experiential Learning theory- The experiential learning theory had been devised by Kolb and the same is based on psychology, physiology and philosophy (Kolb, 2014). The Experimental theory has influenced organization and leadership significantly and has significantly contributed to the learning organization principles. The basic premise of this theory is that the process of learning occurs through grasping and transforming experience. The experiential learning theory is constituted of a learning cycle with a four stage model. Concrete experience and abstract conceptualization makes up the grasping component while reflective observation and active experimentation constitutes the component of transforming experience (Sessa London, 2015). It can be said that in this learning process a learner moves though a cycle of experiencing, thinking, reflecting and acting in a repeating progression which is unique to each learning experience. In this learning process the specific experiences generate observation and reflectio n. Such concrete concepts are integrated and internalized and into abstract concepts, which in turn generates behavioral experimentation. Thus after being provided with a detailed analysis of the theory of Experiential learning, it can be said that leaders are required to create an atmosphere of learning within the organizations. Assimilation theory This theory is comparatively different from the other cognitive theories. According to this theory, organizational learning is primarily focused on changes, which are based on action. Such changes take place in an organization as the individuals learn through their performance (Engestrm, 2014). According to the Assimilation theory, organizational learning can be characterized as rational, observable and quantifiable. This theory has put forward a learning process comprised of three unique stages. These stages are: Knowledge acquisition which consists of creation and development insights, skills and relationships Knowledge sharing which consists of disseminating what has been learned Knowledge utilization, which is comprised, of implementation of the knowledge through policies that can be applied in general situations. The aforementioned three stages are behavior linked and focuses on practical application rather than cognition. Seven learning orientation have been proposed for the purpose of defining this method of organizational learning. The seven orientations are: Identifying the source of the knowledge Focus on what is produced by the organization versus how the organization aims to deliver its services and products Documentation of the knowledge- Assessing public availability vs individual possession of knowledge Mode of Dissemination- How the knowledge acquired is to be disseminated among various departments of the organization Focusing on the learning process- Assessing the benefits of transformative versus incremental learning Focusing on value chain- Assessing whether investing in market and deliver or design and make functions would be beneficial Focusing on development of skill- Assessing the benefits of development of skills by individuals vs development of team skills. Thus after analyzing the principles of this theory it can be said that leaders are first required to identify the source of the knowledge required for building the vision. He is then required to share the knowledge gathered by him with other team members so that they can share the vision of the leader. Finally he is required to focus on the learning process and assess the benefits of transformative learning versus incremental learning and assess the development of skills of the team members. Reference list: Antonakis, J., Day, D. V. (Eds.). (2017).The nature of leadership. Sage publications. Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., Jang, Y. S. (2015).Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning. Li, Y., Chen, H., Liu, Y., Peng, M. W. (2014). Managerial ties, organizational learning, and opportunity capture: A social capital perspective.Asia Pacific Journal of Management,31(1), 271-291. Chiva, R., Habib, J. (2015). A framework for organizational learning: zero, adaptive and generative learning.Journal of Management Organization,21(3), 350-368. Kolb, D. A. (2014).Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Engestrm, Y. (2014). Activity theory and learning at work. InTtigkeit-Aneignung-Bildung(pp. 67-96). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. O'Donnell, A. M., King, A. (Eds.). (2014).Cognitive perspectives on peer learning. Routledge. Sessa, V. I., London, M. (2015).Continuous learning in organizations: Individual, group, and organizational perspectives. Psychology Press. Senge, P., Hamilton, H., Kania, J. (2015). The dawn of system leadership.Stanford Social Innovation Review,13(1), 27-33 Shanafelt, T. D., Noseworthy, J. H. (2017, January). Executive leadership and physician well-being: nine organizational strategies to promote engagement and reduce burnout. InMayo Clinic Proceedings(Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 129-146). Elsevier. Maxwell, J. C. (2018).Developing the Leader Within You 2.0. HarperCollins Leadership.
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